This most of the times leads to people wondering; do skunks make good pets? Oregon skunk ownership may be a thing of the past if something doesn’t happen. Skunks have trouble digesting processed foods. This will socialize the skunk and keep it loyal once it establishes you are the boss. While purchasing a skunk, find out if this has been done or not. To further enrich your experience with a skunk as a pet, you need to properly train and care for them. Since they are still relatively new in the pet world, how to best feed a skunk is still the subject of some debate and probably will be as long as people care about keeping skunks happy and healthy. So make sure it always has access to its litter box, and plan to scoop out the litter daily. However, skunks don't tolerate being housed in a cage for extended periods, so aim to keep its time in the kennel to only a few hours. If your skunk gets loose, it can cover miles in a day. They are active and curious, which means they will get into everything in your home. There also is difficulty finding experienced veterinarians for treating your pet. Never play aggressively with a baby skunk as they will continue the … Start the deworming program anywhere between seven and eight weeks of age and administer three to four treatments biweekly. The Spruce Pets uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. While keeping a domesticated skunk as a pet, their life span tends to stretch longer than that of typical wild skunks. This is illegal in most places unless you are a licensed wildlife rehabber. Mary Kaye Ashley's book, A Comprehensive Guide to Raising a Pet Skunk, recommends a ratio of 50 percent vegetables, 40 percent Skunkie Delight, and 10 percent other whole foods. As such, it will be necessary to oversee other skunk pet veterinary care procedures carried out to ensure they stay well and healthy. They made a great pair. Indoors, provide a large dog kennel for your skunkas big as you can find. This site also receives a small commission from affiliate links and third-party advertising. Care Booklet for Pet Skunk Kits 2017. They also require an annual checkup so that you can get advised on whether any dietary supplements or changes are necessary. Skunks should be spayed or neutered at a young age, usually when they're 4 to 6 months old, to prevent aggression and potential health issues due to their hormones, such as cancer. Removing the scent glands may be done at the same time, though this is often done at an even younger age while the skunks are still with the breeder. They quickly get the idea, and will respond with a sort of cat-like rearing up and coming down on their front feet. The baby skunk you buy from a pet store is about 4 to 8 weeks old, descented and VERY SCARED, as you would be if you were in this baby skunk's place. Are skunks good pets? Hopefully there will be a response from concerned pet skunk owners in Oregon to get this document modified to something reasonable regarding pet skunk care. But captive-bred skunks typically have those glands surgically removed. Copyright © 2015-2021 Dogs Cats Pets, LLC. Skunks are prone to a variety of health issues, including seizures, diabetes, allergies, nutritional deficiencies, and obesity. Skunks are adorable little creatures, so we created a list of cute skunk names that you can use for your pet. Before the eggs start being visible in the feces, round worms could have infested the skunks for a while. In addition to feeding and cleaning up after your skunk, expect to spend several hours per day keeping it entertained. When purchasing skunks as pets the necessary shots may also not have been administered. By the time they get to nine to ten months of age, they will have settled into habits and attained a specific personality. Domestic skunks have a lifespan of 10 years, but with delicate care and attention, some rare cases have reached 15 years. I know he is only playing but it still hurts and I definitely won’t let my grandson play with him for specifically that reason. *. They can learn to be comfortable when handled by people, and they can be quite playful and cuddly. Veterinary Care for Skunks << Back to all Skunk Help & Education or Shop Skunk Products. This pic was taken near Yellowstone. Plus, it can be complicated to feed a pet skunk a balanced diet, as there are few formulated skunk foods available. The majority of states ban skunks as pets. The cost will vary from state to state and shelter to shelter. There are many things to consider before making the decision to become a skunk owner. Fur farm owners could also sell their extras to pet stores and interested individuals. So now that you have removed the stink spot from your skunk you must prepare to care and love your skunk forever. So, consider naming your pet Happy as a way to remind yourself of your duty to keep yourself happy. The rest of the diet should primarily be fresh, cooked, or thawed frozen vegetables. is there some place to take it or have its stinker removed so it can live cared for on our property?? Some pet skunks have even been euthanized after biting. However, there is much to them than their terrible spray which is made impossible in domesticated skunks. It would therefore be important to check on the legality of these pets. Always handle your pet skunk with care and love. This is a controversial procedure, as some people believe it strips away a necessary defense mechanism that a pet skunk would need should it ever get loose outside or otherwise be attacked. You cannot keep the skunk as a pet for any time for more … Click the link to view and download this years’s booklet. You have just been pulled from your Mom, brothers and sisters, rapidly descented, packed in a crate, thrown on a plane, flown to wherever and dropped in a pet shop with two … If for whatever reason it gets to a point where you can no longer have one, get a shelter for skunks and leave it there. The skunk waddled as it calmly walked with the man. Although they are great when socialized, single skunk pets will require more attention and pampering from their owners. You should always discuss treatment of medical conditions with your veterinarian before using any alternative therapies, natural supplements, or vitamins. Care and Maintenance of Your Pet Skunk. There is evidence that distemper causes serious illness in skunk pets. But, if you socialize and train your animal that biting is not acceptable, just like with a ferret, you tend to not have this problem. However, as they make their move, they will be looking you straight in the eyes, while aiming, with tail raised high, their potent "wea… Also, try to offer your skunk foods high in calcium and taurine, or give it supplements that provide these. They get much of the water they need from the vegetables in their diet. That means closely monitoring any open doors and windows. And if certain items, such as towels, blankets, and clothing, go missing, your skunk might have stolen them to make its bed softer. Before thinking about getting a pet skunk, check state laws and make sure they are legal to own in your area. Pet skunks are descented and thus make good pets. There also are some breeders with permits from the United States’ Department of Agriculture the Animal and Plant Inspection Service Unit. Not all skunk owners have the ability to put together a healthy food plan for their skunk. Ensure that your home is escape-proof to keep your skunk safe. A pet skunk’s diet should include lean protein (chicken or fish), vegetables, some fruits, and cooked grains—all fresh. While some states such as Michigan allow skunks, you can only get one from a breeder within as importing from other states is not allowed. Pet Skunks : Do Skunks Make Good Pets? Anything can bite. Consult your vet for the proper dosage. As such, it will be necessary to oversee other skunk pet veterinary care procedures carried out to ensure they stay well and healthy. Skunk organizations recommend that skunks be vaccinated against distemper and rabies. There are a few pre-packaged, formulated diets available for skunks. They are mainly kept in Germany, Canada, Italy, Netherlands, Poland and the United States. It's typically ideal to look for a young skunk, which will be easier to tame and adapt to your household. Compared to other pets, caring for pet skunks is more challenging and complicated. baby skunk photo by AnimalPhotos And a lovely, snowy scene with adult. Handling a Skunk. Avian And Exotic Veterinary Medicine, 2020. Most skunks, if introduced early and often to baths, adapt well. But in general they’re quiet animals. Some specifications may cost you more than others. In the United States, pet skunks for sale can be found in licensed shelters. And most of the areas that allow pet skunks have stipulations, such as requiring permits or necessitating that the skunk was bred within the state. Make sure you know all of your state and local laws before committing. With proper care most of these can be corrected BEFORE the problem starts. Your email address will not be published. It is not intended to serve as medical advice or to take the place of advice from, or treatment by, your veterinarian. Skunks do make a variety of vocalizations to express their emotions, including hisses, chirps, and whines. This may make skunks difficult to keep in the UK as a lot of owners may fear getting skunked. But I don’t know if my family would like one. You could also buy one from the American Skunk Association as well as other non-profit organizations carrying out education on having skunks as pets. Raptors, on the other … In the State of Indiana, you must be 18 years old before you apply for the permit to have a pet skunk. When born and raised in captivity, skunks can make for friendly, intelligent, and unique pets. Skunk ownership is not to be taken lightly, and skunk care, proper diet and veterinary care, like for all pets, is a 24/7 job. Skunks also need to be vaccinated against common dog and cat diseases, such as distemper, as well as dewormed. To have a skunk as a pet, you will also have to have its scent-sac removed and have your pet spayed or neutered. My skunk’s name is Clark. I once saw a man in a pet center walking his skunk on a leash. While getting your skunk as a pet, be certain to ask for a health certificate. There are some that are black and white while others will be cream or brown colored. We have been breeding quality domestic skunks for 25 years. If you do, ALWAYS hold the head and let people touch the BACK only. As mentioned earlier, if you live in the UK, you’re free and clear to take care of a skunk. As long as they are vaccinated, dewormed and their claws trimmed they should be okay around kids. It should be active and alert. The topic of what to feed skunks is very controversial, according to Owners of Pet Skunks. The legality of owning a skunk. Overall, these animals require a lot of time and expertise on your part to care for them properly. Check back next year for an updated booklet. This will not only be safe for the pet skunk but it will also make it easier for it to be adopted. Housing a pet skunk can be somewhat difficult, as skunks tend to be curious animals that like to get into mischief. Once the first series of deworming is over, adult pet skunks should be dewormed every four to six months. Skunks though will only spray when faced by a threat as a means of self-defense. DogsCatspets is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising & linking to These animals need lots of stimulation, and many enjoy playing with dog or cat toys. So if your pet skunk bites a person or another animal, authorities might seize it to monitor for rabies symptoms. With a bit of research potential owners can learn all they need to have a great pet and be able to provide the necessary care for a domestic skunk. Finally, skunks need access to a dish of fresh water at all times, though some don't drink a lot. This is because it will have lost its first line of defense and will thus be vulnerable to predators. Roundworms have been known to kill skunk pets. The peak availability for young skunks is in the spring, but you might have to place a deposit and be put on a waiting list. Read our, Learn The Basics of Caring for Pet Skunks. Outdoors, provide a pen that is at least 6 feet long, 6 feet wide, a… Unlike other domesticated animals, they can be rambunctious, stealing items and having little regard for … Skunks are mostly known for their secretion of a bad smelling fluid. They're also natural diggers and might dig into a carpet or scratch furniture if they don't have enough toys of their own. Generally, pet skunks on sale will range from $300 to $500 in price. Simply put out their meals in a bowl for them. A lack of knowledge and understanding for the care of the skunks all affect them negatively just like poor diet and mistreatment. Although there is scarcity of scientific information regarding keeping skunks as pets, if you are enthusiastic, you will reap the best from keeping a skunk as a pet. The man’s head was shaved and he had a white Mohawk. Furthermore, skunks can be trained to use a litter box like a cat or ferret. In some states, it is illegal to have this animal as a pet, so this is … If the bite is reported, the skunk will normally be destroyed, so DO NOT let people PET your skunk. Skunks pets for sale in UK though will still have the glands since the procedure is illegal. In some states, pet skunks are even illegal to keep, but if you cover all your bases before trying to care for this exotic pet you will find yourself … Skunkie Delight is a homemade blend of a cooked … Their surprising popularity as a pet is in spite of the fact that removal of a skunk’s scent glands is considered an immoral practice in the UK, meaning the risk of being sprayed by a spooked skunk is very real! Since most people have this perception of skunks, it at times becomes hard to get a different view of a domesticated skunk. We have a male who is 5 months old. Pet Skunks : Pet Skunk Care. I have had ferrets for years, they are scary to people because they come at you with their teeth. Some of a skunk's personality traits, such as being stubborn and headstrong, can make it a challenge to live with. While your skunk will want to be out roaming about the house, it needs that safe place. As pets, young skunks should be fed several times a day while adult skunks can be fed in the morning and evening. They can learn to open cabinets, drawers, and even the refrigerator. In the wild, skunks are omnivores, eating nearly anything they can find. More than one treatment may be necessary to keep the worms away when you are keeping a skunk as a pet. This variety gives room for you as an owner to choose what suits you best based on personal preference. The same applies to breeding as well as keeping skunks for sale. Fortunately, pet skunks also tend to be sociable and playful when they grow up interacting with people. And they can even learn to get along with other friendly pets in the house, such as a ferret or even a gentle cat or dog. They’re also not prone to aggression when properly socialized, but they will bite if they feel threatened. Native to North America, skunks are known for their scent glands that can spray foul-smelling chemicals at predators. I just got bit by mine today, and she bit my finger and chipped my bone. Some of the necessary procedures include deworming, vaccine shots, neutering and spaying. Those that have all these procedures done tend to be more expensive. Erliworm is a common brand of pet wormer containing piperazine. The vet will perform a minor operation on your pet skunk to remove the scent gland which allows the skunk to spray that horrible liquid in its own defense. It usually is a pain trying various methods on how to get rid of skunk smell on dogs, cats and surfaces. Their eggs remain viable even after extreme weather conditions. Other factors affecting the cost include the species. During the first appointment, we will review proper diet and husbandry, the need of vaccinating your pet and how to prevent the development of major diseases in your skunk. This normally happens when the skunk is mistreated. Please allow 2 to 3 weeks for delivery of the booklets. 27 talking about this. The only bad thing I can say about him is that he plays rough! Learn how your comment data is processed. This is following an Animal Welfare Act of 2006 which considers the procedure cosmetic operation. Be aware that it can be difficult to find a veterinarian who specializes in skunks, so ensure that you will be able to see one before acquiring a pet skunk. While most skunks on sale in the US have their glands removed, not all will have been spayed or neutered. You most probably know skunks for their ability to spray some terrible fluid on perceived enemies. If you aren't using a formulated food, your skunk's diet should be roughly 60% to 70% lean protein, such as cooked chicken, eggs, fish, or feeder insects. Lianne is a veterinarian, epidemiologist, and freelance writer who's written nearly 400 articles for The Spruce Pets. Some red flags include labored breathing or mucus around the eyes, nose, or mouth, which can indicate disease. This can be attributed to the reduced number of predators as well as proper nutrition and care that comes with domestication. No. Skunks are medium maintenance pets, they are omnivorous and require a balanced diet of meat, vegetables, and fruits. Plan on at least an annual wellness exam for your animal. Dog Pimples on Back, Belly, and Head – Causes, Treatment, and Pictures of Dog Acne. You should never take a skunk from the wild to keep as a pet. It is not necessary to administer other vaccines that may be created for cats and dogs as these are modified and may end up causing illnesses in skunks. Baby skunks from the pet store generally have not had any medical treatment other than scent gland removal, and will require spaying or neutering, shots, and worming. And some people set up entire rooms, such as a small bedroom, as "skunk playrooms." His name is Ollie and we love him! When you are away from home, you can confine it in the kennel to keep it (and your house) safe. Avoid chocolate, as it is toxic to skunks. Your parents should be 100% supportive in your decision to have a domestic skunk as a pet. Aim to interact with any animal before you bring it home. Considering a Pet Skunk? Your veterinarian should be able to recommend the correct course of vaccinations. Finding a vet comfortable with treating your skunk will insure that you can help keep your skunk healthy and have knowledgeable care if an emergency … You also can see whether a rescue group has an older skunk whose personality would fit your lifestyle. This way, you can keep most of your skunk's toys and bed in one room and limit its access to parts of your home that are unsafe for it (as well as prevent it from getting into items you don't want damaged). For your pet skunk to turn out really great, the owner has to be good to it as well. There are 12 species of skunks and their general appearance varies from species to species. Skunk pets are capable of living indoors with human beings just as cats and dogs do.’s mission is to address and satisfy the informational needs of the domestic skunk health care community. To most some people, owning a pet skunk may be alien. It is recommended to neuter or spay a pet skunk at 4 to 6 months of age in order to prevent unwanted scent marking that skunks accomplish with urine dribbling in various places. In the United States, they are not legal in all the states. This is a concern we would not love to leave unexplored after providing the above basic info. These are issues you should be aware of before settling into keeping a skunk as a pet. Find a vet that can perform these delicate procedures. Skunks are not low-maintenance pets. STOMP is available in both chicken and duck and can be purchased at and I had a friend with one, when I was younger and they love cat toys. Domesticated pet skunks are legal to keep in the UK. Pet skunks have their scent emitting glands removed at about the age of four years. According to, skunks as pets are what you make out of them. However, this permit will always remain temporary in nature. Other than this, it is likely that they will not have had any other medical treatment. In this post we delve into the details of these and much more on how to go about owning and enjoying pet skunks. Where you are not in a position to handle their claws, have it done by your vet. Consult your veterinarian for the appropriate timing and quantity of food for your particular animal. The cost as well as regulations for owning a skunk as a pet will vary from state to state. This, though, is illegal in the UK. To enrich your experience with them you could watch videos on the same as well as seek information from local breeders. One of only 11 Certified Master Pet Tech Instructors worldwide, Mary teaches pet first aid nationally, as well as a host of safety, business, holistic grooming, wellness, and feline topics. The striped skunk species has over time proved to be the most social of them all and thus is the one mostly domesticated. Be certain that you want to keep one before buying. Pet Skunk Care sheet - Exotic Animals. As such, skunks as pets will offer a lifelong companionship to their owner. In most cases, when purchasing baby skunks as pets from a store, they will only have had their glands removed.