All in all, these people have everything they need in life. At home, they’re humorous, patient, and loving. Dreaming of a pig inside your house has a positive interpretation. It’s the time to conclude to those relationships, decisions, and circumstances which need closure. Having a Pig as your Spirit Animal (Totem Animal) The pig is connected to the spirit of mother earth. Such a dream foretells dangers coming your way. Pigs know the wisdom of getting back to nature. Such a dream warns you to be more careful about your words and actions. pig spiritual meaning. If you dream of a starved or skinny pig, it could mean that you will go through a financial crunch in the coming months. Long ago, people believed that gods and the divine were within these birds. If you don’t want them to be upset with you, you must apologize to them and make amends for your bad behavior. I’m assuming he’s somebody’s pet cuz he was so shiney and clean. This is in line with the habit at the time of naming any small and vaguely porcine creatures as 'pigs'. In many of the Native American tribes, pigs were the most valuable sacrificial animals of all. If it is not yielding the nourishment you desire, then move on to find another patch of ground to explore. A theme of abundance continues with Pig in Native American symbolism. Pig totem also brings abundance and fertility, meaning there are great chances people born under this … Some studies show that they are believed to be more tameable than even dogs. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. As this Spirit Animal’s gifts manifest, show gratitude. As a Power Animal, Pigs are among the most compassionate, sensitive creatures. We will talk a little bit more about the symbolic meaning of a pig in a dream, and what dreams about pigs actually represent. While in others, they are condemned as disgusting and abominable creatures. Cavies do at least look somewhat like tiny pigs and that was in the mind of the academics who first gave them a Latin name - Cavia porcellus, porcellus meaning 'little pig'. Here we will cover some of the popular dream interpretation associations and meanings for dreaming about about a pig. You can learn from them how to be truly satisfied with your life and the people in it. Most cultures and religions have the pig in their menu. If the pig in your dream appears to be healthy and well-fed, the dream has a positive indication. These animals believe in having large families and are, therefore, symbolic of abundance and fertility. The symbolism of Wild Boar is that of truth, courage and confrontation. A problem I’ve seen with people looking for “God’s voice” is that they sometimes don’t seek clear guidance from God’s Word, fellow believers, etc and are looking for a ‘bright light/earth shattering ‘ experience from God … As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. They use their Throat Chakra and let you know how they feel. I have been fascinated by our natural world and am here to share that wonder with you. Pigs in China symbolize prosperity, luck and fortune. In Greek mythology, pigs are believed to be the companion to the Earth Goddess, Demeter, also known to be the deity of fruitfulness and abundance. Pig does not allow for self-righteousness, instead calling for a quiet self-awareness for tapping into your ingenuity so you can turn on a dime without falling over. Many studies report that their intelligence level matches that of a 3-years old human child. If you see a black pig in your dream, you should take it as a warning about being careful while having a conversation with a stranger. Invoking Pig Energy as your Power Animal also gives you fierce courage. Dreaming of them can have many interpretations: a well-fed pig in your dream is a sign of prosperity, while dreaming of a dead one indicates difficulties in your path. Solitude is never the answer to problems. In some native Indian tribes Wild Boar was used as a way to teach young braves how to be honest and find their courage when they told a lie to the tribe. Out the blue. Let’s brush up our memory: pigs are symbolic of good fortune, abundance and fertility, intelligence, humor, and contentment. The pig was sacred to Isis – a symbol of fertility. It has a powerful spirit and the meanings of its spirit resonates fluidly with my soul. Pig symbolism ties closely with that of Boars. Pigs represent fertility, which can mean giving birth to children, a business, a movement, or a career. Wild Boar Energy can help you hunt down and catch whatever is most important to you. However, luckily for them, they possess a mind so sharp that they can achieve surprising heights by doing very little. As your spirit animals, these animals will teach you how to achieve success using your intellect and not your labor. Call on guinea pig as a spirit guide when Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Pigs are associated with so many things either spiritually, physically, or intellectually and they can be a sign of great fertility and success. Eating pigs is condemned in Islam as well. Pig People will likely always be involved in a charity or helping to make the world a better place in some form or fashion. If you see several pigs gathered together at a place in your dream, it has a negative interpretation. The ancients & native people have always known that animals are spirit messengers. What could it mean for you? I love these qualities as named in your article and feel so grateful to the greater energy of pigness. Piglets predict children or the birth of a pet project. By doing this, everything sorts out fairly and equitably. So, you must spend money wisely and cut back all the unnecessary expenses. This, however, is far from the truth. Both sexes of these animals reach their sexual maturity before they’re even one year old (the females matures at the age of five-six months, while the male reaches maturity when they are seven-eight months old). If the Pig you see in your dreams is clean, the imagery foretells of abundance. Not everyone understands Pigs. Such a dream can mean that someone in your family might suffer from bad health. Prosperity and abundance: Pig in a dream often symbolizes abundance. Pigs have a somewhat conflicted symbolism; while in some cultures, they are treated as dirt due to their filthiness and the diseases that spread from them, other cultures consider them sacred and sacrifice to their gods and this was done because the pig embodied many good qualities. Pigs are weather harbingers too, so calling on the Animal during life’s storms may improve your standing. Make the most of the landscape in front of you. Maybe you didn’t know that, but the pig is a very intelligent animal. Pig totem gives an individual protection and support, primarily in a material way. Here, Wild Boar is an excellent Animal Spirit Guide to call on when you have elusive goals or want to stop procrastinating. This connection was recognized by many ancient civilizations including the Celts, Egyptians and Chinese. Such a dream foretells a pleasant encounter or experience in the near future. They are also very family-oriented and have a very close-knit community. If you find yourself running into a pig out of nowhere in your dream, it is a bad sign. They believe that the people who keep wanting more can never enjoy what they already have. Majority of your article so spot on. The pig totems are also simple at heart and have mastered the art of satisfaction. Pig is a very positive symbol in many cultures, and it is mostly related to wealth and fortune. Chinese lore indicates a pig brings good luck for businesses. These animals were, thus, believed to stand for everything Isis symbolized. This is why they’re symbolic of adaptability. The word Hog might reference someone monopolizing your time, or it can even refer to a motorcycle: The key here is to figure out what resonates with you. Many Pigs are pink, which is the color of unconditional love and compassion. In terms of fertility, pigs are among the top-ranking animals, too. The pigs have a contrasting significance in the cultures of different parts of the world. I was perturbed to know that my natural thyroid medication came from pig’s thyroid. They are also very social; you will always find them in a large circle of friends. As a spirit animal, this animal has the power to help us become better people and transform our life. Pig gives you the stability and grounding to have confidence in times of trouble. Isn’t the idea of cooking a pig alive gross? This is one of the best totem animal descriptions I’ve ever read! Why, for example, are Jews forbidden to eat pig … While Pigs have somewhat ambivalent symbolism in modern culture, as a “Pig” reference is often used derogatorily, the ancients saw Pigs in a much different light. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. In the Chinese Zodiac, people born under the sign of Pig or Boar are the world’s humanitarians. So, what does dreaming of pigs really mean? Or perhaps you or someone you know is lingering in the mire of selfishness. Learn more about Pig Spirit by reading What Do Pig Dreams Mean on! When Pig roots around in your soul, it can be a sign that now is the time to move ahead! They can be trained with ease, and often faster, than Dogs. If you have been thinking of asking for a promotion at work, now is the ideal time for you to make that request. Your email address will not be published. Such a dream indicates that your business might collapse in the near future, compelling you to look for another source of income to take care of your family. The pig was also a symbol of virility, strength, and fertility in ancient Chinese cultures. Pigs are mammals that are very intelligent and prolific in nature. God bless, I’ve been getting pig a lot and found this so helpful, and it fits perfectly with my life right now 🙂 Thank you so much for the information.