He can't help himself , that's why he lives the way he does" Dolphus pretends to be drunk because he feels it gives the people of Maycomb county a reason to latch on to, a reason for his behavior. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance. To give the white justification for his life style. :] I love that book. He is from an old family, but lives with his coloured partner and their mixed children. The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Dolphus Raymond appears in To Kill a Mockingbird. He pretends to drink because when he pretends he's drunk, people leave him alone and he can do things the way he wants to. Chapter 16 ...lunch, the children go downtown. He believes that by doing this people can say he lives the way he does because he is under the influence of whiskey. Sign up for free and study better. 6. They go "Oh, it's okay if Dolphus does that, he's drunk." He knows they will not understand why he lives as he does, so by pretending he is a drunk, he makes life easier for himself. Why does Dolphus Raymond pretend to be a drunk? The random guy, also known Dolphus Raymond, asks them not to tell anyone; it’ll ruin his reputation as the contemptible town drunk. Jem then explains to Scout and Dill that Dolphus Raymond is an alcoholic, who prefers being around black people and has several biracial children. Maycomb doesn't quite get Mr. Raymond. _ Mr Dolphus Raymond is a wealthy white man who owns one whole side of the riverbank. Dolphus Raymond. Hope this helps. He just prefers blacks over whites. He can't help himself , that's why he lives the way he does" Scout is kind of weary of this, and doesn’t want Dill to drink a lot, but Mr. Dolphus Raymond tells them that it is just Coke. In your own words, explain why Dolphus pretends to be the town drunk. Mr Dolphus Raymond is known as the town drunk because he always carries his drink in a paper sack and tends to sway a bit in his walk pretending to be drunk. Find materials for your class: Download our app to study better. He pretends to be drunk so people would say " dolphus Raymond in the clutches of whiskey - that's why he won't change his ways . Mr Raymond then offers Dill a sip of his drink. Now I could say the hell with ‘em, I don’t care if they don’t like it. Dolphus explains this theory to Scout and Dill. The square is crowded with people eating lunch. Well, it’s very simple,' he said. 'Some folks don’t—like the way I live. Anytime, anywhere. Dolphus explains why he pretends “Oh yes, you mean why do I pretend? Scout doesn’t understand why he would pretend it’s alcoholic if it’s not, but he just says that pretending to be drunk gives other people a reason to why he acts like he does. Mr. Dolphus Raymond reveals that he is drinking from a paper sack. When Dill comments that Dolphus Raymond does not look like trash, Jem explains to him that Dolphus comes from a … Get it? Get started today! Coca- Cola is the type of beverage that Mr Raymond have in his paper sack. Anytime, anywhere. He pretends to be drunk so people would say " dolphus Raymond in the clutches of whiskey - that's why he won't change his ways . ... Dill reveals to her that the drink isn’t alcoholic—it’s only Coca-Cola. He's always drinking from a paper bag; he sits with the African-Americans; and Jem tells Scout and Dill that he's had several children with an African-American woman—even though he's from an old, rich family. Dill and Scout ran into Mr Raymond when running from the court house.