Photo: Introducing the CHS at a Sphere training of trainers in the Philippines. Author information: (1)Improving Quality of Health Care Services in Khyber PakhtunKhwa (IQHCS), Department of Health, Government of Khyber PakhtunKhwa, Pakistan. Every context is different. It was updated to align with the version in the 2018 edition of the Sphere handbook. Revision of Sphere Standards and Indicators During the first half of 2010, Skat provided advisory services to the Sphere Handbook revision for the 2010 edition. The Sphere Handbook in Action e-learning course aims to strengthen the effective use of the Sphere Handbook, Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response. It comprises the Humanitarian Charter, the Protection Principles, the Core Humanitarian Standard, and minimum humanitarian standards in four vital areas of response: Water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH) Food security and nutrition They provide direction on how to tackle practical difficulties or advice on priority issues. Humanitarian standards are a useful resource for practitioners to plan, implement, and, evaluate humanitarian response. No academic qualifications are required. Key actions, key indicators and guidance notes (described in the ‘How to use the standards’ section below) accompany each standard, providing guidance on how to attain the standard. The standards are developed by consensus and reflect accumulated best practice at a global level. are revised regularly to incorporate developments across the sector. Remove filter Sphere: Food security and nutrition assessment standard 2: Nutrition; INEE (29) Apply filter SPHERE (21) Apply filter Food Security and Nutrition 2.2 (6) Apply filter Sphere: Health systems standard 1: Health service delivery (Key indicator 1) (4) Apply filter Camp Management Toolkit (Chapter 7) (3) Apply filter Food Security and Nutrition 2.1 (3) Apply filter The ‘Sphere unpacked’ guides currently refer to the Sphere Core Standards. The minimum standards are evidence-based and represent sector-wide consensus on best practice in humanitarian response. Links with other standards. There have been consultations in many countries in an attempt to capture people's experience and views and build consensus on minimum standards, indicators and guidance notes. Working with the key indicators. WHAT IS SPHERE…. It should take you about 10-12 hours to complete. The development of the guidance has drawn on existing materials from Sphere, CHS Alliance (formerly HAP and People In Aid) and Groupe URD. The Sphere standards and their foundational documents (the Humanitarian Charter, the Protection Principles, and the Core Humanitarian Standard) are collected in the Sphere Handbook. In some instances, local factors may make the realisation of all standards and indicators unattainable. Sphere standards and indicators - WASH. Saving lives, changing minds. The Sphere standards are a set of principles and minimum humanitarian standards in four. We will never pass your information to third parties. Revision of Sphere Standards and Indicators During the first half of 2010, Skat provided advisory services to the Sphere Handbook revision for the 2010 edition. They are used as reference tools by humanitarian agencies, advocacy groups, governments, and donors. Bathing and cleaning practices in the camp of Jalozai Pakistan, for internally displaced people, based on Sphere Standards and Indicators. Most recently, UNHCR has invested the necessary resources in a range of consultations, both at Headquarters and in the Field, to produce this second edition of the “Practical Guide to standards are the minimum level (of service) to be attained in humanitarian assistance key indicators are used to test whether a standard has been achieved guidance notes are used to share best practice and experience, talk about controversial areas, and help you to use the indicators … Description: The Sphere Handbook is one of the most widely known and internationally recognized sets of common principles and universal minimum standards for the delivery of quality humanitarian response. gcse.async = true; The Guidance Notes and Indicators will be revised based on feedback from users by March 2017 at the latest. standards are the minimum level (of service) to be attained in humanitarian assistance key indicators are used to test whether a standard has been achieved guidance notes are used to share best practice and experience, talk about controversial areas, and help you to use the indicators … 6 | Sphere for Monitoring and Evaluation The Humanitarian Charter How do I use the CPMS in my context? Quantitative Sphere indicators for water encompass the quantity, accessibility, and quality of the water. Humanitarian standards are, statements which describe the sets of actions needed so that crisis-affected people can, Humanitarian standards are developed by humanitarian practitioners with specific areas of, expertise and are formulated based on evidence, experience, and learning. Humanitarian standards are a useful resource for practitioners to plan, implement, and evaluate humanitarian response. The Sphere Handbook is designed to provide standards and key indicators for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian response to both slow- and rapid-onset situations following natural disasters or conflicts. The Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS) sets out Nine Commitments that organisations and individuals involved in humanitarian response can use to improve the quality and effectiveness of the assistance they provide. 56 Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards The services included improving the quality of key indicators to show whether the minimum standards in … The services included improving the quality of key indicators to show whether the minimum standards in humanitarian work have been attained. Each person may take the course at … Today, the Sphere standards are the most widely recognized humanitarian standards across the globe. By using our website you are agreeing to this. The discussions and debriefing of these exercises will provide participants with a better understanding of where and how the Sphere Standards and Indicators can assist them and the people they serve in humanitarian responses. Sphere companion standards. It is the result of an intense year-long mobilisation of human - itarian actors around the globe and reflects two decades of experience using the standards in front-line operations, policy development and … The initial aim of the revision was to ensure that the standards better reflected the principles embodied in the Humanitarian Charter. The Sphere Handbook is designed to provide standards and key indicators for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian response to both slow- and rapid-onset situations following natural disasters or conflicts. Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response Initiated by a Group of NGOs & ICRC/RC in 1997 Editions First trial edition 1998 First final edition 2000 Second edition 2004 Third edition 2011 (Present Edition ) Aim of the Project “The aim of … Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The CHS Guidance Notes and Indicators is a supplement to the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability. Notes and Indicators. They are the The structure of the standards. The data from these three informal settlements reveal the gap with regard to Sphere standards. We use cookies and other identifiers to help improve your online experience. The 2019 Edition of the CPMS. The Sphere Handbook puts the right of disaster-affected populations to life with dignity, and to protection and assistance at the centre of humanitarian action. * (You may pick more than one option). In 2016, they will be revised to reflect the Core Humanitarian Standard which will replace the Sphere Core Standards. The article also describes how the revision attempted to incorporate the principles of the Humanitarian Charter, as well as relevant human rights principles and values into the Sphere Minimum Standards. Learn More. Sphere Core Standard 1: People-centered humanitarian response (3) Apply filter ; Sphere: Management of acute malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies standard 2: Severe acute malnutrition (Key Indicator 3) (3) Apply filter ; HAP Benchmark 3 on Sharing information (2) Apply filter ; … Sphere and the Humanitarian Standards Partnership What is Sphere? The importance of shelter,settlementand non-food items in disasters Quantitative Sphere indicators for water encompass the quantity, accessibility, and quality of the water. The Core Humanitarian Standard. View Academics in SPHERE Standards and Indicators on However, the Sphere standards reflect the core content of the Right to Housing and contribute to the progressive realisation of this right globally. WASH in Schools Checklist (UNHCR, 2020) The UNHCR WASH Monitoring System includes monitoring of refugee schools following the Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) guidelines, model questions and standard indicators. 2004. The Humanitarian Standards Partnership and the Sphere standards. The standards, are developed by consensus and reflect accumulated best practice at a global level. 2. The guidance is aimed at all humanitarian actors and organisations involved in planning, managing or implementing a humanitarian response including staff and volunteers of local, national and international agencies. News and events. The Department of State and USAID, drawing on technical expertise within both agencies and from within the development and security communities, have jointly developed standard indicators to measure both what is being accomplished with U.S. Government foreign assistance funds and the collective impact of foreign and host-government efforts to advance country development. The guidance is aimed at all humanitarian actors and organisations involved in planning, managing or implementing a humanitarian response including staff and volunteers of local, national and international agencies. By applying them in preparedness and response operations, humanitarian agencies and practitioners make a commitment to quality and make themselves accountable to the populations they serve. What cross-cutting issues should be considered when using the standards? The Sphere Handbook is Sphere’s flagship publication. However, the Sphere standards reflect the core content of the Right to Water and contribute to the progressive realisation of this right globally. Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards The Minimum Standards in this chapter are not a full expression of the Right to Housing. It promotes the active participation of affected populations as well as of local and national authorities, and is used to negotiate humanitarian space and resources with authorities in disaster-preparedness work. SPHERE PROJECT Minimum Standards in WASH 1 By: Rafi ULLAH 2. Tags: WASH in Health Care Facilities. What is your role? View SPHERE Standards and Indicators Research Papers on for free. 4.4 SINGLE INDICATOR GUIDANCE – PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ... Exits include discharges corresponding to the Sphere minimum standards (recovered, death, defaulter and non-recovery), beneficiaries moved out to another site of the same programme and as for admissions, an This website uses cookies to improve your experience. A short history of the MERS, Sphere and the Humanitarian Standards Partnership. The Sphere standards are a set of principles and minimum humanitarian standards in four technical areas of humanitarian response: Founded in 1997, Sphere is one of the earliest initiatives aiming to improve the quality and accountability of the humanitarian sector. Discover our digital platform . What do we mean when we say ‘children’? 9 Whatis Sphere? (function() { The Sphere Handbook is one of the most widely known and internationally recognized sets of common principles and universal minimum standards for the delivery of quality humanitarian response. Humanitarian agencies can also be challenged if the population already has extreme conditions, for instance; extreme security challenges, effects of natural disasters. Monthly newsletter - Boletín mensual - Bulletin mensuel (11 x year/año/an), Special campaigns - Campañas especiales - Des campagnes spéciales (3-4 x year/año/an), Water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH), Play an active role in the future of the Sphere standards, People affected by disaster or conflict have the right to receive protection and assistance, and to ensure the basic conditions for life with dignity. Revision of Sphere Standards and Indicators During the first half of 2010, Skat provided advisory services to the Sphere Handbook revision for the 2010 edition. Sphere standards of wash 1. Sphere welcomes the development of these tested standards to guide the humanitarian community. For further information how your data is used, please read our Privacy Policy. Therefore, not all the standards and indicators in the sphere need to be met. 2. We thank these individuals for their inputs at every stage of the development Sphere standards of wash 1. Humanitarian standards are statements which describe the sets of actions needed so that crisis-affected people can enjoy this right. s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s); Sphere for Monitoring and Evaluation is not a guide on how to carry out an evaluation, but on how to incorporate the Sphere standards and indicators into the methodology used by your organisation. What is Sphere? The indicator for water supply remains 15 l of water per person per day (L/p/d) for drinking, cooking, personal hygiene, and domestic hygiene. Guidance notes provide specific points to consider when applying the minimum standards, key actions, and key indicators in different situations. The key Notes and Indicators. Read our. They are revised regularly to incorporate developments across the sector. The adaptability of the Sphere indicators means that they are useful for any evaluation methodology. SPHERE PROJECT Minimum Standards in WASH 1 By: Rafi ULLAH 2. The standards for the different sectors do not stand alone: they are interdependent. Sphere (formerly known as the Sphere Project) is a global movement started in 1997 aiming to improve the quality of humanitarian assistance.The Sphere standards are the most commonly used and most widely known set of humanitarian standards. the standards, actions or indicators and describe dilemmas, controversies or gaps in current knowledge. They provide a strong basis to advocate for the rights of crisis-affected communities. Sphere standards help aid workers determine the minimum level of quality in humanitarian aid, providing both a description of what’s required, quantitative indicators to help determine if these are met, and guidance notes as to how agencies should work with communities, in 4 key sectors: water and sanitation, health, food security, and shelter. 4 … . The Department of State and USAID, drawing on technical expertise within both agencies and from within the development and security communities, have jointly developed standard indicators to measure both what is being accomplished with U.S. Government foreign assistance funds and the collective impact of foreign and host-government efforts to advance country development. Taking the course is free of charge. Sphere standards help aid workers determine the minimum level of quality in humanitarian aid, providing both a description of what’s required, quantitative indicators to help determine if these are met, and guidance notes as to how agencies should work with communities, in 4 key sectors: water and sanitation, health, food security, and shelter. What is Sphere? The indicator for water supply remains 15 l of water per person per day (L/p/d) for drinking, cooking, personal hygiene, and domestic hygiene. They provide direction on how to tackle practical difficulties or advice on priority issues. Members can log in to create events, publish stories, share resources and modify their password and newsletter subscription. standards of the Handbook, and to explore the extent to which one of the humanitarian sectors’ most widely disseminated and well-known resources is evidence-informed, this study assessed the evidence base that supports the current Sphere standards and indicators. The data from these three informal settlements reveal the gap with regard to Sphere standards. Conclusion: It is not possible to adequately link the 2011 Sphere indicators and standards to their sources in their current constitution, and they are not sufficiently evidence-informed. })(); Copyright © 2021 UNHCR WASH       Privacy Policy Standards, key actions, key indicators, and guidance notes The “shelter” chapter in the Sphere handbook now contains 10 standards. However, the Sphere standards reflect the core content of the Right to Housing and contribute to the progressive realisation of this right globally. The Guidance Notes and Indicators will be revised based on feedback from users by March 2017 at the latest. The four-day course will develop holistic understanding of the participants on the rationale and structure of the latest Sphere Standards. terms of use. They provide a strong basis to advocate for the rights of. The Sphere community sets standards for humanitarian action and promotes quality and accountability. F-105/2015a Site Level Refugee WASH Operational Plan Template (UNHCR, 2015), Sphere Minimum Standards and Indicators for Humanitarian Response (SPHERE, 2011). Qayum M(1), Adil AH, Haqqani U, Rehman W, Khan M, Khan TA. In some situations, the Minimum Standards may be achieved without the need for external intervention. The CHS Guidance Notes and Indicators is a supplement to the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability. For development, for each sector, I compared the key Sphere standards and indicators (key actions for the sector of education) to the situation in the ZAI in order to demonstrate the effectiveness or not of their impacts in the form of recommendations. . These standards are set out in the Sphere Handbook (see: The Sphere Project. Using the standards in context. They. You can now browse the Sphere Handbook and all our partner standards interactively . gcse.src = '' + cx; .? The standards apply throughout the programme cycle. WHAT IS SPHERE…. In addition, Skat supports in the formulation of a working definition of ‘indicators’ and in the assessment of key indicators based on their measurability and the degree to which they reflect whether a Sphere standard has been attained. Child trafficking A timeframe for Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards The Minimum Standards in this chapter are not a full expression of the Right to Housing. The development of the guidance has drawn on existing materials from Sphere, CHS Alliance (formerly HAP and People In Aid) and Groupe URD. The minimum standards are evidence-based and represent sector-wide consensus on best practice in humanitarian response. People affected by disaster or conflict have the right to receive protection and assistance and to ensure the basic conditions for life with dignity. Humanitarian standards are developed by humanitarian practitioners with specific areas of expertise and are formulated based on evidence, experience, and learning. Indicators are tracked on the Refugee WASH in Health Facilities Dashboard. The Core Humanitarian Standard is one of the three foundational chapters of Sphere, informing and supporting the technical standards, together with the Humanitarian Charter and the Protection Principles. By applying them in preparedness and response operations, humanitarian agencies and practitioners make a commitment to quality and make. gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response ), designed for use in disaster response but may be applicable in a wide range of situations including natural disasters and … The Sphere Project and its Handbook are well When this is the case, the gap between the standards and indicators Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards 8. The Sphere handbook is designed for use in disaster response, and may ... able to achieve the Minimum Standards and indicators specified in a particular sector. By clicking below to submit this form, I hereby agree to the Sphere’s Privacy Policy and The importance of shelter,settlementand non-food items in disasters The services included improving the quality of key indicators to show whether the minimum standards in … ing Standards and Indicators in the context of Results-Based Management within the organi za tion. As such, two objectives were proposed: 1) to explore Other codes, guidance and manuals by theme. Water and Sanitation in Asia Pacific Sphere standards: Excreta disposal The living environment in general and specifically the habitat, the food production area, public centres and surroundings of drinking water sources are free from human View Academics in SPHERE Standards and Indicators on crisis-affected communities. Guidance notes provide specific points to consider when applying the minimum standards, key actions, and key indicators in different situations. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. .? For development, for each sector, I compared the key Sphere standards and indicators (key actions for the sector of education) to the situation in the ZAI in order to demonstrate the effectiveness or not of their impacts in the form of recommendations. between Standards, Indicators, Key Actions, and Guidance Notes Each chapter presents a set of Standards, with Key actions, Key indicators, and Guidance notes for each standard. technical areas of humanitarian response: I am interested in knowing more about Sphere. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Key indicators have to fulfil the SMART criteria and consistency between process, outcome and impact indicators in the areas of Common Standards, WASH Food Aid, … The minimum standards cover four primary life-saving areas of humanitarian aid: water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion; food security and nutrition; shelter, settlement and non-food items; and health action. The available resources may not be Explain the Sphere philosophy; Describe how the minimum standards, key actors, key indicators and guidance notes within the technical chapters reinforce the Humanitarian Charter, Protection Principles and Core Standards; Promote the effective use of the Sphere Handbook; How long will it take? With the now available guidance notes and indicators, the Core Humanitarian Standard is ready to replace the Sphere Handbook Core Standards. var gcse = document.createElement('script'); between Standards, Indicators, Key Actions, and Guidance Notes Each chapter presents a set of Standards, with Key actions, Key indicators, and Guidance notes for each standard. The Standards are qualitative in nature: they are meant to be universal and applicable in any environment. themselves accountable to the populations they serve. The Sphere Handbook sets common principles and universal minimum standards in areas of humanitarian response. We supported the important piloting of this work as a vital contribution to Sphere’s core beliefs: that all people affected by crisis have a right to life with dignity, and that all possible steps must be taken to alleviate suffering in these crises. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Because it is not owned by any one organization, the Sphere Handbook enjoys broad acceptance by the humanitarian sector as a whole. View SPHERE Standards and Indicators Research Papers on for free. It provides indicators and guiding questions to promote measurement of progress towards meeting the standard and drive continuous learning and improvement. These cookies do not store any personal information. The Sphere standards are a set of principles and minimum humanitarian standards in four technical areas of humanitarian response: Water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH) Food security and nutrition. Water and Sanitation in Asia Pacific Sphere standards: Excreta disposal The living environment in general and specifically the habitat, the food production area, public centres and surroundings of drinking water sources are free from human A short history of the MERS, Sphere and the Humanitarian Standards Partnership. Cash and voucher assistance. Sphere standards and indicators - WASH. Saving lives, changing minds. FOUNDATIONAL STANDARDS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Acknowledgements Development of the Minimum Standards for Prevention and Response to Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies was supported by a large and diverse network of colleagues and technical experts. Key actions, key indicators and guidance notes (described in the ‘How to use the standards’ section below) accompany each standard, providing guidance on how to attain the standard. Because it is not owned by any one organization, the Sphere Handbook enjoys broad acceptance by the humanitarian sector as a whole. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response Initiated by a Group of NGOs & ICRC/RC in 1997 Editions First trial edition 1998 First final edition 2000 Second edition 2004 Third edition 2011 (Present Edition ) Aim of the Project “The aim of … Your Privacy is protected. Sphere is based on two core beliefs:first,thatall possible steps should ... make the realisation of all standards and indicators unattainable. However, there is inevitably a tension between the formulation of universal standards and the ability to apply them in practice. The Sphere Handbook is marking its 20th anniversary with the publication of this fourth edition. 4 3. Shelter and settlement. The Sphere handbook 2000 edition has been revised over the last year. Assessment and analysis. var cx = '000988182459458128959:_9mmn-hjt1m'; Sphere's flagship publication is the Sphere Handbook. Adolescents. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish.