You can develop this skill through … You may want to cut your shuffled deck into three piles and then reassemble it before pulling your cards, or you may not — do what feels right. In fact, using the cards to gain insight and is one of the quickest ways to start getting honest with yourself — all it takes is a simple shuffle. I was in a well-paid job but felt unfulfilled. That said, when I first started learning tarot, I came across a simple yet really effective framework to understand the court cards. I loved how the author briefed about tarot cards and steps to read it effectively. Michelle’s reading told me I was not in a good place professionally and that I needed a different direction. Do the illustrations seem cohesive or disjointed? First, you will need to purchase your own Tarot deck! 4 thoughts on “ How to interpret tarot cards ” Wendy Healey December 22, 2018 at 6:41 am. If you’re just starting to learn how to read Tarot cards, it might seem like there is SO MUCH to absorb! The next (and most important) step is to tap into your intuition to … Many times when one tries to get in touch with something that is out of their reach, they tend to get attached through the medium of tarot cards. How to read Tarot cards for beginners, without learning each card on its own. You can adjust the categories to accommodate any situation (past, present, future; yourself, the other person, the relationship; opportunities, challenges, outcomes; mind, body, spirit). As you work with the tarot cards on a regular basis, you will begin to have personal associations with them. 4. By understanding the personality and attributes of the card, you can pinpoint whether it is yourself or someone else represented by that card. The Court Cards have ofte… Of course, not all of the cards that comprise the major arcana are created equal. They become … We see four suits, along with what look like trump cards. Or both, which is three… Let me explain. It’s natural to want to know what kind of day lay ahead, especially if it’s an important day. There are hundreds of decks available, so it is important to purchase a deck that really speaks to you. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Condé Nast. Pick something that appeals to you aesthetically. You've spent some time flipping and familiarizing, and are ready to put them to use. Nice post. You’ll notice that some of the cards in the deck are special. The Minor Arcana cards, on the other hand, reflect everyday matters. Some tarot readers believe that your first deck should be gifted to you. Don't forget, cosmic warriors, tarot provides a rich vocabulary, but it is ultimately no more powerful than a coin toss: We can energetically charge any item or action through the strength of our own spirit. Tarot cards as Wisdom. If you are looking for a deeper understanding of the Tarot and how to read the Minor Arcana Tarot cards, then you have come to the right place. Doing the Past-Present-Future Reading. About Tarot Cards. In a tarot card reading, an upside down three of clubs can indicate a loss, an inverted four of swords can mean a secret, and an upside down five of swords can mean that the situation is hopeless. Everyone has an opinion on whether or not readers should place extra significance on cards that are positioned upside down. Cartomancy (noun): Fortune-telling by interpreting an array of playing cards. It's … But, with Tarot, it's best to trade fear for trust. The daily tarot card can be approached in two distinct ways: either at the beginning of the day or at the end of it. The cards without suits make up the major arcana. Surprisingly, tarot is a relatively modern craft. If you are looking for a guide about how to read the Major Arcana, click here. Feel free to ask any questions, but please, no requests for free readings. To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Whenever you're ready, cut the cards into three and reorder the pile, face down. First, a bit of history — Tarot got its start as a card game in the 15th century. The Different Types of Tarot Cards. I’m firmly in the camp that there’s no right or wrong way to read tarot. Since there are no secret puzzles or hidden agendas with tarot, the ability to discern meaning lies within your own narrative interpretation. The cards are numbered to represent stations within our greater journey through life; their chronological order reveals the passing of time. Your call. In the late 1890s, several London-based occultists formed the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, one of the groups responsible for the modern magical revival. Tarot cards are multi-layered, and each artist’s interpretation of the cards have hidden meanings throughout. Receive instant cosmic guidance at your fingers tips with Astrology+, a personalized astrological dashboard that focuses on your birth chart and gives you access to some of the industry’s leading astrologers, along with our in-depth astrology reports. What next? © 2021 Condé Nast. Be sure to read up on your deck to catch all of its idiosyncrasies. This spread may seem simple, but it's also very versatile. At the end of the book is a blank page for taking notes. Here's what every beginner should know about the history of tarot, as well as tips and tricks for kick-starting your unique practice. There is no shortage of stunning, dynamic tarot decks. We have arrived at one of the most debated topics in tarot. When reversed, this card may instead mean that you’ve recently experienced all the pain that comes with this card, but you are slowly … Minor Arcana cards, contrary to the name, contribute significant information … That person can be either yourself or someone else. There are lots of cards to master (we'll get to that in a moment), and if you've read the booklet that came in the company of your deck, you're likely feeling only slightly closer to becoming the intuitive that you know you are. For example, the tower on the Tower card can still carry negative meanings, but now it’s an upright hospital struck by divine light, rather than a crumbling fortress hit by destructive lightning. The mystery around the tarot card is not only intense but also very viable. It is important to remember that all the answers we seek exist innately within the deck, with each card illustrating a person, circumstance, or potential outcome. In other words, the macrocosm of the cosmos is reflected in the microcosm of individual experience. The cards and their corresponding positions will effortlessly expose bonds and dynamics. When you are done with your reading you are going to want to clear a card that you have pulled out and place them back… Within another 100 years, though, it had become a popular tool for divination. The word "minor" doesn't imply that these issues aren't important; it just means that they're more temporary and less far-reaching than those you'll see in the major arcana cards. A big part of reading the Tarot is building up your own intuition. You look at how each card may influence the other. Hope this list of tarot card meanings is useful to you. Those that are labeled as belonging to swords, wands, cups, and pentacles comprise the minor arcana. Pull three cards off the top of the deck, and position them to be read from left to right. Tarot cards don't themselves tell the future, expose the past, or reveal information about the present moment. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. The Daily Tarot Card. Thinking about them from just a top-down perspective oftentimes can erase that kind of subtlety. Step 1: Choose a Tarot Deck. Learning how to read Tarot cards involves the story of a journey via pictures – beginning with stepping out into the world and ending with completion and achievement of lifelong goals. Hope this list of tarot card meanings is useful to you. Remember, there is no hierarchy of tarot decks, so be sure to choose whichever deck truly tantalizes your soul. A standard Tarot deck is composed of 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards (4 suits with 16 cards each!) So much of tarot is how you interpret the cards you’re given. You can print them out by pressing Ctrl P, or by copying them into a Word document and … Rider-Waite tarot deck and Vilma Bánky with cards. A Tarot reading is a narrative, a story that you tell to the Seeker. While you shuffle, think carefully about the area of your life in which … Don't fret: The tarot fundamentals are easy to understand. Wands symbolize passion and inspiration (corresponding with the fire element), Pentacles represent money and physical realities (corresponding with the earth element), Swords depict intellectual intrigues (corresponding with the air element), and Cups illustrate emotional matters (corresponding with the water element). How to read Tarot cards for beginners: is there really an easy way to learn Tarot card readings? It helped me to understand tarot card meanings and interpret them easily. How do I read the cards? This is where the artistry and magic of tarot be. Any magical practice — tarot, astrology, or spell work — is based on the Hermetic axiom "as above, so below." Tarot cards are now used to interpret situations and give you a chance to reflect on your life circumstances and be more empowered and informed in your decision making, which in turn makes the cards a great aid in one’s life journey. Are you ready to start … These suits reveal which spheres of influence are being activated, offering guidance on how to best manage any circumstances at hand. Most Tarot readers do both – they know and understand the meanings of the Tarot cards, but they also use their intuition to guide them. The Hero’s Journey - How to Read Major Acana Tarot Cards Now that we’ve learned that each tarot card is part of a vocabulary, let’s step backward and take a look at the concept of the Hero’s Journey. The New Age … The bottom row, Row C, uses seven more cards to indicate what is likely to take place in the person's life, if all continues along the … The next step in learning how to read tarot with playing cards is to use the numbers with the suits. Creating a coherent reading out of a tangle of tarot cards is a big challenge. You can keep a book handy as you lay out the cards … If you're interested in learning about a more advanced method of reading, you may like … The Swords card is among the Minor Arcana cards. You may have seen the Tarot presented as a means of telling the future — even changing it — but the cards are actually most useful for reflection and empowered decision-making. Note the symbols: Are they enticing? These symbols are depicted in both the Major Arcana cards, which speak to greater secrets, and the Minor Arcana cards, which speak to lesser secrets. The Tarot de Marseille deck is an elegant reproduction of a classic French deck; the Motherpeace deck perfectly captures the ethereal spirit of the 1970s; the Black Power deck spotlights famous black luminaries. In the Minor Arcana, the card's number reveals the stage of an event: The ace card represents the beginning, while the 10 symbolizes the end. Tarot reading has become one of the most important mediums to interpret and comprehend any kind of mystery. The daily tarot card is a good place. Over the next century, mystics and philosophers continued to expand the role of tarot. Do a Simple Reading Tell a story. So while it may seem like reading cards is an ancient practice, the use of Tarot for divination really came into its own in the 18th century. Confused? How you shuffle is entirely up to you — the most important aspect is your unwavering concentration on the question you want answered. You basically link together the descriptions from the suits and numbers to create a story. Begin by shuffling the deck while contemplating your question. Though tarot decks date back to the 1400s, pictorial cards were originally used for games rather than prediction. A regular tarot deck has an extra set of cards called the Major Arcana that give extra depth and power to the … The second way is to use your intuition and psychic abilities to interpret the cards. Before you try to interpret your first Marseilles tarot spread, it’s important to let go of the interpretations that applied to other decks, and focus on these particular cards in their current arrangement. Before I get into the nitty gritty, I want to clarify that there are two ways to read Tarot cards. How do the cards you drew make you feel? The first way is to memorize all the Tarot card meanings that are in your Tarot book. Numerology & Tarot News: How to Read Tarot card, Steps for Tarot Reading - Tarot cards have been around us for about two thousand years. Does the one you're considering make you feel excited? The second way is to use your intuition and psychic abilities to interpret the cards. To make matters worse, your guidebooks probably have different (and sometimes contradictory) card … You can use the cards to denote past, present, and future, or, situation, action, and outcome. In … Basic Three Card Layout. The minor arcana represents the joys, triumphs, hopes, fears, annoyances, and challenges we experience every day. Whether you are shopping online or in-person, observe your emotions as you browse different tarot decks. When choosing tarot cards for a new relationship, you may want to use one for the whole relationship or you may want to use a single card for each aspect. Discuss the history of tarot cards, oracle cards, lenormand, and other cartomancy systems; learn theory, compare reading techniques, and more. Unpack information about your zodiac sign, planets, elements, and modalities, and gain insight daily with our free Tarot readings. The Minor Arcana cards are broken up into four suits, each containing ten numbered cards and four court cards. Two of the group's founders, husband and wife MacGregor and Moina Maters, wrote a manual that detailed tarot's symbolic power, entitled Book T. In 1909, Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith designed and published a tarot deck loosely based on the teachings of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. There are multiple ways to interpret a reversed tarot card, the way that you interpret the card is up to you and how it feels at that time. You want to continue to sulk and feel … Let alone the pressure to get every reading “right!” You can drive yourself nuts trying to learn all the spreads, study multiple guidebooks, and learn “the right” meaning of each of the 78 cards in your Tarot deck! Within another 100 years, though, it had become a popular tool for divination. There are many cards in your deck that symbolize impending change. An example of this would be if you had gotten the reversed nine of swords. Despite its ubiquity, though, tarot can still seem elusive and confusing. In the late 16th and early 17th centuries, tarot was a simple parlor game. is your source for decoding the cosmos. After the spread, the author has included a visual part (The Hermit’s Cave). Today, both tarot and oracle cards, which have fewer rules and a wider range of content, are still in heavy rotation among modern mystics (or anyone looking for a sneak peek into the future).The enlightened soul searcher has his or her pick of cards … Today, both tarot and oracle cards, … The first thing you need to do when you are interested in tarot readings is to purchase your own tarot deck. So where do you start with learning to read tarot? You may be a bit confused or overwhelmed. Learning to read tarot cards can be a daunting task, especially if you consider you need to know 78 cards and their meanings “like the back of your hand”. The current methodology of Tarot interpretation started in the 1970’s and along with a growing interest in psychoanalysis, the use of Tarot cards grew exponentially. There are a variety of Tarot spreads to try. If you've taken a good look at your cards, you will have noted that some have distinct names and are numbered zero to 21 (or one to 22, depending on the deck), while others that appear numbered in the same way that you might see in a traditional card deck, complete with aces, kings, and queens. Now, press pause your research, shuffle your deck, and pull a three-card spread. They seem to tap into your gut feeling – the cards simply reaffirm it and give you the confidence to act upon it. So being … Instructions on how to read Wildwood Tarot deck include a three-card spread (The Pathway), a seven-card spread (The Bow), and an eight-card spread (The World Tree). The back of the card is black, with a slight … So many talented, aspiring (and even some experienced) Tarot readers buy into this idea. About Tarot Cards. They're also easier to act upon. Many elements are used in the illustration of the Tarot, including … Learning to read tarot cards can be a daunting task, especially if you consider you need to know 78 cards and their meanings “like the back of your hand”. Tarot is one of the most popular divination practices, and though occultists have been drawing the allegorical cards for centuries, illustrated decks are now popping up all over. Wary? Time, practice, and an open mind will serve you well on this journey. If you want to brush up on your Tarot skills, do a reading in a hurry, or just … Their Thoth deck, named after the Egyptian god of alphabets, incorporates specific astrological symbolism into each card, linking the divination practice to the cosmos. Don't worry if you don't know the meanings of all the cards yet — there are 78 of them, after all.