speciousreasons uses Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists. 00:50:43 - The Captain Trips Crew is back for episode two of THE STAND where we talk green room rampages, Smash Mouth at Sturges vibes, helicopter revenge, and… Favorites: The Return of the Living Dead (1985). Welcome to Kill By Kill: After Dark as we unlock a Patreon exclusive for Christmas and unwrap all the sweaty unsavoriness of 1981’s THE SEDUCTION starring Morgan Fairchild as a woman no one wants to believe, trust, or listen to, and Andrew “The Stalkening” Stevens sporting the dry look. Listen to Baby, Can You Dig Your Stand: The Stand recap vol. Follow us on IG @killbykillpodcast Join here.

The Captain Trips Crew is back for episode two of THE STAND where we talk green room rampages, Smash Mouth at Sturges vibes, helicopter revenge, and Tube Neck v. XTRO - One Night Stand edition! 1966 ★★★ Watched May 28 , 2020 dingdongfootbal’s review published on Letterboxd: An accompaniment to the Letterboxd Top 250, which sadly contains very few horror films. Kill! Join here. Click ^^ for Hubrisween Central, here for our Letterboxd page. Listen to Baby, Can You Dig Your Stand: The Stand recap vol. 70 films watched. The climax was pretty silly and dull as well. 1966 ★★★★½ Watched Jul 09 , 2016 SilentDawn’s review published on Letterboxd: ‎In each episode, Patrick Hamilton and Gena Radcliffe unpack all the gory details of horror cinema's least discussed topic: the characters. What a ludicrous title. 686 films watched. Dish By Dish: A Hannibal Rewatch on the Fridays in-between. There were a couple beautifully creepy moments of imagery, but for the most part I thought this was a total slog. Kill Baby Kill [Blu-ray] September 20, 2017. Never fear - new episodes of Kill By Kill are made available every other Friday! Home » »Unlabelled » Kill Baby Kill [Blu-ray] Wednesday, September 20, 2017. Bio: I need to watch more movies An 18th century European village is haunted by the ghost of a murderous little girl. who enjoys genre fiction and movies, but will watch anything. A subsequent look at Horowitz’s Letterboxd diary reveals that this conversation perhaps inspired him to take a trip back in time the following day. Of course, we get into everything Colleen Camp, baby-arm-length camera lenses, and the plague of indoor ferns. 248 films watched. All entries must be at least 40 minutes in length. From Friday the 13th to Nightmare on Elm Street and beyond, our mission is to detail each hack, slash, and decapitation in the hopes that a victim's untimely end… Favorites: The 400 Blows (1959), The Apartment (1960), Rushmore (1998), Chungking Express (1994). No Comment In A doctor (Giacomo Rossi Stuart) arrives at a remote village to perform an autopsy on a young woman, but his efforts are frustrated by the superstitious townspeople, who live in fear of the murderous spirit of a ghastly child. Dish By Dish: A Hannibal Rewatch on the Fridays in-between. Related content. Mothers, Mommy Issues, Moms, Matriarch, Grandmothers. kill_dyl uses Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists. I cannot stress enough how amazingly beautiful the cinematography is, how eerie and creepy the atmosphere is and just how haunting this film is, i would describe this as a classy horror film, one with an intoxicating sense of dread and surrealism throughout it’s whole runtime... MARIO BAVA IS THE KING OF ATMOSPHERIC HORROR! Join the conversation about any episode on the Facebook Group! 1, an episode of Kill By Kill, easily on Podbay - the best podcast player on the web. No shorts, no TV series or movies, no YouTube videos, no filmed stage productions, no reissues, no trailer compilations, no behind-the-scenes documentaries, nor anything else that isn't really a feature film. Der deutsche Titel "Die toten Augen des Dr. Dracula" ist etwas irreführend, da weder das Augenmotiv eine zentrale Rolle spielt, noch Dracula oder Vampire darin vorkommen, allerdings evoziert der Film auf großartigste Weise die einmalig entrückt und farbenfrohe Mario Bava Atmosphäre. 275 films watched. 39 films watched. Shop our range of T-Shirts, Tanks, Hoodies, Dresses, and more. Find us on Twitter @KillByKillPod. 61 films watched. There's still hope, even for a ghost town. Have something to say? Begins as an apocalypse and ends on two gigantic, melodramatic gestures. Entry #8 of 2016's Hooptober. Bio: Mostly a geek (ask me about my microscope pictures, I dare you!) Never fear - new episodes of Kill By Kill are made available every other Friday! Greg uses Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists. 2, an episode of Kill By Kill, easily on Podbay - the best podcast player on the web. aka OPERAZIONE PAURA (‘60) is often singled out as one of the last masterworks produced during Italian horror’s golden age and you can currently catch it on FilmStruck as part of the streaming service’s “Directed by Mario Bava” theme. Join here. the gothic setting of this movie is so gorgeous. 94 One of those "made for me" movies - just a scrumptious unraveling of Gothic atmospherics, dynamic performers, subterranean set design, and spine-tingling images. Unique Letterboxd clothing designed and sold by artists for women, men, and everyone. Stella is using Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists with friends. snylen uses Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists. BigBadBOOM uses Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists. Kill! Dmitry is using Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists with friends. Kill! 1966 ★★★★ Watched Feb 24 , 2019 ScreeningNotes’s review published on Letterboxd: JaumeMuntane is using Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists with friends. It's as obnoxiously dialogue-heavy as the worst of the giallos, but also the characters kept repeating and repeating themselves. Here are best movies to stream on Hulu, according to Stacker's user score. 1,728 films watched. "Star Trek," "Kill Bill," "Good Will Hunting" and even "Rosemary's Baby." Extracted from here. hannamac12 uses Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists. Favorites: Uncut Gems (2019), Fight Club (1999), American Psycho (2000), Pulp Fiction (1994). Jordan Horowitz’s list of research for I’m Your Woman. Korv uses Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists. Kill! A Bava film. Bad movie fan - … Mario Bava’s KILL, BABY… KILL! Kill!” “What’s it about?” “The ghost of a child is haunting some dusty, old, spiderwebby-type place.” “Shouldn’t it be “Kill Baby, Kill!”?” “No, the child’s too old to be a baby and it’s not like a baby that’s been trained to kill and rebranded as Kill Baby.” “Then who’s baby… Favorites: Scream (1996), Fargo (1996), Superbad (2007), The Social Network (2010). 1966 ★★★★ Rewatched Jul 29 , 2020 The Creature from the Crystal Castle’s review published on Letterboxd: Have something to say? She did THAT!—A list of women who kill.