You can see the unpruned lavender behind the recently pruned lavender. Prune right after the first flowering and again in late August after the last flush has faded. What do I do if I over-water my lavender? There are two schools of thought about when to prune lavender. Cutting lavender back too far can also result in fewer blooms. Location: For best results, containers should be placed where they receive a full day’s sun. Pruning a potted French lavender is no different to pruning lavenders in other conditions. When should I trim lavender for the winter? Unlike many perennial plants and shrubs that can be pruned now, it is best to wait to prune lavender until after bloom in spring or in early fall before any danger of frost. I will do as you suggest and see how they are in the spring before deciding whether to replace them. Fill the bottom inch or two of the container with Styrofoam peanuts or gravel to facilitate swift drainage. © 2020 The Lavender Connection, LLC | All rights reserved. We recommend a gumdrop shape to the lavender when you are done pruning. French lavender is a nice alternative to common lavender thanks to its very original flowers.. Key facts for French Lavender. Don't cut into the woody part of the shrub. Fertilizing. Heavy pruning at this age helps drive new sprouts for future stems from the base of the plant, making it stronger.” Impress Purple Lavender, pruned You still have a few days to get out there and snip off the ugly bits before the green starts to grow. Pruning a large lavender plant will take very little time with good pruning clippers Snip the stems about three fingers above the new stems that are springing up around the base of the plants. Name – Lavandula stoechas (GB) Name – Lavandula dentata (USA) Family – Lamiaceae. Pruning lavender. It looks dead, but we promise you mom, it isn’t. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. We’ll get back to you soon! … Seasonal Pruning – When is the best time to prune lavender? This can be done through: 1. preparingcuttings 2. harvesting and growing from seeds Let’s take a lo… Do not trim lavender branches back too far. Instead, give them a good haircut when it starts to warm up in the first half of spring. If your shrub is on the older side, you'll likely have to cut more than one bunch. Regular pruning twice a year gives your plant time regenerate fresh flowers and … Pruning lavenders is the same whether they are in the ground or in pots. Space lavender plants 12 to 18 inches apart in an area with plenty of sunlight and sandy, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.7 to 7.3. ", "I am a beginner, this article is excellent with all pictures and plain, clear text. It has a lot of new growth on it. Ideally, pruning lavender in spring and fall is a great idea, if … Please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. Pruning Potted Lavenders Lavenders only produce flowers on new growth, so pruning should be done after flowering in late summer every year and once more in the early spring. Pull off some of the lower leaves. Twelve- to 16-inch containers do the job nicely. This article has been viewed 186,722 times. Please enter your username or email address. Support wikiHow by Also, I had used beauty bark in the garden where all of the Lavender plants were–they had to be replaced this year as they were going on fifteen years old. For restorative pruning, be sure to sterilize the pruners by soaking them in a solution of water and denatured alcohol to prevent disease spread. Prune these lavender in spring when all frost is finished for the season. Though they may look sparse at first, they should come back full and bushy by the next season. Never trim lavender with dull pruning shears. Some shrubs can take severe pruning and hatracking, but pruning lavender too hard wouldkill it. ", "I was aware that the wood part did not regrow once cut. Lavender is an herb in the mint family that produces small purple flowers and thick, aromatic foliage. Learn how to prune lavender, sage, thyme, geranium, wormwood, and other subshrubs to keep plants healthy, growing well, and looking good. Lavenders can be propagated by seed but you … Hello – great question! Lavender does not like much water after the first year. You might be surprised as to how much your lavender will enjoy the haircut and give you multiple stems with blooms after this pruning, if done soon. Taking the time to do this will also help to prevent more of the shrub from turning to wood. Add a tablespoon of lime to the potting mix after filling the container. Did not trim in fall, wanted to know if I could do it in spring. Do not be afraid to prune with a heavy hand to control the size. Lavender is a perennial and has been known to survive up to 15 years in home gardens. It is a running joke* in the Olson family that every spring my mother, Susan the Purpled, is convinced that all of the lavender has died and our fields will need to be completely re-planted. Prune these lavender in spring when all frost is finished for the season. Good luck with your lavender! To trim lavender, try to trim it right when the first flowers open, which is when lavender is at its most fragrant. If you cannot water them as often as needed, you may reduce sun to 4-8 hours a day. Sign me up for the Lavender Connection newsletter, to receive news, tips, and discounts! This is not a problem for indoor lavender. This easy-to-grow shrub thrives in a sunny spot, in free-draining soil or a container. The parts of the plant that turn to wood won't produce new lavender stalks; the stalks grow from new shoots that emerge from the shrub every year. What should I use instead of the bark? While pruning in spring can delay flowering, it is a good time to trim away dead or damaged parts. New lavender plants need to be pruned in spring when new green growth has appeared. Lavender, of the genus Lavandula, is commonly grouped into four subgeneras, with a vast number of hybrids that have been cultivated for specific growing conditions and climates all around the world: