The lower to middle mental planes are where our conscious minds function. Later on, similar ideas would evolve around the idea of aether. Buddhaic plane: The highest plane of creation. [31], Rosicrucianism teaches that the divine plane is where Jesus dwelt in Christ consciousness. They seem to exist on a different spiritual plane. How we can prepare for death [23] Charles Leadbeater wrote that in the buddhic plane man casts off the delusion of the self and enters a realization of unity. The person concerned tends to want to take great steps in his spiritual development and on his journey; he does not let himself the time he actually needs. Material plane: Material body The positive pole of Spirit manifests as Life, galvanizing the negative Form into action, but both Life and Form originated in Spirit, Space, Chaos! The Spirit Plane is a plane of existence from which Summoning energy can be used to summon creatures. [11] In the late 19th and early 20th century the term was popularised by Theosophy and neo-Rosicrucianism. The spiritual plane marks the end of life after death and the beginning of eternal life, beyond the cycles of birth and death. While we "sleep", we live in our astral bodies, either fully conscious and active, or partly conscious and semi-dormant, as the case may be, according to our evolutionary growth; when we "wake", the physical and the higher bodies are interlocked again, and we cease to be inhabitants of the astral world.” [14]. The Spirit Plane is a plane of existence from which Summoning energy can be used to summon creatures called familiars. When you dream about an airplane it often means that the time of stagnation that you are experiencing is over and it’s time to quite literally get moving. The Astral had no gravity but objects did retain their mass so you could throw sm… [28], According to some occult teachings, all souls are born on the divine plane and then descend down through the lower planes; however souls will work their way back to the divine plane. 10a – An Introduction to the Seven Planes. The plane is parallel to Gielinor and is inhabited by various spirits of nautre. On the other hand, Chaos is not a state which has existed in the past and has now entirely disappeared. The spiritual plane is the most real and eternal plane of creation. It may come as a shock to some but the Astral plane is only at the starting gates, it is the second plane contained in the lower worlds (lower heavens) of which the physical universe is the first plane. These planes are endlessly repeating ruled Cartesian coordinate system grids, tiled with a single signature pattern that is different for each plane. According to Rosicrucians, another difference is that there is no such thing as empty or void space. "The space is Spirit in its attenuated form; while matter is crystallized space or Spirit. The emanation is conceived, according to esoteric teachings, to have originated, at the dawn of the universe's manifestation, in The Supreme Being who sent out—from the unmanifested Absolute beyond comprehension—the dynamic force of creative energy, as sound-vibration ("the Word"), into the abyss of space. It is believed by Theosophists that most people (those at high levels of initiation) go to a specific Summerland that is set up for people of each religion. [27] According to metaphysical teachings the goal of the spiritual plane is to gain spiritual knowledge and experience. London: Longmans. The accumulation of spiritual essence is the purpose of human life and determines the evolution of our conscious experience. Higher planes have bright, colourful patterns, whereas lower planes appear far duller. Spiritual / Causal plane: Human spirit / Oversoul, Soul / Causal body. Each plane has it own rules and if an entity want to exist in a particular plane the entity must respect the rules of the plane . When our spiritual essence reaches a critical mass, it draws our awareness to the spiritual plane where it merges with the soul. According to Theosophists, after the physical plane is the etheric plane and both of these planes are connected to make up the first plane. It is where spirits exist after death, where our ancestors are in waiting. Presiding here are the great souls and eternal forms, which serve as the template for the entire order of creation. Simeon Stefanidakis. What little solid substance that floated in the bright, gray void was typically chunks of matter broken off from their original plane. In Kabbalah, each of the four or five worlds are themselves divided into ten sefirot, or else divided in other ways. Although many places with in the astral plane are both fun and educational the astral plane is not the ultimate heaven of spiritual freedom as many assume but a prison for Soul. I pressed my back up against his bulk, and drew my knees under my chin. Directly equivalent concepts in Indian thought are lokas and bhuvanas. [7] Theosophy also teaches that when the physical body dies the etheric body is left behind and the soul forms into an astral body on the astral plane. Almost everyone has an intuitive awareness (conscious or subconscious) of the spiritual plane. It's a manifest form of Divine Consciousness, plus the spiritual essence, which … In the early 20th century, Max Heindel presented in The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception a cosmology related to the scheme of evolution in general and the evolution of the solar system and the Earth in particular, according to the Rosicrucians. The “ancestral plane” is not a term used in the comics, but the closest comic book equivalent concept is probably the D’Jalia, the spiritual realm that has been an important part of … The common portrayal of the Summerland is as a place of rest for souls after or between their earthly incarnations. Raise the vibrational level in spiritual plane high enough, and voila, you've got Source. – Reality Creator 2 (Tom DeLiso) Now, sitting on/or across some of these planes are various dimensions. The spiritual plane is the most alien to regular physical existence because existence here does not depend on shape or form. Similar Dreams: Flying, Helicopter, Vacation, Travel The theme of the airplane has one clear message: moving in a certain direction in life.. Here is is:---The alien cleric gestured for us to come closer. Once an individual has attained the meditative state of nirvikalpa samadhi in an earthy or astral incarnation, the soul may progress upward to the "illumined astral planet" of Hiranyaloka. It is a place that offers great flexibility to … In Theosophy, the term "Summerland" is used without the definite article "the". The Astral could be reached from almost any point in a Prime Material plane or first layer of any Outer plane by spell, psionicability, or device. There is also a generic Summerland for those who were atheists or agnostics in their previous lives. The causal plane is the abode of Lord Siva and his entourage of Mahadevas and other highly evolved souls who exist in their own self-effulgent form—radiant bodies of centillions of quantum light particles.[21]. The Dutch writer and clairvoyant Mellie Uyldert characterized the semblance and behavior of ethereal entities on the etheric plane, which, she said, hover above plants and transfer energy for vitalizing the plant, then nourishing themselves on rays of sunlight. Determine what you really need to grow spiritually. 7. Raise the vibration rate up higher and you are in the spiritual realm. In its spiritual or religious context, "plane" typically refers to a state of being or awareness: After several years of meditation, she began to feel as if her mind had reached a higher plane. [13], In the astral world exist temporarily all those physical entities, men and animals, for whom sleep involves a separation of the physical body for a time from the higher bodies. God was doing for him what he could not do for himself, he had made the leap from the service plain, to the intuitive plane and landed gently back on his feet in the spiritual plain. While dreaming, you really are in the astral plane, and usually your astral body is in the zone of quietude."[15]. [40], A subtle state, level, or region of reality, "Summerlands" redirects here. Most cosmologists today believe that the universe expanded from a singularity approximately 13.8 billion years ago[3] in a 'smeared-out singularity' called the Big Bang, meaning that space itself came into being at the moment of the big bang and has expanded ever since, creating and carrying the galaxies with it.[4]. Some writers have asserted the astral plane can be reached by dreaming. [29][30] On the divine plane souls can be opened to conscious communication with the sphere of the divine known as the Absolute and receive knowledge about the nature of reality. Beyond the astral plane is the spiritual plane and the corresponding spiritual body, or soul. The ancient Norse mythology gave the name "Ginnungagap" to the primordial "Chaos", which was bounded upon the northern side by the cold and foggy "Niflheim"—the land of mist and fog—and upon the south side by the fire "Muspelheim". He wrote that apparitions have a real existence in the metetherial world which he described as a dream-like world.[9]. Move the vibrations up higher and you get the mental planes. Sylvan J. Muldoon and Hereward Carrington, The Rosicrucian Digest September 1932, p. 288, The Genesis and Evolution of our Solar System, Seven Planes of Existence - Theta Medical Intuition, "The Spirit World Descriptions by Early Spiritualists by Barbara N. Starr", Life in the Spirit World: Part One General Introduction By Rev. The Laws In esoteric cosmology, a plane is conceived as a subtle state, level, or region of reality, each plane corresponding to some type, kind, or category of being. plane /pleɪn/ Main meanings of plane in English: plane 1 plane 2 plane 3 plane 4. plane 4 (also plane tree) Pronunciation /pleɪn/ See synonyms for plane. On the inner planes, spirits pass from 3D to 4D to 5D, etc., or from the Physical Plane to the Astral Plane to the Mental Plane and so on. 1 ch. All of life is spiritual evolution, from God to God. Therefore on that plane language does not matter in the least; but helpers working in the astral world, who have not yet the power to use the mental vehicle. The alchemists of the Middle Ages proposed ideas about the constitution of the universe through a hermetic language full of esoteric words, phrases, and signs designed to cloak their meaning from those not initiated into the ways of alchemy. From theosophy the term made its way to later esoteric systems such as that of Alice Bailey, who was very influential in shaping the worldview of the New Age movement. According to occult teachings the astral plane can be visited consciously through astral projection, meditation, and mantra, near-death experience, lucid dreaming, or other means. Although very little is known or seen of it, it appears to be a lush, wooded plane in which spirit shards are abundant. C. G. Jung. 2 of Sci-Phi Journal last year, is on the Sad Puppies recommended reading slate. However, in esoteric cosmology expansion refers to the emanation or unfolding of steadily denser planes or spheres from the spiritual summit, what Greek philosophy called The One, until the lowest and most material world is reached. Theosophists also believe there is another higher level of heaven called Devachan, also called the Mental plane Heaven, which some but not all souls reach between incarnations—only those souls that are more highly developed spiritually reach this level, those souls that are at the first, second, and third levels of initiation. The physical plane, physical Word, or physical universe, in emanationist metaphysics taught in Neoplatonism, Hermeticism, Hinduism and Theosophy, refers to the visible reality of space and time, energy and matter: the physical universe in Occultism and esoteric cosmology is the lowest or densest of a series of planes of existence. It's a realm of light beyond form, which includes many sub-planes and ascending levels. The Summerland is the name given by Theosophists, Spiritualists, Wiccans, and some earth-based contemporary pagan religions to their conceptualization of existence on a plane in an afterlife. Pronunciation. For example, Christians go to a Christian heaven, Jews go to a Jewish heaven, Muslims go to a Muslim heaven, Hindus goes to a Hindu heaven, Theosophists go to a Theosophical heaven, and so forth, each heaven being like that described in the scriptures of that religion. An example is the phrase en to psychiko platei.[1]. There’s nothing like a good women's Bible study … becomes possible only on the plane that corresponds to spiritual individuality, the soul plane. The Summerland is also viewed as the place where one goes in the afterlife in traditions of Spiritualism and Theosophy, which is where Wicca got the term. Were it not that old forms--having outlived their usefulness--are constantly being resolved back into that Chaos, which is also as constantly giving birth to new forms, there could be no progress; the work of evolution would cease and stagnation would prevent the possibility of advancement. What is an astral plane?. Plane most often appears as an abbreviation of airplane. A “plane” refers to all the matter in the universe that is formed from a particular type of atom. When you have to go through it: When you are the one aboard a plane that has crashed it is confirmation that you will be the one to go through some changes and upheavals. [24], Annie Besant defined the buddhic plane as, Persistent, conscious, spiritual awareness. The Barzakh, olam mithal or intermediate world in Islam and the "World of Yetzirah" in Lurianic Kabbalah are related concepts. Alternatively, it states that this dynamic force is being sent forth, through the ages, framing all things that constitute and inhabit the universe. Joseph . It's continuously added to our evolving soul, which gains additional experience and depth with every cycle of Earth life. The ethereal entities of the four kingdoms, Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, are forces of nature. [37] In order to go to Nirvana, it is necessary to have attained the fourth level of initiation or higher, meaning one is an arhat and thus no longer needs to reincarnate. Each individual Soul is of course also an expression of God, but presumably not with the same degree of purity as Sat Nam. THE FOURTH DIMENSION — (aka the Astral or Etheric Plane) (4D) THE 4th Dimension is the realm of “Lower Level Thought Forms”. She depicted them as asexual gender, and composed of etheric matter. Plain has a range of adjectival meanings, including free from adornment, free from obstructions, and evident to the mind. Messianic plane: The sixth plane of creation. The Summerland is also envisioned as a place for recollection and reunion with deceased loved ones.[35]. A current situation is moving you towards completely different emotions or focus. [38][39] She puts the nature spirits and devas as ethereal beings immersed in macro divisions of an interwoven threefold universe, usually they belong to the etheric, astral, or mental planes. [10] It is the world of the planetary spheres, crossed by the soul in its astral body on the way to being born and after death, and generally said to be populated by angels, spirits, or other immaterial beings. This is the full consciousness of the buddhic or intuitional level.