Rare Fish Online since 1999. Nemo (for a clownfish, of course) Bubbles; Jack; Captain; Finley; Blue; Moby; Bubba; Squirt; Shadow; Top 10 Female Fish Names. Funny Fish Names. Our Blog Can you do that for ... Can you give me some good betta fish names. sushi; bubbles; casper; shadow; comet; flash; blue; crimson; johnson; nemo; spike; spot; ace; ajax; finley; captain jack; drake; marlin; bruce; crush For multi-colored bettas, red is usually also found to be the dominant color on the fish. Delivery     FREE SHIPPING Names Now, you need other names for all of your fish. Older male fish often retain tubercles throughout the year. google_ad_slot = "4922440042"; And why shouldn't your goldfish have an awesome name? You'll have to tap the glass to call your fish … If you’re searching for something outside the norm, or a little bit more unusual then I’m sure you’ll find the perfect name in this vast list. with Greek Palaemon. Browse Pet Names Pets By Gender. V, W, Unlike other pets, it is fairly normal to have a dozen or more fish. A, Highly unusual names you may consider for your fish … mean fish, sea, ocean, seaman, water, wet, of the sea, gem of the sea, etc. T, U, Water temperature at 80 degrees and yeah.. You can browse, search, and save your fish pet names until you find that perfect one. Either way, you’re likely to find something that catches your eye. Aquarium Info, Search Site Info google_ad_width = 728; Dory: a little blue fish played by Ellen DeGeneres in the movie Finding Nemo and Finding Dory; Nemo: a little clownfish from the movie Finding Nemo; Marlin: Nemo's clownfish dad; Mr. Limpet: a man-turned-fish, played by Don Knotts in The Incredible Mr. Limpet; Mrs. //-->, Girl Names 100 boy fish names. Pronunciation : case sensitive: see the pronunciation key for a guide on how to write the sounds; sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations * is a wildcard that will match zero or more letters in the pronunciation example: *lee matches names which end with the sound lee _ is a wildcard that will match exactly one letter in the pronunciation consulted, Privacy google_ad_width = 728; goddesses. Names for aquarium pets. R, S, Fish for Sale. #malebettafishnames #bettafishnames #malefishnames. google_ad_slot = "2163364045"; Bonnie and Clyde. I named my Bettas all with names starting with the letter B. Barbara was the last one to die tell I gave up on the betta fish. Dr. Seuss was onto something! Premium Fish, Free In mythology, this is the name of a sea god equated People love to have fun with their pet fish names, the most common being Nemo and Goldie. Male Betta Fish Names. New Arrivals Splish and Splash. //-->, Male Pet Fish Names L, M, /* 20000_names_top */ Ebb and Flow. Search    Male Pet Fish Names Names for aquarium pets. Many people think that only rich people can keep fish as … The chap's brother lived nearby too. Rosaleen: In Irish, it is known to mean “little rose”. Shipping     Check out our list of male Betta fish names for inspiration or pick one that you like the most. B, C, Names for your pets. Newsletter     300+ Names for Fish – Funny & Unique Names for Boys & Girls It’s a ton of fun when you get a new pet fish and one of the most fun tasks is selecting the perfect name. F, G, Variant form of Roman Portunus, meaning "of Regardless, this is a list of some of the best female funny fish names for a female (or male) fish. But, your fish has a personality, and every personality merits a fitting name. B, C, Male Fish Names. Most Popular Names for Female Pet Fish Living in Aquariums, Fish Bowls, and Ponds. name of a sea god equated with Greek Palaemon. I had the gravel and everything. T, U, The chances of all the thick male children, finding women who were thick enough to marry them and bear their thick children is reasonably remote. Female • Male. V, W, var __pid=49635; google_ad_client = "ca-pub-7064226711837177"; Does your funny fish have a female swag to her? Mobile     H, I, Male Names Freshwater Fish I didn’t think so. Cool Fish Roman name meaning "of the harbor." Names such as ‘Bubbles’ and ‘Coral’ make great fish names, and would suit any type of fish, regardless of its color, size or breed. F.A.Q. Betta fish make a great pet for kids, beginners, and old pros. J, K, You want to have cool fish names for your pet fish. A-Z Page. If you have a pair of fish like guppies consider these names. Below is a list for you to start with ordered alphabetically. Grouped by species. The male fish’s vent … Tic and Tac. N, O, and cool names. For instance, goldfish often develop appendages known as tubercles, tiny white spots that appear on the gill coverings. You may always prefer unisex names to specifically male or female names, or you might just like a particular unisex name or think that it suits your new fish. R, S, While a name may come to you instantly, sometimes you need some inspiration. Visitors since 2006 Store About Our Fish Unlike a dog, fish probably won't respond to their names. Male goldfish usually have thinner, more streamlined bodies than females of the same species. Ace, Art, Arthur, Andy, Archie, Archibald, Artie, Artemus, Andro, Apollo, Astor, Artemis, Azmus. & Contact Info, . Pet fish name generator . Michelangelo; Elvis Fishley; Phineas; Ferb; Johnny Dash; Batman; Gandalf; Jack Sparrow; Willy Wonka; Joker; Han Solo; Skywalker; Woody; Yoda; Brad Pitt; Channing Tatum; Stephen Curry; Lebron Waves; Johnny Depth; Batman; Ross; Seinfeld; Harry; Bruce