I’ve been using word-wrap: break-word to wrap text in divs and spans.However, it doesn’t seem to work in table cells. So we’re going to help you out. On the right, object's text wrap zone is touching the text frame. Click the Table Layout tab, and then under Settings, click Properties. I have a table set to width:100%, with one row and two columns.Text in columns, although styled with the above word-wrap, doesn’t wrap.It causes the text … Note: A table is able to leave the text frame horizontally. I turned off text wrapping and resize to fit text; however, the text still wraps once at the end of each nested table. If you have a cell that has a lot of text, autofitting the column will expand it and make the column huge. How to Wrap Text in Excel… in a Few Seconds!. You can set some CSS rules, linke width for columns, and somethimes – nothing happens. How to wrap text in Excel automatically. Like trying to figure out how to get text to wrap so it doesn’t take up your entire window.. Use an anchored object with text wrap applied. I created a table and nested two tables (single row/column) tables within the one single row table. The text in a text area with wrap="hard" will contain newlines (if any) when submitted in a form: