When you have curly hair, sleeping at night can cause curls to become knotted and matted. Fill shallow bowls with vinegar and place the bowls near affected areas, such as carpeting and furniture. You can find this product at most pet supply stores or order online. A skunk’s defensive spray is composed of a handful of chemical components. The smell from the skunk spray is so horrible that it can felt a mile away by humans. Use the following remedy to remove the skunk smell from your dog. “Skunk spray is very irritating to dogs. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. If you were to ask almost anyone about a skunk, they would make a couple of points. Don’t leave the solution on your hair for too long, as it can bleach your hair! We'll discuss the best way to sleep with curls. The best cleaning instruments are baking soda and bleach (especially for skunk sprays on wood or concrete). "I used the hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, liquid detergent treatment for my short-haired dog, and it worked great! Hopefully, you never encounter a skunk in your home or car, but it is not unusual for a dog to tangle with a skunk and take a good roll on the carpet or sofa. There are several internet myths for getting rid of skunk smell that may lead you astray. They are all safe for you, your house and your pets and are intended to actually remove rather than disguise the skunk smell. Commercially prepared cleaning sprays and. Get yourself and the pooch outside before bathing it. "We have a boxer and a great dane that encountered a skunk and what a mess! If necessary, place bowls of vinegar in the front and back seats for several days. For example, baking soda is a wonderful smell removal agent in this case. Get Rid of Skunk Smell Now. Then, scrub hard surfaces with diluted bleach and steam clean your carpets and furniture. I would use dawn to remove the oil, HP and Baking Soda, followed by Listerine again. You can also try products designed for this purpose, such as Skunk Off Liquid Soaker. Professional . Here’s a simple guide to getting the smell out of your life. wikiHow's. Remember not to pour pure vinegar anywhere in the car as it will damage the interior and leave a harsh smell. There are many ingredients in this remover proved to remove the oil causing odor in the skunk spray. Put on a pair of protective gloves and mix the ingredients well. It breaks up the oils in skunk spray that cause the awful smell and neutralizes the odor at the same time. There is a slight smell of skunk around his neck, but that is due to the fact we didn’t remove his fabric collar till after the second washing. Skunks have anal scent glands that are the most developed of all the animal kingdom. If you want to learn how to clean your pets after they've been sprayed by a skunk, keep reading the article! This article has been viewed 131,267 times. The skunk’s odour will spread far and wide when it sprays. It also vaporizes quickly, permeating practically everything it touches. Skunk spray also contains thioacetates. If you notice their eyes are red or watering, rinse them with cool water or with some eyewash solution; the type used for people is fine.” Once you address their face, you can tackle the rest of their smelly body. Both dogs came in the house before we, "All the tips helped, especially the use of peroxide. Skunk Odor Removal. Here’s how to get rid of skunk smell in the car ASAP: Mix one quart of hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda, and one teaspoon of liquid dish soap in a bowl. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The skunk can spray or die inside your duct line! Clean+Green Professional Strength DeSkunk Odor Eliminator, Remove The Skunk Smell from Your Pets and Home (14-Ounce), Made in the USA 3.6 out of 5 stars 40 $17.98 $ 17 . To get rid of skunk odor in your home, open all of the windows and turn on any fans you have. Always keep these ingredients on hand in case your dog runs into a skunk. Skip to content. The beauty of this product is it's quite natural and you can even use it in your washer. Most dry oils come from herbs, vegetables, or seeds. The term "dry oil" refers to any oil that dries quickly on your skin. You can also try a 10 to 90 mixture of white vinegar and water. Contrary to urban legend and online myth, tomato products, such as tomato juice and sauce, do not eliminate skunk smell. It was midnight when my dog was sprayed - wikiHow to the rescue! If you or your pet is unfortunate enough to get sprayed by a skunk, you may find yourself in a panic. You can also soak in a baking-soda bath for 15 to 20 minutes: If your pet gets sprayed, create a homemade mixture of: Lather this mixture onto your pet’s fur and let it sit for five minutes. This homemade skunk smell remover is an easy recipe to make to remove skunk odor and it really works! It requires baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and liquid dishwashing soap (the kind made for washing dishes by hand). Wash your skin and hair with the solution again if necessary, and rinse the solution off before washing with soap. Though somewhat less effective than the alternative, vinegar works reasonably well to get rid of skunk smell, and it’s much less harsh. Skunk odor remover is also an option for getting skunk smell out of the car. Rinse and air dry. As you may not know, skunk odor remover is also an eco-friendly product. Use a 10 to 90 solution of bleach and water, or a solution of hydrogen peroxide, water, and baby shampoo to wash down the car’s interior, including the carpet and the seats. In inclement weather, keep your pet in a garage if possible, or confined to a single room in the house. Get yourself and the pooch outside before bathing it. If the smell got on your clothes too, soak them in diluted hydrogen peroxide for an hour before machine washing them. Along with home remedies like peroxide mixtures and tomato juice, there are also over the counter products you can buy that are designed to neutralize and remove skunk stink from your dog’s fur. Home; 3 Skunk Spray Types; Faq; Success Stories; Contact; Call Now; 3 Skunk Spray Types. There are so many variables to this situation so the long story short is, if your clothes smell like skunk, chances are you’ve come in contact with it somewhere in your home or by your pet. There are a few ingredients that should be readily available at your home useful for removing the terrible smell of skunk. What’s Causing This Thick, Rubbery Nasal Mucus? There are so many variables to this situation so the long story short is, if your clothes smell like skunk, chances are you’ve come in contact with it somewhere in your home or by your pet.