He showed off his stunning powers, which seemed to include nearly limitless psionic abilities. We will rank them from least powerful to most powerful. His powers continued to grow as he got older in the regular Marvel Universe. However, as the years went by (especially when she reformed, eventually becoming an outright member of the X-Men), her powers increased in relation to her fellow mutants and soon became referred to as a Omega Level mutant. Seven hundred years ago, the X-Gene first manifested itself in humanity with what would later be referred to as "proto-mutants." In the altered reality known as "Age of Apocalypse," there was no Cable, since Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor never got together (in fact, Maddie Pryor was not even someone who needed to exist in this reality). So Reed did what any father would do, he came up with a machine that would, in effect, lobotomize his own son. The Scarlet Witch is a villainess-turned-heroine from Marvel's X-Men comics and media. He escaped and joined up with an early version of the X-Men. Marvel Comics Panel Picks: “No More Mutants” and Omega Level Multitasking. She is an Omega Level Mutant, but she does not need her powers to demonstrate her strength. He also had other notable super-powers like super-strength and strong telepathic powers. On a scale of 1-Omega (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Omega) these mutants have Level Five powers. 19 comments. It is tough to place Matthew Malloy number one, because he only had a handful of appearances, but they certainly spent every one of those appearances telling us how powerful he was, so we guess it is only fair to have him in the top spot. Scarlet Witch? He seemingly died, but then the mutant energy released when Scarlet Witch got rid of nearly all mutants on Earth revived him, as he could absorb energy. In addition, due to his complete control over cells (including his own), Elixir was, in effect, immortal. This is especially true with X-Men fans, since there is even a specific group of mutants who are dubbed "Omega Level," meaning that they are the most powerful mutants on the planet. share. For years, Mister Sinister was obsessed with Scott Summers and Jean Grey and their DNA and when we saw the child of Scott and Madelyne Pryor (who turned out to be a clone of Jean Grey), we saw why Sinister was so intrigued. While his actions were drastic, Reed's concern was logical, as Franklin's energy-wielding powers are almost limitless. His abilities were so strong that he literally traveled through time at one point! "Abracadabra." A one-stop shop for all things video games. It has recently been revealed that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were never mutants. She is the daughter of Magneto and Magdalena Lensherr. Christopher became a slave while his wife was taken as a consort of the evil Emperor D'ken of the Shi'ar. The X-Men count many powerful mutants among their number, but who are the most powerful mutants in the Marvel Universe? report. One of the most surprising characters on this list is Emma Frost, who never quite seemed like she was more than a typically strong telepath. FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/IAYTDINSTAGRAM: @iaytdTWITTER: https://twitter.com/iaytdWEBSITE: http://iamyourtargetdemographic.com Scarlet Witch, het alter ego van Wanda Maximoff, is een personage uit de strips van Marvel Comics.Ze is een mutant die bij haar introductie in de strips nog een superschurk was, maar later een superheldin werd. Scarlet Witch. 71% Upvoted. When they got to the future, they made a clone of young baby Nathan, just on the off chance that they were unable to cure him of the virus (or were unable to keep the virus from spreading). - Wanda Lehnsherr 1 History 2 Personality 2.1 Likes 2.2 Dislikes 3 Abilities 3.1 Skills 3.2 Powers 4 Weaknesses A little over 23 years ago, before he had become the man he is today, Magneto and his wife Magda were over joyed with the news of expecting fraternal twins. This then began a 20-year storyline involving Iceman finally realizing his "Omega Level" destiny with his powers, only to then need to be reminded a few years later whenever a new writer would take over the series.