The legend is famous for the many elements it is said to concern life and death, creation and destruction, even time itself is tied with the tale of the Phoenix. Tina Garnet writes in The Phoenix in Egyptian, Arab, & Greek Mythology of the long-lived bird, “When it feels its end approaching, it builds a nest with the finest aromatic woods, sets it on fire, and is consu… may under heaven possess,   and exalted happiness beacnað in burgum   hu hi beorhtne gefean As a side note, the Sphinx embodies the four cardinal constellations of the zodiac, the four corners of the cosmos, Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius, the four elements that act to build the material world. quando al cinquecentesimo anno appressa;, 10.4159/DLCL.pliny_elder-natural_history.1938, 10.4159/DLCL.claudian_claudianus-shorter_poems.1922, "Codex exoniensis. phoenix definition: 1. in ancient stories, an imaginary bird that set fire to itself every 500 years and was born…. On herb or grain it feeds not in its life, At Heliopolis, the center of solar worship, the bird would sit on the Benben stone (a primitive obelisk) or in the branches of sacred willow. [2], Over time the phoenix motif spread from its origins in classical folklore and gained a variety of new associations: Herodotus, Lucan, Pliny the Elder, Pope Clement I, Lactantius, Ovid, and Isidore of Seville are among those who have contributed to the retelling and transmission of the phoenix motif. in the celestial   country may gain. That word is probably a borrowing from a West Semitic word for madder, a red dye made from Rubia tinctorum. According to an Egyptian legend, after its resurrection, t… This bird's nature   is much like Spiritual Meaning of Spiders in the House, Spiritual Meaning of Snake Bite in a Dream, Spiritual Meaning of Butterfly Landing On You,,, 50 Bhagavad Gita Quotes On Karma, Life, And Death, Spiritual Meaning of Finding Pennies or Dimes + Dream Interpretation, Liver Disease – Spiritual Meaning, Causes and Healing, Chenrezig Mantra (Avalokiteshvara Mantra) – Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits. The phoenix is a mythological bird that recycles its own life. The mysterious First Time, or Zep Tepi, was an expression the ancient Egyptians used to refer to the beginning of time. This magnificent bird is also synonymous with good fortune, opportunity, and luck in Asian cultures. [17] Some said that the bird had peacock-like coloring, and Herodotus's claim of the Phoenix being red and yellow is popular in many versions of the story on record. Indeed it is a great rarity, even in Egypt, only coming there (according to the accounts of the people of Heliopolis) once in five hundred years, when the old phoenix dies. The scream of the Bennu bird marks the beginning of time. READ MORE: Spiritual Meaning of Spiders in the House. Also, according to the secret history, the Sphinx is a monument dedicated to the first moment in which the four elements have settled and the matter has become solid. Her ashes new create another heir It was colored in gold and purple, and the bird had visited the Sun Temple at Heliopolis every 500 years, carrying its parent’s ashes in a myrrh egg. [32] These perceived analogues are sometimes included as part of the Motif-Index of Folk-Literature phoenix motif (B32). According to most beliefs, only one phoenix lived at a time and it renewed itself every 500 years. [3], The modern English word phoenix enters the English language from Latin, later reinforced by French. The phoenix symbolic meaning has made its mark on various cultures throughout history. Question: "Is the phoenix mentioned in the Bible?" The earliest reference to the Phoenix was made by Hesiod in the 8th century B.C., but the most detailed account is by Herodotus of Halicarnassus, the … The story of the Phoenix is legendary and is likely one of the most well known ancient myths in modern day. In the fragment, the wise centaur Chiron tells a young hero Achilles the following:[7]. A very popular tattoo design of the phoenix bird is its rising from fire, famously represented in the tribal phoenix tattoo design. The modern English word phoenix enters the English language from Latin, later reinforced by French. igneus ora The word first enters the English language by way of a borrowing of Latin phoenīx into Old English(fenix). The fire represents death and turbulence, and the rising phoenix bird symbolizes victory over death or the troubles of life! erba né biado in sua vita non pasce, The sun called out, "Glorious Phoenix, you shall be my bird and live forever!" For many ancient peoples, this fabulous bird represented death and rebirth. As a manifestation of Osiris, the Bennu bird leads the spirits of the dead through the dangers of the underground world. The club crest of Coventry City Football Club features a phoenix rising from the flames, in recognition of how the City of Coventry was rebuilt after being destroyed by the Nazi German Luftwaffe during the Blitz bombing campaigns of World War II. The key and unchanging meaning of a phoenix bird tattoo is that of rebirth. Phoenix Origin and Meaning The name Phoenix is a boy's name of Greek origin meaning "dark red". Thus, the Greeks adopted the Phoenix bird as the emblem of the cycles of life and death, of the eternal rebirths of its own ashes. When the Pharaohs reached a 30-year-old reign, they prayed to the sacred bird to renew their strength and vitality. The Phoenix is a legendary Arabian bird which is said to periodically burn itself to death and emerge from the ashes as a new phoenix, a symbol of life, death and re-birth. For the Egyptians, Phoenix was the symbol of the 1460-year Sothic cycle. Its legs are of Tyrianpurple; swifter than those of the Zephyrs are its wingsof flower-like blue dappled with rich gold. And the worm that has been born out of the phoenix is a human being as well. rutilo cognatum vertice sidusattollit cristatus apex tenebrasque serenaluce secat. Many translations of Job 29:18 give a meaning of sand but it also has the meaning of phoenix bird. According to Claudian's poem "The Phoenix",[24]. The phoenix bird is a mythical bird from Greek mythology. ” Quetzalcoatl,” and Montezuma’s revenge/ reality as IT pertains to the Conquistadors and the Jesuit priesthood in Central America and Mexico; wherewithal, sacrifices, both atop the pyramidal temples and the bed chambers exacted the survival reincarnate of the Aboriginal Civilization. Most occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who… will one day rise triumphant. You’ll find its mention from the ancient Greek mythology all the way to Chinese legends. I am totally surprised that the Central American Aboriginal 1. And the phoenix first appears in a living state, and dies, and rises again, being a sign of what has become apparent at the consummation of the age. The phoenix symbolizes renewal and resurrection, and represents many themes , such as “the sun, time, the empire, metempsychosis, consecration, resurrection, life in the heavenly Paradise, Christ, Mary, virginity, the exceptional man”. The term “bennu” comes from a verb of Egyptian origin, which has the meaning of “rising,” “shining.”. The mythological bird is the bearer of auspicious energy. Likewise, there are three phoenixes in paradise—the first is immortal, the second lives 1,000 years; as for the third, it is written in the sacred book that it is consumed. For example, the classical motif of the phoenix continues into the Gnostic manuscript On the Origin of the World from the Nag Hammadi Library collection in Egypt generally dated to the 4th century:[26]. 2. singular noun If you describe someone or something as a phoenix, you mean that they return again after seeming to disappear or be destroyed. Here, the priests of Helios will begin the solemn funeral ritual. Its scream would be the first sound ever heard. According to Pliny the Elder, Marcus Manilius had written that the phoenix appeared at the end of each Great Year, which he took to have occurred "in the consulship of Gnaeus Cornelius and Publius Licinius", that is, in 96 BC. In the 19th century, scholastic suspicions appeared to be confirmed by the discovery that Egyptians in Heliopolis had venerated the Bennu, a solar bird similar in some respects to the Greek phoenix. Its size and appearance, if it is like the pictures, are as follow: The plumage is partly red, partly golden, while the general make and size are almost exactly that of the eagle. For example, its symbolism represents: The union and melding of yin and yang; Prosperity and power ; Grace and high virtue They related it to the daily cycle of the Sun and the annual Nile overflow, but the astrologers linked the story of its long life to the theory of the sidereal revolution. In the same way, between the lion’s paws of the Sphinx of Giza, looking east, there is a large stone that carries an inscription that says: “This is the Splendid Place of the First Time.”. To this day, the phoenix is used as a metaphor for rising out of the ashes. This borrowing was later reinforced by French influence, which had also borrowed the Latin noun. But only on tears of incense and amomum, The names are all related to the appearance and characteristics of a phoenix, so fire, smoke, ashes and more. Some of these sources may have actually been influenced by Greek notions of the phoenix, rather than the other way around. What I dig most about phoenix tattoos is their limitless possibilities in representation. [13] In the oldest images of phoenixes on record these nimbuses often have seven rays, like Helios (the Greek personification of the Sun). Phoenix name generator . [22], According to Pliny's Natural History,[23]. Although reference to the phoenix bird (also known as the firebird) does not show up by name in the KJV Bible translation, it does show up in a Jewish translation of the Old Testament.It also shows up in the Septuagint (a Greek version of the Old Testament dated to the third century B.C. The Phoenix, of Bunnu is believed to be a divine bird going back to Egypt… This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then rises from the ashes. Just as the phoenix appears as a witness concerning the angels, so the case of the water hydri in Egypt, which has been a witness to those going down into the baptism of a true man. In ancient Greek folklore, a phoenix (/ˈfiːnɪks/; Ancient Greek: φοῖνιξ, phoînix) is a long-lived bird that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. © Copyright 2021 INSIGHT STATE. The story is that it is as large as an eagle, and has a gleam of gold round its neck and all the rest of it is purple, but the tail blue picked out with rosecoloured feathers and the throat picked out with tufts, and a feathered crest adorning its head. e nardo e mirra son l'ultime fasce. In their mythology, Zep Tepi was marked by the elevation of the primordial mound from the ocean and the landing of the Phoenix bird on it. Originally, the Bennu bird may have been identified with Venus, the Morning star, therefore, representing the precursor of the creation’s renewal at dawn. [23], In time, the motif and concept of the phoenix extended from its origins in ancient Greek folklore. Classical discourse on the subject of the phoenix attributes a potential origin of the phoenix to Ancient Egypt. ma sol d'incenso lagrime e d'amomo, bi þam gecornum   Cristes þegnum; The earliest references to the Bennu bird describe it as a yellow wagtail, but then it will be presented as a heron. (sometimes initial capital letter) a mythical bird of great beauty fabled to live 500 or 600 years in the Arabian wilderness, to burn itself on a funeral pyre, and to rise from its ashes in the freshness of youth and live through another cycle of years: often an emblem of immortality or of reborn idealism or hope. Oxford University Press. Learning & Values » Parshah (Weekly Torah) » Bereishit - Genesis » Noach » Parshah Study » Parshah Focus. At the beginning of the cycle, Belgian author and lecturer Robert Bauval found that Milky Way was on top of the Nile course. The phoenix appears in the mythology of ancient Egypt , Greece , and Rome . The ashes are the source of its rebirth as another bird. It seems that the Bennu bird was the prototype of the Phoenix bird’s classic myth, a unique creature on Earth. Some spells from the Book of the Dead (a collection of spells that enable the soul of the deceased to navigate the afterlife) invoke the transformation of the dead into the Bennu bird so that they can travel freely between the two worlds. The earliest representation of the phoenix is found in the ancient Egyptian Bennu bird, the name relating to the verb “weben,” meaning “to rise brilliantly,” or “to shine.” Some researchers believe that a now extinct large heron was a possible real life inspiration for the Bennu. Nor shall this peace sleep with her; but as when [4], The Latin word comes from Greek φοῖνιξ phoinīx. Their version of the phoenix was a Bennu, which was part heron, and part falcon. Unlike some other mythical creatures found in fantasy books, there is reference to the phoenix in ancient Jewish sources. The Phoenix, like all other creatures who live in Paradise, was known to live … It has extraordinary longevity (its lifetime varies from 500 to almost 13,000 years, depending on the sources). OED Online. In the 5th century BC, Herodotus said he had visited Heliopolis and was told of a grandiose Phoenix bird. In Greek, phoenix means purple-red, which indicates that this bird is associated with fire. [23] Another of Pliny's sources, Cornelius Valerianus, is cited for an appearance of the phoenix in 36 AD "in the consulship of Quintus Plautius and Sextus Papinius". The Phoenix bird originates in Arabia (or Ethiopia) and is the object of particular worship in Egypt, at Heliopolis. [6], Exterior to the Linear B mention above from Mycenean Greece, the earliest clear mention of the phoenix in ancient Greek literature occurs in a fragment of the Precepts of Chiron, attributed to 6th century BC Greek poet Hesiod. This name generator will give you 10 random names for a phoenix, but most names can be used for other fiery beings as well. a fabulous bird that after a life of five or six centuries immolates itself on a pyre and rises from the ashes to begin a new cycle of years: often an emblem of immortality or of reborn idealism or hope. Such is the story they tell of the doings of this bird. By Yehuda Shurpin. Therefore, the Sphinx marks the point where two successive waves of emanations of the cosmic mind formed the solid matter. Tyrio pinguntur crura veneno.antevolant Zephyros pinnae, quas caerulus ambitflore color sparsoque super ditescit in auro. "phoenix, n.1". Fenghuang is described in the Chinese encyclopedia “Shou weng” with these characteristics: Moreover, its body represents the 6 celestial bodies. The phoenix legend commemorates a bird that was raised to new life out of the ashes of fire. Some legends say it dies in a show of flames and combustion, others that it simply dies and decomposes before being born again. It’s understood to represent overcoming the toughest obstacles, emerging victorious, and becoming stronger through facing challenges. It is the phoenix, the bird of fire. The new Phoenix bird buries the previous one, placing the remains in an egg-shaped myrrh and incense wrap and carrying them, with a cortege made of other birds flying around, to the sanctuary of Heliopolis. They reflected each other. It was said to have eyes as blue as sapphires. And so stand fix'd ... Phoenixes are present and relatively common in European heraldry, which developed during the High Middle Ages. According to Egyptian mythology, the Phoenix arrived to mark the birth of a new era. symbolic meaning of the phoenix In Egypt, the meaning of the phoenix is connected with the sun and the Nile. (sometimes cap.) Typically, they view the phoenix as coming in twos, one male and one female, representing yin and yang energy. The heraldic phoenix is depicted as the head, chest and wings of an eagle rising from a fire; the entire creature is never depicted.[29]. As great in admiration as herself; In Ancient Greek Mythology, the phoenix is known as a fiery bird, said to live for 500 years. Herodotus, writing in the 5th century BC, provides the following account of the phoenix:[8]. In time, it reemerges from its own ashes – reborn, renewed, and very much alive. healdaþ under heofonum   & him heanna blæd Celestial Animal Symbolic Meaning. [2], Long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn in Greek mythology. One must reason about the factual connotations, and subliminations respective of [23] Pliny states that a purported phoenix seen in Egypt in 47 AD was brought to the capital and exhibited in the Comitium in time for the 800th anniversary of the foundation of Rome by Romulus, though he added that "nobody would doubt that this phoenix was a fabrication". Answer: The phoenix, sometimes referred to as a “firebird,” is a brightly arrayed mythical bird that held powerful symbolism in the ancient world. The anonymous 10th century Old English Exeter Book contains an anonymous 677-line 9th-century alliterative poem consisting of a paraphrase and abbreviation of Lactantius, followed by an explication of the Phoenix as an allegory for the resurrection of Christ.[27]. In the modern era, the phoenix motif continues to see use in a variety of contexts. Additionally, its feathers contain the 5 fundamental colors: READ THIS NEXT: Spiritual Meaning of Butterfly Landing On You. A mysterious fire flashes from its eye,and a flaming aureole enriches its head. They tell a story of what this bird does, which does not seem to me to be credible: that he comes all the way from Arabia, and brings the parent bird, all plastered over with myrrh, to the temple of the Sun, and there buries the body. And nard and myrrh are its last winding-sheet. Although a pair, the Chinese Phoenix is considered a single bird, having a superior significance and imperial rank. aquilae narratur magnitudine, auri fulgore circa colla, cetero purpureus, caeruleam roseis caudam pinnis distinguentibus, cristis fauces, caputque plumeo apice honestante. arcanum radiant oculi iubar. Thus when Sophia Zoe saw that the rulers of darkness had laid a curse upon her counterparts, she was indignant. In time, the word developed specialized use in the English language: For example, the term could refer to an "excellent person" (12th century), a variety of heraldic emblem (15th century), and the name of a constellation (17th century). Yet the myth of the phoenix was immensely popular throughout the ancient world; even early Christians were quite familiar with it.. The Bennu was said to control the cycle of the sun each day. The attempts to link the Phoenix bird from mythology with a real bird, undertaken by the ancients, were unsuccessful; we know that in the time of Emperor Claudius, a so-called Phoenix bird was captured in Egypt and shown in Rome, but its identification was received with skepticism. It is written concerning it, "the just man will blossom like a phoenix". che la fenice more e poi rinasce, Although the phoenix was generally believed to be colorful and vibrant, sources provide no clear consensus about its coloration. Elon University's sports teams became known as the Phoenix in 2000, stemming from the colleges fire and subsequent recovery in 1923. [16], The phoenix came to be associated with specific colors over time. Þisses fugles gecynd   fela gelices Phoenix represents rebirth, magic, renewal, safety, transformation, permanence, inventiveness and the sacredness of life. while the phoenix outlives nine ravens, This borrowing was later reinforced by French influence, which had also borrowed the Latin noun. It begins with lifting from darkness into light; this is a complete life cycle and also a symbol of our immortal soul. In Chinese mythology, there is a fabulous, Phoenix-like being. One of the four celestial animals, the Chinese phoenix is rich in symbolic meaning. All rights reserved. More recently, "Phineas the Phoenix" has become the official mascot[31] of Swarthmore College, with a dancing student inside a costume of plush plumage. Live forever! Is the Phoenix a Real Bird? ” Quetzalcoatl ,” Phoenix bird was, and isn’t conveyed in this treatise. They most often appear as crests, and more rarely as charges. When it perceives its impending death, the phoenix ignites itself into a magnificent fire. The most remarkable legends refer to its reproduction. When it approaches its five-hundredth year; The Phoenix is a common feature in traditions from all over the world. After a long life, the phoenix was fabled to burn itself … and a raven's life makes three stags old, 2. a person or thing that has been restored after suffering calamity or apparent annihilation. [...], so that in their world it might pass the thousand years in paradise—a soul-endowed living creature called "phoenix". [18] Ezekiel the Tragedian declared that the phoenix had red legs and striking yellow eyes,[16] but Lactantius said that its eyes were blue like sapphires[19] and that its legs were covered in yellow-gold scales with rose-colored talons. The Phoenix bird resembles an eagle as a shape, but has splendid colorful plumage, with purple and gold spots (two “noble” colors with obvious symbolic significance), making it more beautiful than any peacock. The beginning of the cycle was of great importance to the Egyptians. but we, the rich-haired Nymphs 292–294, This page was last edited on 8 February 2021, at 04:36. [1] In the Motif-Index of Folk-Literature, a tool used by folklorists, the phoenix is classified as motif B32. The red phoenix is the symbol of the fire element and the south. Herodotus and other Greek and Latin writers certainly knew, more or less directly, about Egyptian sources describing a similar animal, the Bennu bird, sometimes reproduced and placed at the bow of Egyptian ships. Phoenix tattoos have long been a common choice of tattoo designs for men, specifically due to the various meanings associated with the mythological bird of fire. In feng shui, the phoenix is also one of the four celestial animals (also sometimes known as the red bird or red raven). The phoenix is a symbol of rebirth, life, growth and longevity, and it usually marks a new beginning or an event with a huge impact on the person wearing the tattoo. The Phoenix was known to be a majestic bird-like creature that lived in Paradise. Phoenix rolls a lot of cool trends into one: it's a place-name and a bird name, it ends in the oh-so-hip letter x, and as the mythic bird that rose from the ashes, it's a symbol of immortality. University trustees at the time announced their intentions to make Elon "rise from the ashes". Phoenix definition is - a legendary bird which according to one account lived 500 years, burned itself to ashes on a pyre, and rose alive from the ashes to live another period; also : a person or thing likened to the phoenix. The phoenix lived for 500 years before it built its own funeral pyre, burst into flame, and died, consumed in its own fiery inferno. It has alternatively been called the bird of the sun, of Assyria, of Arabia, of the Ganges, the long-lived bird and the Egyptian bird. Do You Have Good Karma? Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. In time, the word developed specialized use in the English language: For example, the term could refer to an "excellent person" (12th century), a variety of heraldic emblem (15th century), and the name of a const… Over time, extending beyond its origins in classical Greek folklore, the phoenix could variously "symbolize renewal in general as well as the sun, time, the Empire, metempsychosis, consecration, resurrection, life in the heavenly Paradise, Christ, Mary, virginity, the exceptional man, and certain aspects of Christian life". T he image of the mystical phoenix is widely recognized, though perhaps not everyone is familiar with the story behind the bird. READ MORE: Spiritual Meaning of Snake Bite in a Dream. In the 14th century, Italian poet Dante Alighieri refers to the phoenix in Inferno Canto XXIV: Così per li gran savi si confessa When the first piece of land had gone out of the dark waters of Chaos, the shining Bennu bird had descended to the primordial mound. The flag of San Francisco features a phoenix in its center, symbolic of the city's rebuilding following the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. They were red and gold--bright and dazzling like the sun itself. Its crestshines with the sun's own light and shatters thedarkness with its calm brilliance. Passage From Tacitus " During the consulship of Paulus Fabius and Lucius Vitellius, the bird called the phoenix, after a long succession of ages, appeared in Egypt and furnished the most learned men of that country and of Greece with abundant matter for the discussion of the marvellous phenomenon.It is my wish to make known all on which they agree with several things, questionable … When about to die, the phoenix builds a nest from aromatic twigs and sets fire to it – then it consumes itself in flames. Wrapped in mystery because of its exceptional destiny, transformed into a symbolic image of rebirth, considered as originating from the most diverse places, this bird is presented in classical mythology under many forms, multiplied by the innumerable reinterpretations proposed by the following centuries and by the various cultures in the classic world. A collection of Anglo-Saxon poetry, from a manuscript in the library of the dean and chapter of Exeter",,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2019, Pages using Sister project links with wikidata namespace mismatch, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, —translated by Harris Rackham, 1940, LCL: 353, pp. Some think it is only a myth, but the phoenix bird is mentioned in the Book of Job. but a stag's life is four time a crow's, through the Father's aid   in this perilous time These analogues include the Hindu garuda (गरुड) and bherunda (भेरुण्ड), the Russian firebird, the Persian simorgh (سیمرغ), the Georgian paskunji, the Arabian anqa (عنقاء), the Turkish Konrul, also called Zümrüdü Anka ("emerald anqa"), the Tibetan Me byi karmo, the Chinese Fenghuang (鳳凰) and Zhuque (朱雀), and the Japanese Hō-ō (鳳凰). Most narratives paint the Phoenix as a powerful bird of fire. þurh Fæder fultum   on þar frecnan tid The phoenix is a legendary bird born out of fire . No matter the setting the story of the Phoenix has a distinctive them. When heaven shall call her from this cloud of darkness, The word first enters the English language by way of a borrowing of Latin phoenīx into Old English (fenix). pointeth out to men   how they bright joy It was said to have red and gold feathers and a beautiful voice. The two bulls in Egypt posses a mystery, the Sun and the Moon, being a witness to Sabaoth: namely, that over them Sophia received the universe; from the day that she made the Sun and Moon, she put a seal upon her heaven, unto eternity. After this transitory appearance in Egypt, the young bird returns to Arabia (or Ethiopia), where it lives its long solitary life feeding on incense pearls until it generates another specimen of its ashes. Swarthmore College's newspaper has been named "The Phoenix" since the college's fire in 1881;[30] the phoenix bird was considered emblematic of the college's rebirth from its ashes. The phoenix dies, and then is born again, The bird of wonder dies, the maiden phoenix, So phoenix may mean 'the Phoenician bird' or 'the purplish-red bird'. Shall star-like rise as great in fame as she was, Learn more. Three days after its death, the phoenix arises from the ashes, resurrected and reborn. In order to bring him, they say, he first forms a ball of myrrh as big as he finds that he can carry; then he hollows out the ball and puts his parent inside, after which he covers over the opening with fresh myrrh, and the ball is then of exactly the same weight as at first; so he brings it to Egypt, plastered over as I have said, and deposits it in the temple of the Sun. Jan 8, 2021 - Explore Scott Jacobs's board "Phoenix Tattoos" on Pinterest. So shall she leave her blessedness to one, The Hebrew word KHOL has two meanings. September 2020. outlive ten phoenixes. cingit honos. It is assumed that the next Phoenix bird will be born from this egg. In the Pyramid Texts, the Bennu bird is associated with the creator Sun god. For example, the Chinese believe that this spiritual bird was sent to Earth to assist in the development of mankind. Coventry University use a phoenix rising from the flames as their emblem, tying in with the city they are based, and the same reason Coventry City Football Club carry a phoenix on their club crest.