I love writing about latest footwear products coming in the market. This is the most trusted method for easily and lightly breaking in your new shoes. Once this rubbing is done, wear your shoe immediately and now walk in it for few hours. In addition to this, the ‘stretching effect’ works fine with leather shoes. Breaking in new shoes can be a pain, in all senses of the word. This method is very similar to the method no. Until that happens you will be susceptible to blisters. 3. Feeling comfortable with our shoes is essential to walk properly and avoid, not only the superficial discomfort that can cause but also the possible problems in feet, knees and even back.? Just get a new shoe stretch spray and spray the back side of your new shoe. So, a wise course of action would be to know different methods of how to soften the back of new shoes. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "shoesimpact-20"; Get Vaseline Petroleum Jelly pack and use it generously on the back of the shoe. The disadvantage of the “vinegar” method is a strong smell. Take a soap bar available at your home and wet it with water. In this case, the best of them will be glycerin or castor oil – the fat is very good to help solve the problem of tight shoes. Use Zip Lock Bags to Freeze the Back Side of New Shoes, 10. my mother in law used to work in the shoe factories and this is how they would soften newly made shoes. Then, inside the box a humid environment is created, which promotes the softening of the shoes. Leather shoes can also be softened with an alcohol solution. There are few things you can try with shoes that are too tight or new shoes to stretch them and soften up the heels. Different boots take different break-in times. I would say there is not much difference to breaking in sandals as there is to break in boots or shoes. If not, repeat the procedure until the back of your shoes are as soft as you want them to be. Just get a new reliable shoe wooden insert and then place it inside your new shoes for few days. This is simply the easiest method that you can try at your home. All these tips and tricks are simple to implement at your home. Crush It: Mash the heels of your new boots by stepping on them or crushing them with your hands. This is the website where you will get to read all kinds of quality boots, shoes and sneaker reviews. Please let me know. See Best Men’s Shoes See Best Women’s Shoes. Just take some precautions like use these methods only on leather and suede shoes. I was checking continuously this blog and I’m impressed! Graduate to wearing the shoes out for walks, work or errands around town. It will erode in a few hours, so you will have to wait. Yes, you can share my blog in your twitter group I really appreciate you:). amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; Caution: Don’t use it on any other types of shoes because it will certainly ruin the material of the shoe. It helps soften up the leather and shortens the break-in time for sure! These professionals have lasted, a specific machine, with which they will be able to enlarge the shoe to avoid being squeezed.? No matter how good the leather is, it will be stiff when factory fresh. This happens because the water inside the bag when freezes, it becomes ice. I think FootMatters Shoe Stretch Spray is the best product out there that can be used to stretch the back of your new shoes without any issue. Thanks for your time. I recommend you wait for at least 24 hours or till it becomes dry. If you have shoes other than the leather and suede, then simply don’t use the method no. It will add additional padding to the back of the shoe, which will keep your impact point from getting abraded and keep your foot set up. It must be applied from the inside. Just buy a bunch of zip lock bags online and use them to soften or widen the back of your new footwear. When leather shoes soak in water, it usually would take away the stiffness. Plus, I bet it keeps the back looking nice and pristine for much longer. But it doesn’t have to be an ordeal, according to Steven Beccia, senior director of product development at Cole Haan. Here, you will get plenty of authoratative and unbiased product reviews related to latest shoes, boots and sneakers. If you want the information about any particular shoes, kindly check our Popular Articles Section. If you want the best kinds of socks, then check out our article regarding the socks for long distance walking.And then walk in these shoes for few days in and around your house. ), sitting down, and even running. Before applying kerosene, the shoes should be completely soaked with a 3% solution of common table vinegar; it can also, Moisture can become the best ally to widen your shoes since you will soften the material and it will yield more quickly. 1 and 2. Wear your new shoes around the house. We all have faced this issue when we bought those shiny new shoes from our favorite designer and find out that they are a little narrow at the back and are hurting our feet. Make sure to towel off the shoes to prevent discoloration but leave them slightly damp for the next step. Once sprayed properly, wear the shoes and walk in them for few hours. When you take them out, you will see the back side or heel side of your new shoes has widened a bit. If you want to read our complete guide about stretching shoes with 15 simple tricks then click here. Well some of us might still want to wear them and keep getting hurt until they get to soften up with time or we could use some, In my opinion, the second option seems more legit. We shouldn?t open for the first one either. So again, we are left with the initial two options only. Now store them in your freezer and keep them for about 5-7 hours. If your shoes are just a little uncomfortable, try wearing them around the house. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Breaking in new shoes is hard work. Just spray it at the areas that feel tight before wearing the shoes. You can widen the back of the shoe up to 0.5 inches without any issues. Before you go out in them, try walking up stairs, standing around (cooking dinner, playing with kids, etc. Then walk around for an hour or two in your wet shoes. Visit a shoe repair shop or your local Cobbler and have your shoes completely stretched and comfy to wear. How to Stop Shoes from Squeaking – 5 Easy Tricks to Get Rid of Your Embarrassment, How to Fix Heel Slippage in Boots – 10 Tricks to Prevent Heel Slipping in High Heels and Shoes, Do Rainbow Sandals Stretch Out? My 10 Personal Tips to Soften the Back of Your New Shoes 1. It is essentially mimicking the effect of your foot, but it will make those strappy, tighter places softened up before wearing. Rub the backs of your new shoes with a slightly moistened bar of soap, which will help soften them. In everyday life, buying things may seem quite difficult because we all want to get the best of what we are buying, which is the reason why after a lot of brainstorming we decided to bring a website to life where it becomes convenient for people to buy and know the best thing that they are looking for. And obviously, thanks in your effort! You will experience the tightness of the back of your shoe is now gone. If you are in favour of trying out the second scenario, then you have come to the right place. The back side or heel side of the shoe must be properly sprayed to get the desired result. Therefore, you can stretch your shoes a few millimeters. After few days of regular usage, you will see some stretching of your new shoes. Ball pein hammer and two pits of cardboard, put the first bit of cardboard down, then put the back of the shoe on it, insert the other piece of carboard and then start hitting it with the ball end of the hammer around the stitching. Great profile name! To hack before you even buy, try on shoes in the afternoon or evening. 1. Instead of using these shoe stretching hacks, you can always take help from professional shoes stretching sprays. Softening the back of a leather shoe adds to the shoe's comfort and fit. Yes, this is also one of the most recommended methods that I have seen many people trying out. p.s. to my followers! So rather than run the risk of rubbing or blisters, try our easy tips for stretching and softening new leather boots and shoes safely. If you found this article helpful, give us your feedback below in comment box.? Put the shoe on your foot. You can soften heels by: You need the best quality shoe stretch spray for this method to become successful. ?Although this option takes a little more time to take effect, the results are equally effective. I must say you’ve done a very good job with this. The best 2-way shoe stretcher that I personally prefer is FootFitter Premium Professional 2-way Shoe Stretcher. 1. Now you either think of returning these new pair of shoes or you either think of stretching it out a little. You need to apply lots of jelly on the back side. This will do what several days … I believe if you wash them it would soften them up. This will expand and soften the material in the back side. I’m book-marking and will be tweeting this Thank you and best of luck.|, Hey there! So, we can use those methods from time to time. Light hikers may feel perfect right out of the box, while burly leather models may require weeks. The fat in this oil is quite good for solving the problem of tight shoes. Sometimes, a few nights of doing this can soften them up to the point they feel good. This method is only applicable to your new leather and suede material shoes. The quickest way to soften leather shoes … But you find out that its not fitting in the backside properly. Before applying kerosene, the shoes should be completely soaked with a 3% solution of common table vinegar; it can also soften the leather shoes. Here instead of trying to stretch manually, you do it automatically. If you repeat this procedure for next few days, you will experience some stretching and widening of the back side or heel side of your new footwear. New leather loafers are often stiff in the back, causing an uncomfortable fit and occasionally, blisters. Moisture can become the best ally to widen your shoes since you will soften the material and it will yield more quickly. Wearing two pairs of socks with your shoes or boots will help soften the heel area as well as any other area which may be tight cause prevent blisters. ?To carry out this trick you must first be aware of the material of the shoe so as not to damage it that is why we recommend you do it only with leather shoes. Repeat this process each day until the new shoes soften. If you have kerosene at hand, it is also suitable for wearing small and uncomfortable shoes. So, in my opinion, instead of getting sore feet you all should learn how to soften the back of new shoes and voila your life will be beautiful again. Some work and quite a few do not. Softening the back of a leather shoe adds to the shoe's comfort and fit. Breaking in new shoes doesn't have to be a painful process. Do it until it completely gets absorbed inside the material of the shoe. It can take a while for new footwear to feel like it’s been in your wardrobe forever. You can stretch these shoes width wise and length wise too. Hi! I am an avid writer by profession and love to write about the latest shoes, boots and sneakers. Cheers|, Hi, There might be a 3, Feeling comfortable with our shoes is essential to walk properly and avoid, not only the superficial discomfort that can cause but also the possible problems in feet, knees and even back.? I hope they will be also be useful for your new shoes. With new shoes I always use my hands to flex the sole a bunch of times, and to bend in the back in the heel area. Exceptional blog and superb design and style. There is a small difference between the two methods. Using the back of a spoon, furiously work it into the heel or anywhere a pair of shoes are rubbing. By repeating this process for next few days, you will be able to stretch out the heel side of your new shoes to a comfortable level. Another method in which moisture is involved is to Wet the towel liberally and wrap it in a box along with the shoes. The easiest way to soften the leather is to stretch the shoe slightly for a … We've all … “How to soften the back of new shoes?” This is the question that my site readers often ask me. New leather loafers are often stiff in the back, causing an uncomfortable fit and occasionally, blisters. Each time you don your shoes, they'll soften up a bit. Softening the back of new shoes can help prevent them from rubbing your ankles. Leather and canvas material shoes are only allowed when you use such types of shoe stretchers. I am sending it to a few pals ans also sharing in delicious. To soften the back of a shoe, castor oil may be the best kind of oil to use. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Soften leather shoes by keeping wooden shoe sizers in the shoes when they are not being worn in order to stretch out the leather. There are many remedies available to soften the back of your new shoes. loving the information. Excellent Blog!|, Excellent post. After few days, you will experience that the heel side of your shoe has been expanded a bit or stretched a bit.This method will work greatly when your new shoes are slightly tighter on the back. I was looking for this certain info for a very long time. Hello, all is going fine here and ofcourse every one is sharing facts, that’s actually good, keep up writing.|, Woah! It’s simple, yet effective. website with us so I came to check it out. But, if you want to speed up the process, you have arrived at the right article. If you dry them in the dryer or outside in the sun, it could get stiff again. Well some of us might still want to wear them and keep getting hurt until they get to soften up with time or we could use some shoe stretching hacks, to stretch and soften up the back of the shoes. So, in my opinion, instead of getting sore feet you all should learn, There are thousands of tutorials and information available on the internet, teaching you unique ways to learn how to soften shoes made of leather, If you have kerosene at hand, it is also suitable for wearing small and uncomfortable shoes. All of these methods are well tested and will work 100%. It exerts the proper pressure (which will increase progressively) to the part that tightens you the most. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Sartorial legend has it that the Queen of England has someone to break in her new shoes if they’re feeling a little tight. A little moisture helps soften the fabric. Just pour the water inside a zip lock bag and close it. This is the best stretcher that can effectively be used for softening the back of both the left and right shoes. Once in a while, wearing the right pair of socks with your shoe is all that you have to fix difficult shoes. However, upon returning home, we discover that they might be hurting our feet in some places, especially the back. By repeating this method few times a week, you will be able to expand the back side of your new shoe in few days. Wear them in the evening. Don't forget to comment, subscribe and share the articles if you really like it. Just buy a good reliable pair of thick padded socks. ?To carry out this trick you must first be aware of the material of the shoe so as not to damage it that is why we recommend you do it only with, Instead of using these shoe stretching hacks, you can always take help from professional, Another similar trick you can use is to put on, How to make cowboy boots more comfortable, How to make shoes more comfortable for standing, Top 7 Best Ankle Support Basketball Shoes …. Over time, the uppers will mould to the shape of your foot giving you a perfect fit. Aside from New Rocks, Docs are the sorest shoes ever to break in, but i agree that it is totally worth it!! Feeling comfortable with our shoes is essential to walk properly and avoid, not only the superficial discomfort that can cause but also the possible problems in feet, knees and even back.? amzn_assoc_asins = "B07G7STM9H,B07PXTZ7SP,B0711KDQ4H,B07HKK3WWN"; All You need to know about Us. Great website. You can also spray other areas of your shoe wherever you feel some tightness for fitting. So, this article is for those folks who really want to learn the simple tricks to soften the back of their new shoes. This method works well with a professional tool that can be applied at the same time from the outside. A lot of times it’s tough to get that “perfect balance” between usability and visual appeal. amzn_assoc_linkid = "6281bc0a3691a5da00534de263bf6f0c"; For the shoe to adapt quickly to its new shape, it is advisable to use them as soon as they are delivered to you. And after multiple uses, you will find the results to be effective. If you are tired of having blisters and enduring the pain at the back of your feet every time you buy a new pair of shoes, try these eleven effective methods that soften the back of new shoes. If you don’t feel enough widening of the back then re-apply the jelly more to widen it more. Apply Vaseline Petroleum Jelly on the Affected Area, Jack Rogers vs Palm Beach Sandals Comparison – Learn Who is Best, 5 Best Narrow Calf Boots for Women with Skinny Legs Reviewed with Buyer’s Guide, Top 10 Most Comfortable Steel Toe Boots Reviews, Top 15 Best Waterproof Work Boots Reviews, Adidas ZX Flux Multicolor Prism Sneaker Review, Top 10 Most Expensive Men's Shoes Reviews. There’s a lot of people that I think would really appreciate your content. So, in my opinion, instead of getting sore feet you all should learn how to soften the back of new shoes and voila your life will be beautiful again. It takes time to make new shoes soften up. A lot of useful information here. Generally, you should leave the shoe for 24 hours on the last. This spray can help you soften up the back of your shoes without any discoloration. Just get a bottle of rubbing alcohol spray online and use it on your new shoe. There are several ways to break in new shoes without damaging your feet. But blisters don’t have to be part of the battle. Put on your new shoes. This way, you will be able to keep your newly ordered shoes to yourself and will not have the problems like blisters and corns in the future. Soften the Heels of Shoes. But if they are really tighter than normal level, then you will need to use the first 2 methods that are mentioned above. It happens that when buying leather shoes, we expect them to be very comfortable. Hi, I am Vishal Mahadik, the owner and editor of VBMBestReviews.com. You will just need these zip lock bags, some water to store and your freezer to store these bags inside your shoe. ! Then put these bags inside your new shoes near the heel side. The trick to breaking in new shoes quickly. Now keep it for several hours and then wear the shoe to see the stretching for yourself. I’m really loving the template/theme of this blog. The trick is understanding why new leather shoes cause discomfort in the first place. That is why I have selected some easy and foolproof ways to soften the back of the shoes for you. Then the leather will become much softer. This is slightly odd method that you can try at your home. You can simply heat the back side or heel side of your new shoes with the help of your hair dryer. This might be an okay task to hunt for the …, If your motive is to find the best basketball shoes …, Top 7 Best Ankle Support Basketball Shoes in 2020 Those …, Top 7 Best Running Shoes for Achilles Tendonitis in 2020 …, Nothing else can be daunting than dumping your favorite pair …, We all have faced this issue when we bought those shiny new shoes from our favorite designer and find out that they are a little narrow at the back and are hurting our feet. You should wet the inside of the footwear using a wet cloth and then put it on and walk. Remove the excess jelly from your shoe with the help of a cloth. Spray the rubbing alcohol on the tighter areas of your shoe. Very useful info specially the last part I care for such information much. I know how it feels when you buy new shoes and try them out for the first time. Would you mind if I share your blog with my twitter group? This will expand and soften the material in the back side. Put on those new sandals and dunk your feet into a bucket of water, shoes and all. So today I am trying to provide my most useful 10 tricks that I have tried in the past. I’m definitely Repeat this procedure till you feel that the back of the shoe is properly stretched out. So, give them a try and see for yourself. Because instead of just returning your favourite shoe, why not just soften it a bit! That’s right, this once popular laxative works well as a leather softener. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 3. Use Your Hair Dryer To Heat the Back of Your Shoes. Additionally, the blog loads super fast for me on Firefox. If you take the time to break in a new pair of hiking boots, you’ll enjoy many comfortable miles on the trail together. Lynsey Hart from Lanarkshire on June 09, 2013: Voted up, useful and, ironically, beautiful!! One of the main examples is foot matters shoe stretch spray. Just take some old newspapers from your home and wet them in the water.Now squeeze excess water from it and stuff this wet newspaper ball inside your new shoe. There might be a 3rd option of changing the shoe size, but that?s not a luxury we get all the time with every brand. Use Your Hair Dryer To Heat the Back of Your Shoes, 2. Involve Heat One of the disadvantages of this method is that the solution can remove unstable paint. This is also a very simple method that you can try at your home. Some people also use newspaper to widen the back or heel side of the footwear. Read the label on your leather oil. Another best method to stretch out the tight back side of your new shoes, is to use a reliable 2-way shoe stretcher. Another good option to enlarge the leather shoes and prevent them from tightening when you put them on is to place the shoe inside a plastic bag and?put it in the freezer, at least, for one night.? Apply the fatty substance for a few minutes on the shoes and let them soak. Therefore, when using this method, make sure of the quality of the paint or choose something safer for colored shoes. When a person asks how to soften the natural leather, several oils come to the rescue. – 10 Simple Tricks to Make Them Comfortable. How to break in Doc Martens sandals. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Hi Friends, I am Vishal Mahadik, the owner of VBMBestReviews.com. The easiest way to soften the leather is to stretch the shoe slightly for a better fit and condition the leather so it … You can simply heat the back side or heel side of your new shoes with the help of your hair dryer. Rubbing alcohol is another very cost-effective method to try at your home. Do it every day, and you will see how little by little the material is giving way, and the foot becomes comfortable with your new shoes. March 29, 2017 4:31pm / Reply In my opinion, the second option seems more legit. 11 Tips to Soften the Back of New Shoes. Another similar trick you can use is to put on some thick socks and walk around the house before going outside with your new shoes.? My recommendation is you first try them out yourself to see the results. So keep an already broken-in pair of shoes at your desk to wear in the afternoon. Copyright @ 2019 by VBMBestReviews.Com - Best Boots, Shoes, Sneakers & Other Product Reviews, How to Soften the Back of New Shoes – Use These 10 Simple Hacks, My 10 Personal Tips to Soften the Back of Your New Shoes, 1. In that case, you can place the shoe inside a container that contains hot water so that the steam helps to widen the skin and achieve the desired effect. Mix it one by one with water. Several people have used this method and have got some success with their new tight shoes. Blast one of the shoes all over with a hair dryer for around a minute, until it’s warm and soft. The solution for other problems Get some particular socks. They have enough knowledge on how to soften the back of new shoes. This ice then causes the back of your shoes to stretch out gradually. Flickr: rubygoes / Creative Commons Feet can swell up to a half size bigger by the end of the day. Spray with Shoe Stretch Solution. You can slightly stretch your shoes on the front as well as on the back side with this simple hack. Now simply rub it on the backside and on inside of shoe wherever you feel some tightness. This trick is ideal for summer, but in the winter, it is not much appreciated. amzn_assoc_title = "Latest Shoes"; It is recommended to put on stockings or socks and walk in the shoes until the mixture evaporates. Leather and suede will soften easier than things like fabric, rubber, or plastic. Since water doesn't damage canvas, give your shoes a spin in a light rain or mist them with water from a spray bottle before you wear them out. Beware of leather oils which contain pine tar, castor oil, mineral … This method is only applicable to your new leather and suede material shoes. By simply using few tricks, you can soften the back of your new footwear and make it more comfortable and supportive for your feet. The best thing to do is to get a hard object, wrap your shoes in a carrier bag, and whack the back of them for a while to soften the leather. Watch this video to learn how to use a 2-way shoe stretcher to widen the back of your new shoes. Make sure you dry them in room temperature. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; If you love your new hoes too much and you don’t want to know how to soften the back of new shoes, then you can visit a professional. Again, this is a very simple trick that you can try at your home. Fill a spray bottle with water and spritz the tight areas of the shoes. There are thousands of tutorials and information available on the internet, teaching you unique ways to learn how to soften shoes made of leather, some of them might work some don?t. Since 2014, We are offering high quality reviews of latest boots, shoes and sneakers available online. Someone in my Facebook group shared this And of course, you can always?go to a shoemaker. Take the shoes out of the freezer and after allowing them to warm up, wear them to check if the expansion of the shoes has made the back of the new shoes as soft as you want it. So, basically these are my 10 best tips that will help you to soften the back of your new shoe. Although the best way to soften up leather shoes is to wear them in gradually, you can speed up the process and minimise discomfort by gently softening the leather with other methods. The next day, take them right out of the refrigerator, and you will notice that they no longer hurt you.? Its very easy to do this trick at your home.