Falling over unawares. I’ve included page numbers that correspond to the first hardcover edition. At the sight of her I was paralyzed with happiness; it was her, down to the most minute detail, the very pattern of her freckles, she was smiling at me, more beautiful and yet not older, black hair and funny upward quirk of her mouth, not a dream but a presence that filled the whole room: a force all her own, a living otherness. "Is The Goldfinch worthy of critical acclaim even though James Wood and Lorin Stein didn't like it?" Does anyone know what the point of view in this book is? Sarah's writing about books has appeared on Book Riot, Electric Literature, Kirkus Reviews, BookRags, PsychCentral, and more. Instead of moving forward with the day, and facing the reality that his mother may never come home, Theo wants to remain completely still and stop the progression of time. Everything about her was a snowstorm of fascination, from the antique valentines and embroidered Chinese coats she collected to her tiny scented bottles from Neal’s Yard Remedies; there had always been something bright and magical about her unknown faraway life... Theo realizes that his love for Pippa is irrational, and that it is directly tied to his love for his mother and his attempts to preserve his mother's memory. By that I mean I became cognizant of the effect a story like that could have on me. He also realizes that his self-absorption and grief trapped him and made him numb to the kindness of others. In this passage, Theo elaborates a pessimistic view of life as a catastrophe, as something that is full of loss and tragedy and pain. Elementary & Middle School Teacher ACCESS FULL GUIDE Overwhelmed by grief, he finds it hard to move, even though the rest of the city keeps moving. His final interaction with her remaining physical parts is fundamentally imperfect, and he accepts that he will never have a perfect moment with her in death. Alone and determined to avoid being taken in by the city as an orphan, Theo scrambles between nights in friends' apartments and on the city streets. “Everything would have turned out better if she lived.” – Theo. Thanks to my fever I had a lot of weird and extremely vivid dreams, sweats where I thrashed around hardly knowing if it was day or night, but on the last and worst of these nights I dreamed about my mother: a quick, mysterious dream that felt more like a visitation. “It's only a fake if you pass it off as an original.” – Hobbi. After the bombing of the Met, Theo is left alone in his apartment, unsure whether his mother is alive. But sometimes, unexpectedly, grief pounded over me in waves that left me gasping; and when the waves washed back, I found myself looking out over a brackish wreck which was illumined in a light so lucid, so heartsick and empty, that I could hardly remember that the world had ever been anything but dead. Sadly, Boris is a bad influence. Can’t good come around sometimes through some strange back doors?” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 12 – “The Rendezvous Point,” Section vii: page 758. These ads almost desecrate the urn and his kind gesture, as Theo realizes that he cannot preserve the sanctity of his mother's memory. In any case, my love for Tartt’s novel has not let up since reading the book five years ago, and I even wrote a post on this blog with book recommendations for fans of The Goldfinch, which I updated this year with even more great books to read if you loved The Goldfinch. The Goldfinch At a Glance; Book Summary; Character List; Character Map; Summary and Analysis; PART I Chapter 1. 49+ Goldfinch Quotes. Unfortunately, his circumstances as home..... where he lives with an abusive, alcoholic father, mean that he hasn't grown up in a loving household and often has to fend for himself..... and defend himself. But, he also knows that he cannot look behind him in this dream—a metaphor for his inability to resurrect his mother. Donna Tartt’s novel The Goldfinch begins with a feverish Theo Decker holed … Dessert [Experiments in Kitchen #19] Pain Au Chocolat… June 5, 2020. Night seemed to fall in the middle of the afternoon. ... and I've been known to abandon anticipated books before the conclusion of the first chapter if they've made me cringe one too many times due to their distractingly bad writing. Right before we got down and dirty into our discussion, we took the following quiz to win the Goldfinch Prize of the night. No release, no appeal, no “do-overs” to employ a favored phrase of Xandra’s, no way forward but age and loss, and no way out but death. She was the missing kingdom, the unbruised part of myself I’d lost with my mother. “That’s what he would have wanted. The Goldfinch is a story of Theo's life, a boy who lost his mother in a terrorist attack and father in an accident. Here Theo elaborates the counterpart to his pessimistic vision. I don't know what the secret is to Ms. Tartt's prose, but I dig it. Donna Tartt. Sinkhole of hospital beds, coffins, and broken hearts. She is currently an MFA candidate in Vermont College of Fine Arts's Writing for Children and Young Adults program. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The only illumination comes from jagged forks of lightning, carving a wicked … After Andy's death, Theo realizes that Andy was one of the only people showing him kindness. The … He realizes that life is filled with grief and tragedy, but that this reality can also be confronted and interpreted in a way that creates "something sublime," something that is wonderful and worth living for. Sarah also writes romance under the pen name Sadie Fox. In the first section, the narrator, Theo Decker, is holed up in an Amsterdam hotel, … “Caring too much for objects can destroy you. — The Goldfinch, Chapter 5 – “Badr al-Dine,” Section xv: page 254 “—if a painting really works down in your heart and changes the way you see, and think, and feel, you don’t think, ‘oh, I love this picture because it’s universal.’ ‘I love this painting because it speaks to all mankind.’ Audrey points out a painting called The Goldfinch by Carel Fabritius, which she says is “the first painting I ever really loved.”. This quote shows how misunderstood Theo is, and how invisible his grief is to those around him, as even trained professionals cannot see his sadness, and instead interpret his silence as healthy coping. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. We can’t make ourselves want what’s good for us or what’s good for other people. Important Quotes. The novel is a coming-of-age tale told in the first person.The protagonist, 13-year-old Theodore Decker, survives a terrorist bombing at an art museum where his mother is killed. To Theo, Pippa embodies the idea of innocence and wonder and the feeling he wants to escape to. The Goldfinch Part 2, Chapters 5-6 Summary & Analysis Part 2. “For all time, as long as history remembered, that painting will be mourned.” – Theo. This dream foreshadows the revelation of his mother's death, and introduces the haunting presence of her death. For a while, it had almost seemed that if I sat still enough, and waited, things might straighten themselves out somehow. What, in fact, does it mean to be the "hero" of a novel? Brilliant premise, and the start of the book is gripping. The Goldfinch is a 2019 American drama film directed by John Crowley, written by Peter Straughan, and adapted from the 2013 novel of the same name by Donna Tartt. About the author. Those are the ones who will kill you.” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 10 – “The Idiot,” Section xx: page 594, “You can look at a picture for a week and never think of it again. The protagonist, 13-year-old Theodore Decker, survives a terrorist bombing at an art museum where his mother dies. I often tell people that Donna Tartt’s Pulitzer Prize winning novel The Goldfinch (2013) is my favorite book—and it’s true. “I had the epiphany that laughter was light, and light was laughter, and that this was the secret of the universe.”. The Goldfinch Quotes Showing 1-30 of 962. ― Donna Tartt, quote from The Goldfinch Video. The Goldfinch is a doorstopper, weighing in at over 700 densely written pages. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. (Yes.) And just as music is the space between notes, just as the stars are beautiful because of the space between them, just as the sun strikes raindrops at a certain angle and throws a prism of color across the sky—so the space where I exist, and want to keep existing, and to be quite frank I hope I die in, is exactly this middle distance: where despair struck pure otherness and created something sublime. This section contains 742 words (approx. 1. “Dumb of me not to have seen it earlier, after all the injuries, the crushed leg, the multiple surgeries; adorable drag in the voice, adorable drag in the step, the arm-hugging and the pallor, the scarves and sweaters and multiple layers of clothes, slow drowsy smile: she herself, the dreamy childhood her, was sublimity and disaster, the morphine lollipop I’d chased for all those years.". “I had the epiphany that laughter was light, and light was laughter, and that this was the secret of the universe.” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 6 – “Wind, Sand and Stars,” Section xv: page 335, “Caring too much for objects can destroy you. 4. After Theo tells Hobie that he spoke with Welty right before his death, Hobie begins to talk to himself, processing Welty's death and last words as something he would have wanted. It won the 2014 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, among other honors. Part 2, Chapter 5 Summary: “Badr al-Dine” Theo arrives in Las Vegas with Larry and Xandra. After Theo finds out about Andy's death in a sailing accident, he recalls scattering his mother's ashes in Central Park. You’ve come, For this post, I wanted to do a roundup of, Even though I’m a book blogger and an author, I. What had disturbed me far more than the actual scattering of the remains was that the urn had been packed in shredded pieces of porno classifieds: SOAPY ASIAN BABES and WET HOT ORGASMS were two random phrases that had caught my eye as the gray powder, the color of moon rock, caught and spun in the May twilight. Home › boris the goldfinch quotes › goldfinch book quotes › goldfinch quotes › goldfinch quotes goodreads › goldfinch quotes with page numbers Wind, Sand and Stars; PART III Chapter 7. Like Theo Pippa is a victim of the bombing, a part of the disaster that both of them experience, but the thought of her also allows Theo to reach the sublime and to feel a respite from the horror of the bombing. And isn’t the whole point of things—beautiful things—that they connect you to some larger beauty?” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 12 – “The Rendezvous Point,” Section vii: page 757, “A great sorrow, and one that I am only beginning to understand: we don’t get to choose our own hearts. Perfect for discussion starters in your book club. GradeSaver, 16 September 2019 Web. Home; About. From the streets of New York to the dark corners of the art underworld, this "soaring masterpiece" examines the devastating impact of grief and the ruthless machinations of fate (Ron Charles, Washington Post). The soothing thought that Welty would have liked one final conversation, one stop at "a teahouse," before his death makes it easier for Hobie to internalize Welty's last moments. Get free homework help on Tartt's The Goldfinch: book summary, chapter summary and analysis, quotes, essays, and character analysis courtesy of CliffsNotes. That Nature (meaning Death) always wins but that doesn’t mean we have to bow and grovel to it. After Pippa admits that she loves Theo but cannot be with him, Theo realizes that Pippa largely exists in his dreams and conceptions of her, and is a "morphine lollipop" he chases. Her presence fills the room, and he is overwhelmed by her ghost. Published in 2013, it was Tartt's first novel since The Little Friend in 2002.. 2. Even though Theo is not showing his grief in the way he is expected to, he still feels waves of sadness and depression after his mother's death. I f it is surprising that none of Donna Tartt’s three novels has made it to the screen before now, it’s perhaps more surprising that The Goldfinch will be the first. In the most perfect way, the novel made me acutely aware of the possibilities of literature. The Goldfinch is a mesmerizing, stay-up-all-night and tell-all-your-friends triumph, an old-fashioned story of loss and obsession, survival and self-invention. And, increasingly, I find myself fixing on that refusal to pull back. He moves in with Xandra after his father is transferred to a job in Australia, and eventually starts selling drugs after he joins a crime ring. For in the deepest, most unshakable part of myself reason was useless. “I lost something that should have been immortal.” – Theo. Because I don’t care what anyone says or how often or winningly they say it: no one will ever, ever be able to persuade me that life is some awesome, rewarding treat. ten-quotes-goldfinch-donna-tartt. Yes you.” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 12 – “The Rendezvous Point,” Section vii: page 758, “And I add my own love to the history of people who have loved beautiful things, and looked out for them, and pulled them from the fire, and sought them when they were lost, and tried to preserve them and save them while passing them along literally from hand to hand, singing out brilliantly from the wreck of time to the next generation of lovers, and the next.” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 12 – “The Rendezvous Point,” Section viii: page 771, “Sometimes it’s about playing a poor hand well.” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 12 – “The Rendezvous Point,” Section i: page 707, “And as much as I’d like to believe there’s a truth beyond illusion, I’ve come to believe that there’s no truth beyond illusion. In this post, I’m going to share some of the best quotes from The Goldfinch. Psst, you. This Study Guide consists of approximately 68 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of The Goldfinch. Mothers and dads all over the city would be shuffling around wild-haired in underwear and bathrobes, putting on the coffee, plugging in the toaster, waking their kids up for school. Part of a book group? And in the midst of our dying, as we rise from the organic and sink back ignominiously into the organic, it is a glory and a privilege to love what Death doesn’t touch.” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 12 – “The Rendezvous Point,” Section viii: page 771, “Stay away from the ones you love too much. He moves into their house in a ranch community, and he notes that “[t]he emptiness of the place stunned me” (225). Only—if you care for a thing enough, it takes on a life of its own, doesn’t it? Badr al-Dine; PART II Chapter 6. That maybe even if we’re not always so glad to be here, it’s our task to immerse ourselves anyway: wade straight through it, right through the cesspool, while keeping eyes and hearts open. The Goldfinch Quotes. The Goldfinch Movie Quotes. Popular quotes “HERE THE DARKNESS REIGNS ETERNAL. Isn’t everything worthwhile a gamble? The Goldfinch is poorly plotted, with startling things happening for no reason! It combines unforgettably vivid characters, mesmerizing language, and breathtaking suspense, while plumbing with a philosopher's calm the deepest mysteries of love, identity, and art. If you loved the first person narrative and retrospection and insight on how a life is constructed… Try My Struggle by Karl Ove Knausgaard (2014) My Struggle is a six-volume autobiography by Karl Ove (Knausgaard). He seemed to be talking partly to himself. The living room was decorated with several objects mentioned in the book to go along with the quote mentioned above. Why the name Delightfull Discoveries; Experiments in Kitchen; Recipes. The Goldfinch falls between the two. There is no sun, no dawn; just the perpetual gloom of night. Top 200 of all time "Rotten Tomatoes Is Wrong" Our … And maybe I was coping awfully well, I don’t know. Boy with a Skull; PART I Chapter 2. It didn’t occur to me then, though it certainly does now, that it was years since I’d roused myself from my stupor of misery and self-absorption; between anomie and trance, inertia and parenthesis and gnawing my own heart out, there were a lot of small, easy, everyday kindnesses I’d missed out on; and even the word kindness was like rising from unconsciousness into some hospital awareness of voices, and people, from a stream of digitized machines. Though he tries to honor her by leaving her last remains in the park, her urn is wrapped in pornographic classified ads. You can play along and feel free to use this quiz in your own book club discussion. Suddenly there is a huge explosion, which knocks Theo out. The Question and Answer section for The Goldfinch is a great It relies on film references for its descriptions and emotional beats! Those first images that crack your heart wide open and you spend the rest of your life chasing, or trying to recapture, in one way or another?” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 12 – “The Rendezvous Point,” Section vii: page 757, “Who’s to say that gamblers don’t really understand it better than anyone else? There are no approved quotes yet for this movie. Tartt has said that "reading's no good unless it's fun." Part 2, Chapter 5 Quotes Before Boris, I had borne my solitude stoically enough, without realizing quite how alone I was. Theodore “Theo” Decker. Donna Tartt Born place: in Greenwood, Mississippi, The United States Born date December 23, 1963 See more on GoodReads. 5. Movie & TV guides. Soon, I knew, the night sky would turn dark blue; the first tender, chilly gleam of April daylight would steal into the room. And if you’re looking for more about The Goldfinch, check out my list of the 25 best quotes from The Goldfinch. Garbage trucks would roar and grumble down the street; spring songbirds would start singing in the park; alarm clocks would be going off in bedrooms all over the city. Read free book excerpt from The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, page 5 of 15 Soon, I knew, the night sky would turn dark blue; the first tender, chilly gleam of April daylight would steal into the room. Maybe it's due to sheer deprivation (absence making the heart grow fonder and all that jazz), because this lady, while her talent goes undisputed, has only man The Shop-Behind-the-Shop; PART III Chapter 8. Because the moon is the same wherever you go.” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 5 – “Badr al-Dine,” Section xv: page 254, “—if a painting really works down in your heart and changes the way you see, and think, and feel, you don’t think, ‘oh, I love this picture because it’s universal.’ ‘I love this painting because it speaks to all mankind.’ That’s not the reason anyone loves a piece of art. After reading The Goldfinch, I decided I needed to leave my administrative assistant job and embark on a career dedicated to recommending and, maybe someday, if I could do it, writing stories like that. Best Horror Movies. And I suppose if either of us had lived in an even halfway normal household, with curfews and chores and adult supervision, we wouldn’t have become quite so inseparable, so fast, but almost from that day were together all the time, scrounging our meals and sharing what money we had. You can also look at a picture for a second and think of it all your life.” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 12 – “The Rendezvous Point,” Section i: page 707, “Sometimes we want what we want even if we know it’s going to kill us.” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 12 – “The Rendezvous Point,” Section viii: page 770, “But sometimes, unexpectedly, grief pounded over me in waves that left me gasping; and when the waves washed back, I found myself looking out over a brackish wreck which was illumined in a light so lucid, so heartsick and empty, that I could hardly remember that the world had ever been anything but dead.” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 3 – “Park Avenue,” Section iv: page 93, “When you feel homesick,’ he said, ‘just look up. He hopes to exist in a space where reality and the interpretation of reality meet. 3. Park Avenue; PART I Chapter 4. Even though he is preoccupied with memories and thoughts of her, she is ultimately a ghost, and a figure that only exists in his memories and dreams. They separate briefly, agreeing to meet up again in the museum giftshop. Olive green water of the canal. Because I was cold and ill, and much of the time at a loss what to do (I'd neglected to bring a book, as well as warm clothes), I stayed in bed most of the day. This quote shows that Hobie has difficulty accepting Welty's death, and that he is trying to make sense of it through rationalization. View Wikipedia Entries for The Goldfinch…. Each one of these The Goldfinch quotes showcases Donna Tartt’s masterpiece, written in lush literary style that is confessional and intimate as our hero and narrator, Theo Decker, speaks from his heart. We don’t get to choose the people we are.” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 12 – “The Rendezvous Point,” Section viii: page 761, “That life – whatever else it is – is short. What do you think—is Theo the "hero" of his own life? Certainly I wasn’t howling aloud or punching my fist through windows or doing any of the things I imagined people might do who felt as I did. The Goldfinch is a novel by the American author Donna Tartt. 3. Because, here’s the truth: life is catastrophe. And as much as I wanted to, I knew I couldn’t turn around, that to look at her directly was to violate the laws of her world and mine; she had come to me the only way she could, and our eyes met in the glass for a long still moment; but just as she seemed about to speak–with what seemed a combination of amusement, affection, exasperation–a vapor rolled between us and I woke up. “Although, I do have to say, it was difficult to imagine him going that way,” Hobie said, in the abrupt silence that had fallen. Donna Tartt. I was in Hobie’s shop—or, more accurately, some haunted dream space staged like a sketchy version of the shop—when she came up suddenly behind me so I saw her reflection in a mirror. Quotes Of Live | Goldfinch quotes ~ Indeed lately is being sought by users around us, perhaps one of you. The novel begins with Theo recounting a dream he has about his mother. 85 Roald Dahl Quotes from 10 of His Best Books, An Essential List of the 90 Best Quotes about Books, Learn Dream Interpretation with the 15 Best Dream Interpretation Books, The 40 Best Self-Help Books of All Time, According to Goodreads, An Epic Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing Review, Take the Ultimate Children's Literature Trivia Quiz, Book Group Guide for IN FIVE YEARS: Questions, Ending Explained & Similar Books, The 15 Best Tarot Books: from Beginner to Advanced, 10 Terrific Short Story Collections for Kids, Learn Numerology with the 10 Best Books about Numerology, Discussion Questions for THE BOY, THE MOLE, THE FOX AND THE HORSE, 20 Best Science Fiction Short Story Collections, 40 Fun Book Trivia Facts for Kids about Children's Book Authors, 40 Fun Book Trivia Facts for Kids about Children’s Book Authors. My thoughts on this book are in this post. Word Count: 1143. Goldfinch Quotes : Entra para leer el articulo completo. And what would I do? Part of me was immobile, stunned with despair, like those rats that lose hope in laboratory experiments and lie down in the maze to starve. "The Goldfinch Quotes and Analysis". The Anatomy Lesson; PART I Chapter 3. A young boy in New York City, Theo Decker, miraculously survives an explosion that takes the life of his mother. Even though Theo does not consider life to be a pleasant experience, as his life is punctuated with heartbreak, death, and grief, he still believes life is worth living. After a drug deal that ends in a police shootout, Boris loses the painting, and finds Theo in order to get it back. I’d scattered my mother’s ashes in Central Park, though apparently there was a regulation against it; one evening while it was getting dark, I’d walked with Andy to a deserted area on the west side of the Pond and—while Andy kept a lookout—dumped the urn. It’s a secret whisper from an alleyway. Every single day for the rest of my life, she would only be further away.” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 3 – “Park Avenue,” Section iv: page 89, “To understand the world at all, sometimes you could only focus on a tiny bit of it, look very hard at what was close to hand and make it stand in for the whole.” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 10 – “The Idiot,” Section xxiii: page 603, “Who was it that said that coincidence was just God’s way of remaining anonymous?” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 12 – “The Rendezvous Point,” Section vii: page 758, “We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that, in the end, we become disguised to ourselves.” François De La Rochefoucauld — The Goldfinch, quoted in the title page for Book III, “’The world won’t come to me,’ he used to say, ‘so I must go to it.’” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 4 – “Morphine Lollipop,” Section i: page 139, “Can’t good come around sometimes through some strange back doors?” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 12 – “The Rendezvous Point,” Section vii: page 758, “As long as I am acting out of love, I feel I am doing best I know how.” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 12 – “The Rendezvous Point,” Section v: page 745, “She was the golden thread running through everything, a lens that magnified beauty so that the whole world stood transfigured in relation to her, and her alone.” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 9 – “Everything of Possibility,” Section vi: page 464, “He was a planet without an atmosphere.” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 4 – “Morphine Lollipop,” Section ix: page 160, “Isn’t the whole point of things—beautiful things—that they connect you to some larger beauty? Hey kid. This section contains 1,764 words (approx. Print Word PDF. I tried to pull my thoughts together. The goldfinch is a story of theos life a boy who lost his mother in a terrorist attack and father in an accident. That fate is cruel but maybe not random. Essay Topics. I first went to library science graduate school thinking I’d want to help connect people with books like that, but later I realized I wanted to learn how to write books like The Goldfinch. I dig it a lot. You can use these quotes as discussion questions for The Goldfinch. Characters come and go randomly, and important details are suddenly introduced with no prior warning, and given paragraphs of detailed backstory, as if no one beta-read the manuscript and pointed out how disjointed everything feels! A teahouse amid the cherry blossoms, on the way to death.". The film stars Ansel Elgort as Theodore Decker, whose life changes after his mother dies in a terrorist bombing at a museum and a dying man convinces him to take a famous painting called The Goldfinch from the museum. “The flash of lightning. At the same time, the reading experience caused an awakening in me; I started to unpack the craft mastery needed to write a story like that, one that is intricately plotted, emotionally engaging, and profoundly affecting. Guys hanging off the backs of trucks would toss fat whacking bundles of the Times and the Daily News to the sidewalks outside the newsstand. But there were times I couldn't wait to get to the end of the chapter so I could put the book down and take a break from it in the hope that when I started the next chapter the story might pick up again. This quote contrasts the livelihood of Manhattan, and the shift from night to day in the continual movement of the city, with Theo's stillness. The information is chapter specific and so it's easy to target certain things.” Adrienne B. Word Count: 585. Wondering how to learn dream interpretation? Because, between ‘reality’ on the one hand, and the point where the mind strikes reality, there’s a middle zone, a rainbow edge where beauty comes into being, where two very different surfaces mingle and blur to provide what life does not: and this is the space where all art exists, and all magic.” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 12 – “The Rendezvous Point,” Section viii: page 770, “…as we rise from the organic and sink back ignominiously into the organic, it is a glory and a privilege to love what Death doesn’t touch.” — The Goldfinch, Chapter 12 – “The Rendezvous Point,” Section viii: page 771, “Every new event—everything I did for the rest of my life—would only separate us more and more: days she was no longer a part of, an ever-growing distance between us. Craving the most, I first heard of Bookroo last year when I did a write-up, I have lived with bipolar disorder symptoms for 14 years after I, Looking for fun facts about children’s authors and kid lit? The Goldfinch study guide contains a biography of Donna Tartt, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.