It shall be given to you—up to half the kingdom!”. “Kim Clement Prophecy of America and A Woman Named Esther” The meaning behind the name. We’re glad you enjoyed this. Humility, Courage, obedience.No matter what we are facing in this life, When we stick to God He will bring our original plan and destiny to come to fulfillment .I Always inquire from the Holy Spirit before taking any major decisions concerning your my life. Spiritual Warfare | Spirit of Haman | Fast & Pray Oct 7, 2019 Elizabeth Marie The LORD has been showing me more about our spiritual weapons of warfare and how to use them in the SPIRIT. Amen”. Thank you so much for these 10 amazing truths from the book of Esther. She managed to create a schedule so that she would always have different maids on Shabbat , so that no one would become aware that When the internal is elevated and beautiful it will show through to the external during this time period she was doing anything different. I tell you it will not go well for them in this hour. But I heard the Lord say- Because of the prayers of Esther and the anointing of Elijah, the Jezebel spirit will be dethroned and the spirit of Haman impaled. You’re welcome Marbella, glad I could help you understand the AMAZING meaning of the book of Esther with these 10 points! Esther was part of a plan—Most importantly, Esther (which means "star") was part of a plan, a divinely ordained blueprint for triumph that existed in the heart of God long before she was ever born. Esther and her family were among the Jews who stayed behind in Persia. The message is so transforming, encouraging and faith building. I really enjoyed this; I did not know anything about Esther. Esther 1:12: But when the attendants delivered the king’s command, Queen Vashti refused to come. Esther was one of my favorite Bible studies that I’ve done. This is like a special fun-fact not many people notice about the book of Esther: Unlike the many other books in the Bible, throughout whole book of Esther, the word “God” is not mentioned once. Mordecai was only her cousin. You have entered an incorrect email address! eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'redeemersavior_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_4',136,'0','0']));But no, she knew she had to fast. Except on this point it’s important to emphasize what enabled the beloved Esther to follow what God wanted for her to do. Are you a diamond or a ruby. The Bible tells us that whatever Hegai advised, ordered, and recommended Esther, she did.eval(ez_write_tag([[970,250],'redeemersavior_com-medrectangle-1','ezslot_6',121,'0','0']));report this ad. They shall be released from their shackles and begin to flow with new life. The Spirit of Esther Ministry is modeled after the life of Queen Esther from the bible. Because of things going on in the world between Israel, Iran and the USA, and the fact that Purim is being celebrated beginning at sunset on March 7, 2012, I am resubmitting it for your consideration. The term spirit guide infers that these energies are positive in nature and become known to us to offer assistance in one way or another. Thank you and may our beautiful Lord Jesus bless you greatly! My name is Esther, am an orphan , I felt every word in this content like it were meant for me. It’s doesn’t matter how much death, chaos, disorder, problems there were in the book of Esther(or in your life). I love this book and the example that God intended for us to see in the life of Esther. thanks! © Copyright 2021. The Holy Spirit has been highlighting a particular name to me everywhere in recent is the name Esther. It’s SO great to hear that Tracie. The Vashti Spirit is among us. May God continually use you to strengthen our faith. It’s like God is not even in the book. In the same way, it is important that we obey the guidance of the Lord Jesus, and “request nothing” but what our Lord Christ demands in our lives. God Bless you mightily.Esther Rebecca.❤. It is one of wisdom, love and compassion. When Vashti ignored what her husband the king commanded, it was bad, very bad. The book of Esther is the most up-to-date book in the Bible. I have to go read more. The success of his politically incorrect approach to the “king” (US government) completely depends, like Esther’s, on supernatural favor. I am oh so much more humbled by this story. This being said, we have created many different sub-ministries under the umbrella of this ministry to focus on each area.