Treatment to Get Rid of Mosquito Bites Overnight and Fast 1.) Ice After a few minutes, wash it off. Evidence is inconclusive, but some swear by this method. But fear not, we asked an expert how to get rid of mosquito bites. How to get rid of mosquito bite scars . Mosquito bites can result in fatal diseases such as malaria, chikungunya and malaria. Written by Jody Braverman . Home remedies include applying ice, honey, or aloe vera to reduce irritation. 👇 Watch Collection of natural Beauty and Health Recipes. For most people, mosquito bites tend to leave colored scars that can be annoying to have, especially if occurring on the face, arms, or legs. Especially if you have fair or sensitive skin, those little bite marks can take a long time to go away on their own. Mosquitoes hate the smell of cloves and anything citrusy. Try to avoid mosquito bites by wearing long pants, long sleeves shirts or other protective clothes. So, follow the below home remedy to get rid of mosquito bites fast. Keep plates of these clove-infused lemons to get rid of mosquitoes inside the house. They can be red, bumpy, and itchy for some people making all things a discomforting experience. A tried and tested method to get a mosquito-free home is to use lemons with cloves. Vinegar Why it Works: Malic acid in apple cider vinegar is a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, able to soothe painful bites. There are some repellents also at the end of this article to keep the mosquito away. Something in the insect’s spit causes the small itchy welt. If you have mosquito bites all over your body, make sure to make a large amount that you can apply to different areas while taking a bath. Popular home remedies to get rid of mosquito bite marks include: Applying lemon juice once a day to remove the outer layer of skin and encourage regrowth. How to Get Rid of Dark Spots From Mosquito Bites. Luckily, there are ways to get rid of a mosquito bite quickly, and the itching should go away within two to three days. Then you hear that high-pitched whine and feel the sting of a mosquito bite. To get rid of your mosquito bites, just mix same amounts of oatmeal and warm water and apply the thick paste to the affected area. Bellow natural home remedy is harmless and doesn’t have any side effects. If you've had mosquito bites you also may have little dark spots on your legs or arms 1. So slice a lemon in two, and push in cloves into both the halves. There are many over the counter cream available in the market but they have the harmful chemical. Mosquito bites often result in a small bump that can be itchy and uncomfortable. Mosquito bites can cause some serious diseases as well. Garlic Why it Works: A natural antibiotic, fresh garlic rubbed on a mosquito bite is said to knock out the bacteria causing itchiness. Putting pureed cucumber paste onto the scarred skin. Mosquito bite scars are simply little dark spots. Using olive oil or an oil blend (rosehip, chamomile, calendula) as a moisturizer. 11 December, 2018 . It’ll get better within a few hours for most people.