Others, however, are not so trusting. The next time a black cat crosses your path, just say “Konichiwa” and take control of your own luck. What do you do? I always find feathers in my house, little white ones, a long black one, a brown one and it’s not like I’m raising chickens here. Leave a quick comment below and let people know what you thought of when a black cat crosses your path thank you. If you are not a superstitious person, simply a cat walked passed you regardless of the color of the cat’s fur. I turned to go on my way and he ran up behind me and bit me on the leg. What if a black cat crosses your path? In modern-day North America, negative connotations continue to haunt black cats. 1 decade ago. I've owned my black cat for 2.5 years and nothing bad has happened to either of us. Reply. :-/ It isn't true at all. Those kinds of signs are the real deal. It’s considered bad luck if a black cat crosses your path, and good luck if a white cat crosses your path. Sharing when a black cat crosses your path may just help someone you know have a better day. Asking for a friend... Because the last thing I need right now is more bad luck so if inserting these black kitties into these photos means I am ASKING for a curse of some kind, I … Bad things happen to you everyday, but when this ''black cat'' crosses your path, it's the only time you realize it because it's linked to bad luck. If a black cat crosses your path, cuddle it. I … A black cat crosses your path when you're on your way to McDonald's to use your BOGO bacon egg and cheese coupon. If a Black Cat Should Cross Your Path... How MUCH bad luck comes to you when a black cat crosses your path REALLY? They are loving and loyal, whatever the colour of their coat. It's a bad omen if you see a black cat walking away from you. Black cats cross my path all the time, I even own a black kitty, nothing life-changing ever happens. Interestingly that is what many believe in the USA and many European countries, but that very same belief in Japan is flipped on its head- they believe it is good luck. Witchcraft or voodoo should not scare you away from these sweet pets. There is no evidence to support this 'theory.' 2 0. hauglid.says. Regional Beliefs If you are superstitious and are interested in what people believe regarding this subject, I’ll break it down region by region. I know that the myth is that if a black cat crosses you, or something like that they're bad luck. Unfortunately, black cats are still less likely to be adopted from a shelter than their more colorful buddies. AP Photo/Evan Vucci/ThinkStock. I own two cats. He was friendly, rubbing on my legs and purring, happy to be petted. So, a black cat crossing your path is unlucky, you say? Somewhere down the line, black cats became a Halloween-favorite and a symbol of bad luck, as many people have come to believe that a black cat crossing your path is an omen of misfortune and even death! The same goes for Japan. So next time you adopt a new furry friend, please consider giving a black cat a … Please leave a comment and let us know what you thought of when a black cat crosses your path. If Any Of These 15 Animals Cross Your Path, You’re Being Contacted From ‘Above’ ... P.s. Another family member is bound to die if you spot a black cat during a funeral procession. I step on cracks in the sidewalk, I walk under ladders without a thought, and as a child I had a black cat. Hell no. It is not true at all. They come from out of nowhere. The next time a black cat crosses your path, just say “Konichiwa” and take control of your own luck. Bad luck: Twenty years ago, I was taking a nice walk in my neighborhood when a black cat crossed my path. In the rest of Britain, a black cat crossing your path is considered good luck.