You are our heros. Praying for you all. Your continued bravery and fight gives us all inspiration. Kim Love, 1992-1995, 1997-2003, 2009-2011: I hope you can feel the love and prayers for safety and peace that we are all sending your way. To help you figure out how to wear your hair in the new year, we've rounded up the five biggest haircut trends of 2020, so you'll be sure of what you want before you head to the salon in January. Amanda Cate, 2010-2014: Thank you for continuing your important work on behalf of our country. While you are being vilified by a minority of misinformed people, the majority of the country is appalled by the attack on the Capitol and appreciate your service. Elise Bean, 1978-79, 1985-2014: Thank you for your dedication to democracy and decency. You are brave, you are strong, we are all behind you. It provides a blog engine and a framework for Web application development. Or, you can get the look instantly with the help of some clip in extensions. Derrick Crowe, 2003-2008: You are deeply appreciated. The better angels that have guided our nation will get us all through this. Thank you and blessings for your safety. Hang in there! Lauryl Jackson, 1998-2002: You are supported and love and deserve protection. Joel Elliott, 2000-2003, 2005-2019: Your service to the public, especially during these trying times, is honorable. Our country needs you. Your willingness to man your post is the stuff our democracy is made of. David Lachmann, 1989-2014: Having worked on the Hill during previous terrorist attacks, including the anthrax and 9/11 attacks, I appreciate and salute your service to our nation. Patrick Morris, 2004-2007: In these challenging days, please remember that so many of your fellow citizens are proud of you and grateful for your vital work. Available on Hulu. Thank you for your work and your strength. Meghan Roh, 2009-2016: Thank you for your incredible service to our country. Your ability to continue working will help our democracy survive these unprecedented times. Do what you need to do to survive this moment. May the memories fade and the resiliency grow as we go through the coming days and weeks.Susan Hansberger , 2000-2001: The work you are doing is important! I celebrate your courage and toughness to fight for the ideals that we all believe in. Hang in there. Catriona Macdonald, 1993-1999: I was working in the House when a gunman entered the Capitol and shot two Capitol Police Officers. I cannot imagine the stress, fear, and uncertainty you and your loved ones feel. America may not always be able to see you in the background, but your presence is felt and you can make a huge difference in our national direction. Stay safe and know that help is on the way! Thank you for your service to our country. I pray consistently for your safety, health and protection. Lisa Maher, 1981-1988: My heart is breaking for what you have experienced and what has happened to our government. But that is exactly why you are where you are: to help us all carry on and strive for better. I hope you stay healthy and know we care about YOU and your fellow staff members! The insurrection of January 6 and the desecration of the Capitol were despicable and shocking. Peter Nalli, 2010-2013: Thank you for your hard work and commitment to maintaining our representative democracy in the face of enormous pressure and threats. In this traumatic time, please take extra care of yourselves, know that it is okay to pause, and know that we are with you in vicarious support and thanks. Most days it’s a thankless job. It is up to all of us to push hard toward recovery. Your dedication, perseverance, actions are appreciated and commendable, and we know + are grateful for the work you’re doing every day. Proud of you all for leading by example. Please don’t forget that during these trying times, you’re the gears that make our representative democracy work, and despite what it feels like now, you’ll look back upon your service on the Hill with pride. I have enormous respect for your hard work and dedication, and I have even greater admiration for your courage and resilience in the face of unimaginable threats. All Rights Reserved. Karen Marangi, 1989-1991, 1997-1999: We are so sorry for all you have had to face in the recent days! Katy Neas, 1984-1991: Thinking of you. We worry about you, we support you. Ava Yuen, 2014-2015: Some of my best friends were made during my fellowship. Thank you for your contributions. We share your sadness, fear, and anger. We will be better off because of your resolve to do the work of a nation. Kari Johnson, 2013-2015: My heart breaks for all of you, but I'm so thankful to have smart people like you all helping to keep our democracy alive. If you're embarking on the keto diet, here are the must-have items to add to your cart. Last week brought all that back. We watched in horror at the violence that unfolded at the Capitol, but admired your strength and resolve to carry on the nation's business. Thank you for your service to democracy. Jody Reeves, 1993-2000: Hill staffers are a tough bunch! Catherine Murray, 2008 - 2014: I can only imagine how challenging it must be to keep going after this. Barbara Larkin, 1975-6, 1986-1993: I’ve been thinking about you while watching the horrifying events in TV - and in my Hill neighborhood. Zabrae Valentine, 1996 - 2001: Humans who choose to work on the Hill are true public servants - the best of the best. You have our gratitude and our support as you keep up up the amazing work. Consider us as your friends & cheerleaders, here to help however we can. Thank you for your public service. We are pulling for you! Matthew Groves, 2012-2017: Thank you for proving the Congress never sleeps. And remember it's only temporary-you will come out on the other side lightyears ahead of others. You have a bevy of supporters across the country that have been in the roles you now hold. Ellen Whitt, 1985-1995, 2006: As I watched the events of January 6th unfold, I had such a sinking feeling in my heart. Thank you for your continued service and know that the family of Capitol Hill Alumni are behind you no matter what. STEPHEN LASSITER, 2009-2014: Hey y'all. You follow a long line of us who did the same in service to our members but as importantly to the country. Please don’t lose your faith in the American people. Sara McGovern, 2010 - 2014, 2019: Our history was written in the halls of the Capitol. Know that we support and are praying for you during these historic and terrifying times. Adena Leibman, 2009-2010, 2015-2019: Life as a Hill staffer is full of ups and downs - it's a rollercoaster of highs and lows in the pursuit of making a better, stronger America. Josh Stull, 1999 - 2003, 2005-2008: As a former Congressional staff member who was working in Longworth HOB on 9/11, I know what you are going through. Congress is one of the most challenging and rewarding workplaces anywhere. With the deepest gratitude and respect, thank you and please take care of yourselves ... better times ahead. Thank you for everything you do. Hang tough...but take a moment to pause. I knew all the attention would be on the Members, but I was thinking about you hiding under tables, running for safety. Please know that your entire Capitol Hill family is standing behind you to support you. Erik Komendant, 2001-2003, 2007-2011: Thank you for your service, your courage and your commitment to improving our country. Thanks for your courage and all you do. Please know we all appreciate you and thank you for all you do. And we sincerely thank you for your service. We are with you as you serve the People without fear or favor. The violation of your safety is unforgivable. Sohini Gupta, 1999-2004: By showing up and watching over each other you make this country better and strong. That said, it did make certain things visible. Rosie Krueger, 2008 - 2012: The moment you realize that you are not as safe at work as you thought you were is traumatic. I hope you know how much we value your commitment and dedication, and on January 6th, your bravery. Thank you. Michael Phelan, 2003-2019: Proud and humbled by the service of all who help ensure the light of democracy and that of our republic continues to shine from our Capitol. Do not lose heart. I remember how awful it was to manage social media for my member. As extended family, please know there are so many of us rooting for your success and sending strength to continue your work. Focus on the parts of the job that build you up and make you better, and hold your colleagues close. “If people see the Capitol going on, it is a sign we intend the Union shall go on.” Thank you! Angry citizens banging down our doors and sticking knives through our mail slot. I see you and your dedication and courage! Your work is important and unfortunately often underappreciated. Available on Netflix. It matters. Please know that there are so many of us who understand your contributions and are sending wishes for strength and healing. Lisa Kurdziel, 2005-2010: When the world turned upside down last week, I want you to know that there were thousands of us who immediately thought of you while the horror played out on TV. Thank you for everything you do! We will be the victors. Ann Witt, 2002-2009: Being a staff member in the House was frequently stressful. I am in awe at the courage and strength and dedication to country shown by Congressional staffers in the face of threats to their lives as well as democracy. They will not prevail. Please take the space you need to cry, be angry, and heal. Thomas McIntyre, 1999-2006: Keep it up. Adam Duffy, 2008-2012: Thank you for all that you do despite the low pay, long hours, and now security risks. Keep going. Rachel Brown, 2007-2010: Thank you for your hard work and dedication! Take care of each other and remember that both sides of the aisle have to work together to make this country successful! As a retired veteran, it pains me to see the hurt and fear all of you are undoubtedly feeling. Our country needs public servants like you now more than ever before, and I'm incredibly grateful for the work you're putting in every day under circumstances you shouldn't have to endure. Sending my love. Tim Roemer, 1985-1989 staffer 1991-2003 Member : We stand with you and honor your service, courage and tenacity. You matter, and your safety matters too. I cannot imagine how y’all felt being in the middle of it all during that distressing time. Eric Olson, 1996-2003: Having served during 9/11 I can imagine the despair you must be feeling following last week's attacks on the Capitol. Thank you for serving the needs of our government. We love and support you. are with you in spirit! We are proud of your endless dedication to the institution and need you now more than ever. We share a common purpose and love for this country. Thank you! Jenni Lee, 2009: Always know you have my gratitude and admiration-for your service, your courage, and your commitment to democracy. We are so grateful for you and the critical work that you do everyday to support your members and constituents.