At its extreme it can lead to skin infections, severe bleeding and even skin grafts and surgery to repair the damage. Fellow compulsive shredders. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder message board, open discussion, and online support group. Managing OCD in Your Household. I hardly ever tear paper up anyway I've never really thought about it Have you ever practised tearing paper so you could do it more quickly. This happened in 4th grade and I still do it to this day. I'm interested to hear from both men and women what their habits are. Trump's excessive paper-ripping has forced aides to spend hours taping documents back together before sending them to the National Archives to be properly filed away. Tick any that apply. But it is really starting to bug me since I get scared when teachers come by my desk so I hide the teared part of my paper or book. It sounds weird, but I have this obsession where whenever I see a paper, I tear it or fold it. So, my obsession is tearing paper. an hour a week even. I just wonder … Compulsive disorder: Once other possibilities are ruled out, Moon-Fanelli says, ... And although nibbling on a bit of paper or occasionally chewing on a plastic bag -- some of which contain gelatin, which cats can sense -- could simply be a harmless little quirk, "It’s hard to know," Plotnick says. Reads as though he is pleasant but a bit difficult to redirect. Forum rules. Sarah. 16. find a healthier habit. Most don't like others in their room. ... Trash will indeed fit better in bins if you tear up the paper. Obsession Over Any Damage and with Tearing-up Trash Papers. Moderator: Snaga. Brief Obsessive Compulsive Scale ... Ex. My name is Amber, I work work with individuals with Autism in their homes (group homes) I have been having difficulty with one individual who is an Adult male … I do it for satisfaction. 23 posts • Page 1 of 3 • 1, 2, 3. Going into other residents rooms is going to become a problem. Straightening paper and pens on a desktop or books in a bookcase, wasting hours arranging or lining up things in the house in “order” and then becoming very upset if ... Ex. Hello! Please post in the message area. I spend about 30 minutes washing my hands after taking a dump (washing them twice over). it may not be as satisfying, but give yourself something to do instead. chew gum, pop bubble wrap, tap your fingers, tear up paper, get a coloring book (look up phil lewis fun stuff) 17. the time you would have spent picking volunteer instead. Editor’s note: If you struggle with a body-focused repetitive behavior, the following post could be potentially triggering. Fellow compulsive shredders. Sarah I'm interested to hear from both men and women what their habits are. Excoriation disorder, or skin picking, is repetitive, compulsive picking and scratching at the skin, to the point that it causes serious tissue damage. Scratching and tearing the skin, cut oneself or banging one’s head. Siblings and parents, alike may have their routines interrupted or feel pressured to accommodate your child with OCD by taking part in rituals. The other day, I tried to use 3-6 squares per wipe, yet that resulted in the toilet paper tearing mid- wipe. Thus, triggering my ocd and making me wash my hands for more time than I would’ve liked. Hmmmm, tearing up roll after roll of tp is going to get someone concerned. Please post in the message area. As you already know, when your child has OCD, the entire household is affected.