In order to make it as easy as possible to interpret the dream of seeing cobras, it is important to understand the surroundings of this dream, and your actual feeling at the time of seeing the snake. Hell: A vision of hell is a prediction of physical suffering or mental anguish in your future, which may be caused by friends or enemies. You will find contentment with your family. Floods: Successful trade, safe voyage for traders. And usually, it is inside the tunnel that we encounter our deepest and most unconscious thoughts. 13 Most Interesting Facts About Hinduism – Sanatana Dharma, 16 Personality Facts about Taurus Zodiac Sign, Navagraha – Significance of Nine Planetary Gods in Hindu Dharma. For instance, if the vehicle is large, your organization is enabling your experience, if the vehicle is an ambulance, then you require healing of some sort, and if the vehicle is a police car, it means that you require discipline. Some people do see Garuda in their dreams. Find out what your future may hold with this Hindu dream interpretation encyclopedia. Hindu dharma has established a roadmap to understanding the secret message of the subconscious. Fire is linked to transformation and change. You will be elevated to a state of wealth and dignity. An eclipse symbolizes death, the loss of hope and pleasure, and friendships that end in betrayal. The cause of the fire explosion can offer you important clues. If you dream of a calm ocean, then you will have a peaceful life. If you witness a murder, then it indicates a deep-seated anger towards someone. Your enemies will try to impugn your reputation, and you must be careful when choosing friends. If you dream of being fired or laid off, it suggests a future of professional and personal misfortune. Auspicious dreams of Jamadagni Parashurama 1. If you are ill and dream of death, that means your health will improve. 9. If you see an invisible fire in your dream, this dream is a symbol of purification and internal cleansing of your own personality. Pigs: A mixed omen, dreams of pigs suggest misfortune will befall you. It might signify desire, passion, destruction, transformation, purification, enlightenment, but also anger. The fact that your relative is dead in the dream most likely doesn't have as much meaning as do your most honest feelings about them when they were alive. If a woman dreams about fire, it indicates that she is full of love and hope for the life. It also represents health and well-being. If you are blowing up the balloon, then you are setting your goals and ambitions for something. Disease: If a sick person dreams of disease, it means recovery from illness. Enemies abound. It is quite a common dream amongst the ones who have been out of school than amongst the one in school. Having a bath with water. Mara I too had a dream of seeing a sidhar in a temple. (2020, August 29). Fire: Dreaming of fire predicts health and great happiness, kind relations, and warm friends. Flowers: Seeing flowers in dreams represents rewards, honors and success. If you get wet in the rain, it means that your troubles and problems are getting washed away. Sandalwood paste sprinkled all over his body. If you are the starting point, it is asking you to take a look back at your own starting point of something. Dead Relatives. In case you see the forest in a fire, it means that you might have health problems. If you dream of being chased by someone, it indicates that you have been avoiding alarming issues in your own life. You see a cobra snake. Such a fire can also represent passions that are not con fined by rigidity and custom. Alternately, it might symbolize temptation, danger or forbidden sex or that there is someone around you who can’t be trusted. It does also mean grief, bad luck, and unhappiness. If you see a baby who is sick, it means that somebody among your relatives will die. Dream about seeing your dead mother happy; This kind of dream may make you happy too because when a loved one dies, it is always a wish for them to be in a happy place. You will win universal respect for your efforts. Elephant: Dreaming of this animal represents good health, success, strength, prosperity, and intelligence. If you see an old man or an old woman, it means that you are taking a wise decision. If the ocean is stormy, your life will be tumultuous. And if you’re the one who’s being murdered, then it means important relationships are being severed and you are trying to disconnect with yourself. Dream of clouds represents our own thoughts. Lion: Dreaming of this noble beast suggests that honor and recognition lie in your future. Water: This indicates that a baby will soon be born. (accessed February 10, 2021). Meaning Maa is looking after you. They will deceive you. It means that you have been indifferent to something that requires compassion. Alternately, it might also mean that you have repressed anger or rage within yourself or towards others. A raging fire that sweeps into your house while you look on helplessly? Birds: To see birds flying is very unlucky; it denotes sorrowful setback in circumstances. Fire is a powerful yet ambivalent dream symbol. Thus, it is important to know what your dreams are made of. Embroidery: This symbol serves as a warning that the persons who love you are not true. 3. Most of the dreams of dead people have a definite meaning therefore, they must be considered seriously.. Generally, seeing a dead person in a dream indicates an auspicious sign for future life. Dreams of a good journey indicate positive conditions in your future, while a bad journey suggests impending troubles. If you dream of your father dying, however, great misfortune may lie in your future. Seeing fire in a dream shows one's problems will reduce. If you are locking, then it might mean that you are keeping your feelings and emotions inside. Press Esc to cancel. Birth: For unmarried women, to dream of giving birth to children is indicative of inevitable adultery. Praying in Hinduism - Why and How-to Do It Right. It signifies agility, fear, fierceness, superiority, and power. If the umbrella is closed, then it means that you are worrying too much unnecessarily. To dream of the mouse means that you have fear or lack of assertiveness within you. 10. Snakes: You have sly and dangerous enemies who will injure your character and state of life. If you put off fire, it represents that you will overcome the obstacles. Money: Receiving money in a dream denotes earthly prosperity, while dreams of giving it away suggest a generosity of spirit. In your dream you may have. Butter: Butter represents joy, bounty, and good fortune. It takes about the balance between our critical mind and our emotions. This is usually associated with your deep underlying emotional pain in your life, and the dream is a warning for the upcoming danger and risk in your life. Hindus revere fire so much it is associated with the God Agni and is religiously used for specific purposes. Advocate: A dream in which you are an advocate indicates that you will be prominent in the future. Owl: This animal represents sickness, poverty, disgrace, and sorrow in Hindu dream interpretation. In case you are the one who is abducting, then it means that you are holding onto something that you have not been able to let go of. 16/21 Dreams of the umbrella is pointing towards the need to take a closer look at your worries and fears. Fire is also a symbol of war, might, aggression, and male power. Boat: To sail in a boat or ship on smooth waters is lucky. Jail: If you dream that you are in jail or otherwise imprisoned, it is a sign that prosperity and good fortune are in your future. If you dream of having an affair with this man, it suggests you are becoming a vicious person. Home: A house symbolizes a domestic life that is peaceful and prosperous. Ass (animal): All your great troubles, in spite of despairing circumstances, will end in ultimate success after much struggle and suffering. Devil: Dreaming of the devil suggests great harm may lie in store for you in the future. Its energy is a potent symbol of eternal life or eternal damnation. It suggests a time of love and leisure. Disaster If Burning down everything – someone dreaming, that a place a house or field burned down completely due to a fire, will come calamity for local people through natural disaster or severe disease;. Agni Purana narrates the dream interpretation in Hindu mythology, such as seeing Lord Vishnu in dream meaning, brahmin in dream meaning, Lord Rama in dream meaning, and many more. If in your dream you talk to the dead, then it means that you have been hanging out with the wrong crowd or with negative people. Sivananda, Swami. What does Hindu Dharma say about Reincarnation? Dream of rain is related to forgiveness and space. Office: Your workplace represents negative feelings. You will meet with heavy disasters, but you will bear them with heroism. It usually is the case of your teeth falling out, crumbling, decaying or simply missing. If a man dreams about fire, it indicates that he is full of hope and confidence for the career. Battle: To dream of being in a battle hints at your having a serious quarrel with neighbors or friends. Dreams of marrying a sick person mean that person will die. Accident: These dreams symbolize personal afflictions such as physical pain or emotional hardship. If you dream of becoming a mother, then it reflects that deep down you know you need to show more caring and nurturing side of yourself in reality and that you haven’t been that self. Books: To dream of books is an auspicious sign, suggesting your future life will be very agreeable. To see a cobra in your dream is often considered to be a representation of your own personality. Here are some of the dreams that you might have and the Hindu interpretation of them. In case the snake is in your bed, then it suggests that you are feeling sexually overpowered or sexually threatened. Vehicle dreams refer to the control you have in your waking life. Dreaming of an elephant means good health, success, strength, prosperity, and intelligence, while dreaming about a lion suggests that honor, power, fame, or recognition lie in your future. 1. also see Fire. If so could you help me with my dream. Agni Purana is one of the 18 Puranas {holy ancient Hindu texts} that … On rough waters, it is unlucky. God: Although this is an uncommon dream symbol, dreaming of encountering a spiritual entity suggests you will have a transformative experience soon. Fighting: Fighting in a dream represents domestic discord, family fights, and misunderstanding between lovers. But if you see young people in your dreams, that means you will have a happy life. Seeing witnessing one between armies or negotiating a truce means relaxing, recovery of a sick person, caring for the wounded, ending of fear, business, profits, rebuilding, marriage, performing one’s prayer or doing good. 4. If you saw the flowers clearly in the dream, then the meaning of each color varies. If you see your mother in your dream, then it reflects the nurturing side of your own self. If you go deeper, it signifies your loss of power in your conscious life. Dying flowers represent chapters of our lives that are about to end. Seeing himself climbing a fruits-laden tree. When a person’s spiritual life is going down, this dream also reveals that you need to receive the baptism and the fire of the Holy Ghost. But dreaming of being pursued by a cow represents being pursued by an enemy. Alternately, it can indicate abandonment issues. 6. I have introduced only good dreams here, but dream of smoke or your house being completely burned is said to be bad dreams. If you see your mother in your dream, then it reflects the nurturing side of your own self. Earthquake: Dreams of an earthquake predict a great loss, either personal, professional, or financial. If your house is on fire in the dream, you will shift to new environment. Accusation: Being accused of something in your dreams can indicate that great misfortune lies in your path. Tunnel dream refers to the cycle of death and birth. If you are afraid of it, it means that you fear commitment to your partner. Dreaming that you are trying to run but cannot run means that you lack self-confidence. A Guide to the Fundamental Tenets of Hinduism. If the umbrella is open, then you must act carefully, especially with your actions in regards to others. To dream of dead relative usually represents an aspect of yourself based on their role in the family or your most honest feelings about them.. Eclipse: This is one of the bleakest dream symbols. Affluence: Contrary to what you may think, dreams of affluence actually symbolize poverty of some sort, be it financial or spiritual. To young men, dreaming of disease is a warning against evil company and intemperance. In dreams, it can signal a new beginning, spiritual illumination, sexual passion or disruptive emotions such […] Dream About Fire Explosion. As stated above bad dreams are from Shaitan. 12. Understanding the context of the flowers in the dream can assist us to heal. but I couldn’t find any interpretation for that either. It is not necessary that fire always represent the bad happenings and water represents the good happenings. did you got any information about the dream. Darkness signifies failure in work that you are attempting. Subconsciously, you have realized that you have been falling behind to address your own issues. Heaven: Dreams of heaven suggest that the remainder of your life will be spiritually happy and your death will be peaceful. On the other hand, dreaming of scorched fields suggests a future of hardship and famine. If you dream that you are the one who is marrying and you are single, it means you will never wed in real life. In case the water is murky, then it is an indication that you should not indulge yourself in new endeavors. Learning: Dreams of knowledge and education indicate that you will attain influence and respect. 2. Sivananda, Swami. But to see it ascending, it means that your current life is frustrating and you need to rise above it. Floods: Successful trade, safe voyage for traders. Volcano: Like thunder, this explosive symbol represents a future of upheaval and violence. The level of moisture in the cloud indicates the level of emotion with which we have been making our decisions. Eating good bread indicates good health and long life. In case the key is a skeleton, then it refers to an old memory that you have locked away. 1. Your mind is preoccupied and you are not sure how to deal with certain things in reality. Camel: Heavy burdens will come upon you. If you are not afraid of the fire and it is under control or contained in one area, then it is a symbol of your own internal fire … Founder of the Divine Life Society and the Yoga-Vedanta Forest Academy, he authored more than 200 books on yoga, Vedanta, and related subjects. Summary 7 lucks we can tell by dream of fire. To see yourself in a wedding setting represents the unconscious mind. Grave: This is a harbinger of death, usually of someone close to you. In case you have a naked dream, it symbolizes insecurity, humiliation, shame or feelings of vulnerability. These gifts can potentially change your life for the better. Young: If you dream that you yourself are young, that means you will soon die. The best course of action after such a dream is to lead a virtuous life and avoid temptations. Seeing an invisible fire. Burning Temple Incense Burning Hindu Christian Temple Burning Incense Burning Coal Body 1 Hermitage Frankincense Aloe Perfume Civet Fire Church Coal Incense Language Retreat Burning To see something burning in your dream indicates that you are experiencing some intense emotions and/or passionate sexual feelings. If you committed a murder, it means that you put an end to a former way of thinking. However, these hard times will be temporary, and you will emerge a stronger person for having experienced them. Forest dreams imply experience, vision, emotion. Cow: Cattle can represent many things in Hindu dream interpretation. This dream is warning you that it is time to make a new start and to leave the past behind you. Ocean: Dreams of the sea depend on how they appear. It can even signify irritation and annoyance. Music, hearing the sound of the Veena [a musical instrument] 2. If you’re worshipping Goddess Durga or any avatar of Ashyashakti, seeing a Tiger is a good sign. It shows that you will feel great sadness and stress because of what you will be going through. Dog biting in dream Hindu. Bankruptcy: Although you may not find yourself financially bankrupt in waking life, dreams of bankruptcy should be viewed as a warning to exercise caution in all business transactions. Alternately, it might also mean that you have some things to resolve with someone who has passed. FROM THE AGAMAS. "What Your Dreams Mean in Hindu Symbolism." If it is a consequence of something that you are doing now, then think about how you are going to stop it. • When a person sees fire in dream it represents love, blessings, glad tidings, losses and sins. Anger: Dreams containing anger symbolize a conflict with or negative feelings for someone you consider a close friend. Dreaming of abusing someone indicates that your past life is coming back to haunt you. It indicates disappointments and hopelessness in your own search for love. If you are lost in the darkness, then it denotes the feelings of insecurity and desperation. If you see yourself wasting time in your dream, like not being able to make it somewhere on time, then it shows that the result will be good. Which of these meanings fire has in our dream will depend a lot on the surrounding context. Nectar: To drink nectar in a dream indicates riches and prosperity; perhaps you will marry a handsome person who is very wealthy. It might also mean there are unsolved problems that you need to work out with your mother. Bachelor: Dreaming of a bachelor indicates that you will shortly meet with a friend. If you feel trapped in it, then there is something that is holding you back. If the fire was under control in your dream, and you were not afraid of … Seeing Dead Person in Dreams. If you talk to your mother in your dream, then it means that you have been facing difficulty with something that you require suggestions of. It signifies that you are aware of the fact that you have fear of being found unattractive in your dream, but not in reality. Desert: Traveling across a desert in a dream says that a long and tedious journey is inevitable. Dream Symbols And Their Meaning/Interpretation, The Origin of Gandharvas and Beautiful Apsaras, Concept of Dreams According to Hindu Dharma, Vedic Influence in Muslim countries like Iraq and Iran, The Physical & Spiritual Concept of Soulmates in Hinduism. Whether they remember the dream or not is a different question. The Vedas say that when fire is used to make sacrifices to … Here we are talking about fire in dreams. A wedding in a dream indicates that there is a new beginning in attitude to a lover or life in general. Hanging: Dreaming of being hanged in a positive omen, predicting that you will rise in society and become wealthy. One very interesting fact is that the dreams of falling usually occur in the first stage of sleep. Retrieved from Resist appeals to your baser instincts. Dinner: Eating dinner symbolizes a future where food and sustenance may be hard to come by. Boarding a tree. Seeing your dead mother happy in a dream means that you are beginning to accept that your mother is long departed from you. It can illuminate but also cause pain. Murder: To dream that you have murdered somebody suggests a violent and criminal future await you. 1- To be lighting or tending a bonfire in a dream indicates a need for cleansing some aspect of our lives. Auspicious dreams These dreams indicate a happy event or a happy period. Seeing a clear sky. But if you meet these challenges with determination and courage, you will succeed. If you are being abducted, then significantly it means that you are being manipulated by someone in reality. _____ The following is a lucid translation of passages from the Uttara Kamika Agama, chapter 22, verses 1-6, 22-13, 60-65, and 105-110 in which Lord Siva discusses the meanings of dreams. Seeing a girl, food-grains, birds, deep [lamp of oil in a place of worship] 7. Family ties may be strained or broken, especially if a death occurs, and fear and heartbreak lie in store. Baby: If you are nursing a baby, it denotes sorrow and misfortune. To see fire in the dream is a demonstrative work of the Holy Spirit to prepare and charge your spiritman for the battles ahead. Father: In dreams, the image of a father (yours or someone else's) is a representation of love and well-being. Dream of flowers signifies the events based on the various development cycle of the flower. Journey: A journey in a dream indicates that a great change is coming in your life. Pay close attention to this relationship and strive to resolve disputes quickly and fairly. It is also a metaphor for sadness or morose. They also indicate unresolved feelings about something or not being able to see through a problem. Some symbols are harbingers of great luck or grave danger, while others may predict a mix of fortunes. 5. But to ordinary persons, it indicates bad health and unfavorable circumstances. Hindu God Shani Bhagwan (Shani Dev): History and Significance, History and Significance of Diwali, the Festival of Lights. At times, if you are suffering from something, it implies that you are lost in your life and that you have deviated way far from your plan. When you dream of a devil, it means that you are occupied with negative thoughts or someone in your life is bringing you down emotionally. If the snake is tangling itself, it means that there is a subsiding threat or that the problem you were thinking about is not really a problem. Corpse: Seeing a corpse in a dream indicates a hasty and imprudent engagement in which you will be unhappy. It might be the sense of guilt if you dream of blood on your hands, or you’re overburdened if you are losing blood in your dream or having difficulty in social or emotional setting if you see someone else’s blood. Other way of interpreting might reflect the need to return to your natural self, to liberate yourself from certain ties that have been binding you and strive for freedom. To dream of participating in the game show means that there are certain aspects that you need to change your life, and usually, the meanings differ with the type of game show you are in. Water dreams are related to cleansing and emotional state. For example, the Phoenix is a bird of fire that after death, is reborn from the ashes of its predecessor. You may accumulate great power or fame, and you will be very happy. Abuse: Abuse, whether physical, mental, or emotional, represents a dispute between yourself and someone with whom you do business. Take it as a brain’s way of telling you to man up and face your problem head-on rather than hiding behind the curtain. You will mourn the death of some relative. To dream of blood means that you have a very deep underlying life experience that goes beyond your awareness. People dream. Alternately, it also means that you are taking a conventional approach to thing. Frogs: Dreaming of frogs indicates that you will achieve success in your endeavors, whatever they may be. Seeing Dead Person in Dreams or dreams of dead people play a crucial role in future indications related to auspicious and inauspicious forecasts. Women who dream of books while pregnant will give birth to a son who loves to read. Lamp: Lamps represent a warm, happy home life. It denotes riches and honor. Dreaming of being bitten by snake implies hidden fears that threaten you. If you dream of your mother being ill, that represents her own future sickness. It might mean that there is something in your conscious life that you are not aware of. Flowers: Gathering beautiful flowers is an indication of prosperity. Many symbols surprisingly indicate the opposite of what you might expect, while others are cognate with what they seem to portend. Cat: Another negative dream symbol, cats represent treachery and fraud. The sound of birdsong, however, symbolizes an improvement in personal fortunes. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) told us what to do upon seeing a bad dream. Dark clouds represent dark feelings inside of us – a rather brooding nature, or it might be feeling that we have failed to express the feelings. It means that you are strongly associated with your spirituality. If you see a ghost of someone real who is living, then it means the person might be wanting to harm you. Ghost: Ghosts are a very bad omen, suggesting that your difficulties will be overwhelming and your enemies will overpower you. Breaking one’s head or seeing one’death. Famine: In dreams, famine represents prosperity for the many and comfort for the individual. Death: Dreaming of death symbolizes a long, rich life. Dreams of being beautiful suggest that you will become ill or infirm and your physical appearance will deteriorate. At later parts, if you fall, your body trembles and you wake up. Singing: If you dream of singing, it may suggest a future of sorrow and crying. But to dream that you are the one who is being abused, then it means that you are victimized in the real life and that you have been taken advantage of by someone. If you see an old thing in your dream, it means that you need to replace or get rid of that thing. You have been experiencing thoughts of inadequacy and think that you are spending too much time becoming someone else rather than living your own path. Seeing death in dreams is equally good, especially if it’s yours; as this means you are being doubly blessed. Milking a cow represents the arrival of wealth or fortune. Blossoming flowers signify growth and development of yourself. The fire of the Holy Ghost is to activate and exercise your spiritual gifts. When we see fire in our dream it represents different things and happenings. If you are suffering for any reason, the distress will pass quickly, replaced by feelings of contentment. Dreams of mountains symbolize a victory of the certain instance. Seeing your own death. Keys are related to opportunities, access, control, secrets, freedom, knowledge or responsibilities. For example, the colorful flowers symbolize soul and sex. However, it can also indicate a positive change in your fortune, especially if you are disciplined. Gain of royal insignia. Leprosy: Dreaming of this disease suggest serious calamity in your future, one that may change your very being. If the sunshine is present, your journey will be successful. Dreaming about a blazing fire is a good sign which indicates good fortune and getting promoted. If you hear your mother call you, then It suggests that you have been negligent in your activities or responsibilities or that you have been pursuing the wrong path. Burned bread is a sign of a funeral and, thus, is bad. It might also indicate temptation or your ego. 11. It bodes ill for merchants, soldiers, and sailors. Seeing a king, an elephant, a horse, a bull, a cow or gold. If you are unlocking, then it means that you are close to finding the answer to something. A loved one may grow ill or pass away. Take some time to note or find out in the dream the cause of the fiery explosion. If you see a mountain range, then you are up for some new adventure. Wedding: This symbol means that you will attend a funeral in the future. But fleeing your home is not the answer; you must courageously confront the person. Fields: To walk in green fields represents great happiness and wealth; it is a time of widespread happiness and contentment. Sometime we see water and sometime we see fire. If you see a ghost, then it means that there is something in your life that is no longer obtainable or within reach. To fall into water indicates great peril. But to ordinary persons, it indicates bad health and unfavorable circumstances.