A Class C fire extinguisher is used to extinguish a fire that is caused by an energized electrical element. Fire class E means that the extinguisher has an extinguishing agent to extinguish fires caused by electricity. Each type of fire extinguisher is suitable for different types of burning media and will have a fire rating based on the volume of fire that they are capable of extinguishing. Most homeowners should look into getting a ABC rated dry chemical fire extinguisher while certain businesses might need a Class K or Class D unit. It’s very important to understand the four different fire or fuel source classifications. There are 6 different types of fire, and each should be attacked in a different way. You may still need Class A protection so sometimes it might serve well to have both kinds on hand. First, it is best to know what a Class A fire is to understand better what the Class A fire extinguisher is intended to do. It is portable and easily available for putting out Class A, B & C fires. Place a placard near the Class K fire extinguisher which states: "In case of appliance fire, use this extinguisher only after the fixed fire … It’s the presence of these fuels within your business premises that will help determine which types of fire extinguisher you need and in which locations. Different fire extinguisher types are more effective with different classes of fire. These classes are based on which fuels a fire starts with. As you can see, fire extinguisher classifications determine what type of fire they can fight. This fire extinguisher type works separating the fuel and oxygen fire elements. Attempting to use an extinguisher against a type of fire for which it is not rated could cause the fire to spread. Pound for pound, these units will generally fight a flammable liquid fire more effectively than a Class ABC extinguisher. Classes of Fires and Extinguishers Not all fires are the same. Fire extinguishers are classified as types A, ABC, BC or K. It is important to use the right type of extinguisher on the specific class of fire to avoid personal injury or damage to property. However, removing the power source is not always possible. Cartridge Operated Dry Chemical. It is the most efficient house-hold fire extinguisher. Class A - fires involving solid materials such as wood, paper or textiles. If the source of power is removed from the fire, it no longer qualifies as a class C fire and becomes one of the other classes of fire. Different fires can have different hazards and risks. If a fire starts, it can spread quickly. Use fire extinguisher only if you are able to identify the class of fire and have 4.0 RESPONSIBILITY 4.1 Employees and supervisors should execute their appropriate roles, explained herein, to ensure a fire-safe environment on campus. Not every fire is the same. Fire Extinguisher Band Colours NZ. Per NFPA 10, burning may be classified into one or more of the following fire classes and your fire protection specialist will select the right fire extinguisher size and agent for the hazard. Categorising fuels in this way can help to identify the type of extinguisher required. If you use the wrong type of fire extinguisher on a fire, you can, in fact, make matters worse. Understanding what precisely a Class K fire is and what might start one can help you select the right fire extinguisher to protect your commercial kitchen, employees, and customers in case of a fire. Class B - fires involving flammable liquids such as petrol, diesel or oils. The wet chemical extinguisher can discharge for up to forty seconds at a maximum effective range of ten to twenty feet. A red slash through any of the symbols tells you the extinguisher cannot be used on that class of fire. Understanding this will allow you to correctly use the right fire extinguisher. Class F Fires. You will also need to make sure that you have the right size and weight of fire extinguisher as well as the right kind. Class D fires involve flammable metals, like potassium, sodium, lithium, zirconium and titanium. Not only can they save property but can also save lives and reduce the chance of danger to those involved. No single extinguisher can tackle every type of fire because these are available with different classes. Fire can be classified according to the materials implicated in its origin. Be sure that you are trained to use a fire extinguisher before you try to fight a fire. Classes of fire. Extinguishers are labeled to correspond to the classes of fires they are designed to fight. Professional maintenance of fire extinguishers is a vital part of any business’ fire safety strategy, understanding that the integrity of these systems need to be maintained to protect the safety of not only your premises and assets but also your employees and residents. Fire Extinguisher Servicing. These fires involve the use of cooking oil and fats, such as vegetable oils, animal oils, fats, and cooking equipment. There are six different classes of fire and several different types of fire extinguishers. A Class K fire is fueled by flammable cooking liquids, like cooking oil and animal or vegetable-based grease. Using a water or foam fire extinguisher will be just the thing to put it out. instances, the fire will go out. OSHA Fire Extinguisher Placement. Using a class system, fire extinguishers are rated for the types of fires they can successfully battle. Class A: Wood, Paper & Plastic. Fire Extinguishers. Class D: Certain flammable metallic substances such as sodium and potassium. Fires are classified by the types of materials that are burning. Even though class "K" fires are a subset of class "B" fires, they must be treated with extra care and thus warrant a dedicated extinguisher type. Types of Fires. What are fire classes? Now that you know the five fire classes, you’re in a better position to find the fire extinguisher that best matches up with the types of fire … This extinguisher takes away the heat of the fire only. Classes of fire according to international standards America standard (NFPA) The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is a global not-for-profit association gave to disposing of death, damage, property and monetary misfortune happening because of fire, electrical and related hazards. These can be divided into six categories and classes: Class A: Suited where the fire is caused by combustible carbon-based solids eg paper, wood or textiles. This is the only appropriate extinguisher to use in kitchen conundrums. If that fire gets out of control, or a Class A fire breaks out without your guidance, you’ll need to handle it quickly. Use the correct fire extinguisher type to fight the fire. If you were to use the wrong type of fire extinguisher on the wrong class of fire, you may or may not be able to control or even extinguish the fire. Fire extinguishers are designed to tackle specific types of fire. The fire extinguisher for a Class C fire should be based on the amount of the Class A or Class B component. As with Class B fires, a solid stream of water should never be used to extinguish this type because it can cause the fuel to scatter, spreading the flames. Class A fire - Fires involving ordinary combustible materials like wood, paper, cloth, furnishing, plastics, rubber,etc., usually of an organic nature, in which combustion normally takes place with the formation of glowing embers. Fire Extinguisher Ratings and Classes of Fire. Soda-acid fire extinguishers comprises of sodium bicarbonate and sulphuric acid. Class ABC fire extinguisher can be used for multiple kinds of fires and is a versatile home fire extinguisher for household use. Electricity can be a cause of fire, but it is the electrical components that burn and that fall under fire class A (solids) or B (liquids) plastics melt in a fire. Below is an overview of each type of fire extinguisher including … Using the wrong type of fire extinguisher could do more harm than good. A water mist can also be used to extinguish such fires. These materials are normally not found in the Medical Center. A familiar example of a class E fire is due to electrical appliances overheating, faulty heaters or heaters being covered and frayed wiring. The type of fire extinguishers recommended for class E fires are… CO2 fire extinguisher; Powder ABE fire extinguisher; For more information on electrical fires please refer to this detailed article. How to Define Class K Fires. You can go back to the By Class page and to view your other class options. The symbols may be a green triangle with an A, a red square with a B and a blue circle with a C. Use a fire extinguisher when all of these questions are answered “yes.” If you’re unsure about whether or not it’s safe to use a fire extinguisher, and for all other situations, alert others, leave the building, and call 911 from a mobile or neighbor’s phone. The fire risk from the different classes of fire in your business premises will determine which fire extinguisher types you need. There are different ‘classes’ of fire, for which each extinguisher is designed to tackle. Fire extinguisher class system. Fire extinguishers are an essential tool in the unfortunate event of a fire. Class A is the most common type of fire encountered by firefighters and may involve clothing, rubbish bins or a pallet of cardboard. It is not recommended that children use fire extinguishers. Do not attempt to use a Class A extinguisher containing water or CO 2 on a deep fat fryer fire. Not all fires are the same. This extinguisher interrupts the chemical reaction of the fire, and creates a barrier between the oxygen and the fuel and, like the dry chemical extinguishers, works well on a variety of fire types. However, fire class E was abolished in 1987 in the Netherlands. Works For: Class A and C fires . Use Class D Fire Extinguishers for such materials. Just like there are different classes of fire, there are different ratings for fire extinguishers. All fire extinguishers are labeled, using standard symbols, for the classes of fires on which they can be used. The extinguisher has not been tampered with or removed from its designated place. For extinguisher use on a Class D fire, the relative effectiveness is detailed on the extinguisher nameplate for the specific combustible metal fire for which it is recommended. A special class K extinguisher will safely smother the fire by turning the oil into a foam. Fires are divided into six classes, according to what fuelled the fire. Know what type (class) of material is burning. These fires are ones that can be handled with water. There are five classes of fire and this table shows the characteristics of the fire and the type of extinguisher needed to combat it. It consists of a strong iron vessel with a side discharge nozzle. The OSHA fire extinguisher placement rules depend on the class of fire you expect to encounter. Class A fires are ones with ordinary combustible materials, such as wood, paper, rubber, cloths, and even plastics. Fire Extinguisher Classes and Suitability. An explosive type reaction may result.