Love (551) IMDb 6.1 2 h 14 min 2015 18+ Murphy is an American living in Paris who enters a highly sexually and emotionally charged relationship with the unstable Electra. Love encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection, to the simplest pleasure. Love vibrates very fast, whereas fear-based emotions (think jealousy, possessiveness, hatred, greed, etc.) Whether you are the one being loved or giving love (or both), never let that feeling go. God's love takes many forms throughout the stories of scripture. 90. "Love is a gift of one's inner most soul to another so both can be whole." Storge ["store-jay"], or familial love, is a kind of philia pertaining to the love between parents and their children. They can actually measure them. Video playlists about Love. A strong feeling of affection and concern toward another person, as that arising from kinship or close friendship. Discover the best Bible verses about God's love in … 1. I love you so much, honey. "The way is not in the sky. Love is the highest vibration emotion that there is. Wisdom for living with death and loss. My love for you grow stronger with time, and I will never let go of you. My life is a dream, and you are the beautiful fairy in it. A strong feeling of affection and concern for another person accompanied by … Parts of the Bible even refer to God as love itself. It’s not about materialistic things – love is about the life you share together. Love 2016 TV-MA 3 Seasons TV Comedies Rebellious Mickey and good-natured Gus navigate the thrills and agonies of modern relationships in this bold comedy co-created by Judd Apatow. Starring: Gillian Jacobs, Paul Rust, Claudia O'Doherty Science has proven that emotions like love and fear have very different vibrations. "Love is the absence of judgement" Dalai Lama. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.” Buddha. Thank you for marrying me, my beautiful wife. I love how you keep on taking my breath away every single time. You are the epitome of beauty. Why and how do we fall in love? Here is a famous love quote from Audrey Hepburn, claiming that the love between two people is truly the best thing in life. “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. 91. In these TED Talks, scientists, psychologists, poets and painters explore the mystery of romance. 10 … Love could be explained as wanting the best for someone, and that's exactly what God intends for us. 93. 92. Unaware of the seismic effect it will have on their relationship, they invite their pretty neighbor into their bed. 2. vibrate very slowly. Talmud, Chullin 84b. "A man should eat and drink less than his means, clothes himself according to his means, and honor his wife and children beyond his means." love verb [T] (LIKE SOMEONE) A1 to like another adult very much and be romantically and sexually attracted to them, or to have strong feelings of liking a friend or person in your family: An example of this range of meanings is that the love of a mother differs from the love of a spouse, which differs from the love of food.