Deputy editorial page editor Ruth Marcus and columnist Megan McArdle go head-to-head on a radical idea for more civic engagement. With an increasingly violate political climate, the case can be made that voting should be mandatory. The best way to make the process appear free and fair is to give each citizen a chance to vote. “The idea of compulsory voting is that it conveys the idea that each person’s voice is expected and valued,” says Chapman. Mandatory voting compels voters to better educate themselves. Please Support Us if you like our content! People should have the option to refuse to participate in the system if they choose. Promotes National Unity Mandatory military service can promote national unity in many ways. Instead of saying that voting is a civic responsibility, it becomes a civic duty. What Are The Pros And Cons Of Mandatory Voting. It would lead to voter confusion, which goes against public preference for an easily understood voting system that has a simple ballot format. Australia election: Why is voting compulsory? It is possible to get rid of such notions if you can make all citizens vote. The Pros And Cons Of Compulsory Voting 1059 Words | 5 Pages however, many of them choose not to, leading to an increase of enforced mandatory voting in many countries. For example, some people may be sick, and they fail to turn up and vote. Lastly, some people assert that mandatory voting will ultimately help make it easier for people to vote. navajocodetalkersadmin on May 21, 2015 - 5:35 pm in Pros and Cons. Pros Cons Compulsory voting may decrease the cost of elections as well as mobilisation and political campaigns, and those resources can then be used on other issues. It is possible to make people turn out in large numbers and vote if enough voter education can be carried out. There are some areas where campaigns are costly due to the strategies employed to try and make people come out to vote. On the one hand, you have those who inveigh against it: claiming that its implementation would undermine their libertarian rights as enshrined in the constitution and that it would … There are several reasons people prefer voting to be made compulsory, while others would like it to remain optional. The actions of the Amendment allowed the voting age to be reduced from 21 to 18. A law would prevent it. There are some countries where voting is mandatory, while in others, it is optional. Election Day is a holiday in Puerto Rico. The policies they formulate end up affecting the whole population. Is forcing people to vote constitutional at all? For example, candidates have to invest huge amounts in advertisements. (The Star):,,,, People will be okay to have leaders in power so long as they were involved in voting them into power. 5806. We will never spam your email. They do not understand that failure to vote will make few people make decisions on their behalf. Mandatory Vaccinations It is a proven fact that vaccines boost the immune system and prevent the spread of disease. People will feel the majority of the votes legitimately elected the leaders they have. Some people argue it is necessary to make voting … People who show up in poling stains should be fully informed and ready to make the right decisions. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'ablison_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_6',147,'0','0']));There are some religions where people are discouraged from participating in the voting process. In cases where voting is made compulsory, the candidates will be interested in educating the whole public about their policies. First, it allows citizens to learn and train together, creating that shared experience of having served in the military. Voting can only be made mandatory if every race on the ballot has a "none of the above" option. The United States of the America was built on the idea that the public would be involved within the government. never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom. There are certain pros and cons of mandatory voting that must be considered when examing from a balanced perspective whether all citizens should be required to vote. List of Cons of Compulsory Voting 1. Some candidates come up with strategies where they target people who are likely to come out and vote. It Becomes Part Of Each Citizen’s Civic DutyCompulsory voting changes the dynamic in a society. As the nation gears up for its next federal election this October, a majority of British Columbians believe the best way to get all eligible voters involved is to make voting mandatory. If someone is unsatisfied with the state and system, they will deny voting despite their electoral duty. Geography. Here are the pros and cons of lowering the voting age that we provided in the survey. List of Cons of Compulsory Voting. Let us take a look at its pros and cons, and you be the judge. Mandatory voting cons: More voters doesn't mean increased awareness. Try to make policies that will accommodate people from all religions. Turn Out . What political party is currently in power? I hope you will make good use of it." Vaccines are required by most schools and jobs. Parties and electoral agencies don’t have to spend money and time to get people to vote, and can focus on talking about the issues. Every group member must find two articles, so that a group of 3 will have 6 total and a group of 4 will have 8 total. It is good for citizens to know compulsory voting pros and cons so that they can decide accordingly. In 1971, the 26th Amendment was officially ratified. Compulsory voting will potentially encourage voters to research the candidates' political positions more thoroughly. Essay on Mandatory Voting Pros And Cons ...idea of mandatory voting could be used to help get the voice of the whole nation out. Violates Freedom of Choice For some people, voting should be a right not a duty. READ MORE: Groups ready campaign to help young voters identify ‘fake news’ in election. Yes, voting should be mandatory. Voluntary voting does not necessarily produce bias to the wealthy or well educated. Some people, out of the free will, may not like to queue and vote. There are points to both sides. In a case where voting is made compulsory, all votes will be accounted for. For example, you need to try and allow people to practice their religion freely. For Against; Compulsory voting keeps the Australian political system responsive to the people. The whole election process aims at making citizens get their representatives. But as you would expect, there are many pros and cons to be considered around the idea of mandatory voting. It will be wrong to push such people because they have not wronged anybody or violated any office against the state, but they have decided to express their free will. 7. That place has compulsory voting, and to me, that worked out just fine. Mandatory Vaccinations Pros and Cons. Citizens will be free to invest. “When you have these moments where people know … [] Caravanas are joyful, noisy parades of cars festooned with flags and other decorations that stream through Puerto Rico’s streets ahead of an election and are credited with the island’s over 80% voter turnout. List of Cons of Compulsory Voting. Mandatory voting compels voters to better educate themselves. To make it easy for people to enjoy their freedom easily, voting should be left to be optional. What is the % of people who voted in the last federal (2011) & provincial (2013) elections? Some people argue it is necessary to make voting compulsory, while others would like it to remain optional. Martin Ollman / Stringer. In most cases, the campaign teams do not bear fruits because, in most cases, people do not vote. Here are the pros and cons of mandatory voting that we provided in the survey. If an eligible voter does not attend a polling place, he or she may be subject to punitive measures such as fines or There are certain pros and cons of mandatory voting that must be ... a balanced perspective whether all citizens should be required to vote. Countries where voting is optional lead to informed decisions during the voting process. It is good for lawmakers to be fully informed of each system’s benefits and drawbacks before they can formulate laws. Till now, there are 32 countries with compulsory voting around the world. 6. How many seats are there in the House of Commons? Arguments for mandatory voting Voting is a civic duty and should be enforced Can improve representation of marginalized populations who are historically less likely to vote and who have less access to the political process Increases turnout which could mean that more people’s views will be better represented in government