The most common sign of what veterinarians call a "blocked cat" is going to the litter box to urinate, getting into position and having nothing come out. Symptoms of Urinary Blockage The most obvious symptom of urinary blockage in felines is the lack of urine for over 24 hours. Urine continues to flow into the bladder, and the … Urinary blockages in cats occur when there is a blockage in the urethra, which is the tube that allows urine to drain from the bladder. Cats are susceptible to stress-related lower urinary disorders, including cystitis and urethral spasms, which can result in blockage. Urethral obstruction in cats happens when the urinary tract becomes blocked by substances, including bladder stones, mucus, and crystals. Additional causes of urinary blockage are from feeding foods high in magnesium or the presence of an underlying condition called feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC). Your use of this site is subject to the terms of our Legal Statement. Additional blood analysis and imaging, including X-rays or ultrasound may be helpful to determine the cause of the obstruction or other contributing diseases or illnesses. Some causes of urethral obstruction can be treated and eliminated, others cannot. Once the obstruction is removed or pushed back into the bladder, a urinary catheter is sometimes left in place and is maintained for at least 24 hours, depending on the cause of the obstruction. Intravenous (IV) fluids are usually administered to rehydrate the cat and normalize its electrolyte levels. Sedation is often necessary. How to Identify, Treat, and Prevent Dog Ear Infections, What Causes Dog Diarrhea and How to Treat It. If your cat has urinary blockage, they should be hospitalized immediately for emergency treatment. The first sign of a urinary obstruction is straining to urinate. Have a conversation with your vet to determine the best line of treatment for your cat. As such, by the time symptoms become … This essentially causes an obstruction within the urinary tract of the cat. A perineal urethrostomy (PU) allows the … Obstructions are often the result of plugs of inflammatory material, mucus, crystals, small stones (called calculi) that have formed in the kidneys and have passed down into the bladder (see urinary … They may also hide or avoid human contact. Treatment is available and the prognosis of this issue will depend on the severity of the obstruction. Urethral obstructions in cats are also referred to as urinary … If your cat already experiences urinary health issues, then a therapeutic cat food may help dissolve your cat's crystals or make it less likely they form new ones and maintain a healthy urine pH that contributes to overall urinary health. Water consumption is an important part of flushing debris from your cat's system and preventing blockage; try offering them water from a drinking fountain instead of a bowl, flavoring a second water bowl with some tuna juice and switching them to canned food if they currently eat dry food. Reducing a cat's stress may lower their chance of lower urinary tract diseases, including urethral blockage. There are a few different causes for urinary … In highly recurrent cases it's also possible for your vet to suggest a cat urethrostomy — a surgery that creates an opening in the urethra above the blockage to allow for normal urine drainage. If your cat is having trouble urinating (see list below), do not delay in having him or her checked by your veterinarian. When experiencing urinary blockage, there is also frequent urination where cats … The following signs may indicate that your cat is having trouble with his urinary tract: Inability to urinate or only passing a small amount of urine Bloody or cloudy urine Loss of bladder … At the first sign of urinary issues, you should have a conversation with your vet about selecting proper nutrition to better support your cat's urinary health to reduce the risk of recurring issues. A urinary blockage will cause the bladder to be hard and firm like a nectarine. Diagnostic teststhat may be needed to determine the cause of dysuria include: 1. Urinary Blockage Treatment. Male cat urinary blockage is extremely common, especially among neutered male cats; therefore, it's critical for pet parents to know the signs of the condition. The pain involved causes many cats to cry out and they will stop eating and become depressed. Some common symptoms that may indicate your cat is in discomfort and is possibly suffering from this condition include Squats, like they are going to pee, however little to no urine … Provide your cat with a cat perch or condo. Make sure to separate these litter boxes throughout the house. Supports the health of the whole urinary system with optimal levels of magnesium, Precisely balanced nutrition to help support the health of the whole urinary system, Preventative Nutrition Providing 5 Essential Health Benefits, Supports healthy immune system, digestion, lean muscle & beautiful fur, Dealing with Male Cat Urinary Blockages | Hill's Pet, Stress and Feline Urinary Problems: How to Deal With It, Important Information on FLUTD & Urinary Tract Infections in Cats, The household has too many cats and they have to compete for resources (i.e., alone time at the litter box or competing for food and water). Because of the abnormal passage of urine, the stream or flow of urine will be interrupted and may appear cloudy. Cats with urinary track problems often experience difficulty emptying their bladders. It is important for cat parents to know what the symptoms look like and how to help their feline friends. You might notice your cat attempting to urinate more often than usual or you … Cat foods that are marketed specifically toward urinary tract health are specially formulated to dilute excess minerals (which can cause stones), as well as introduce methionine—an amino acid which prevents bacteria from sticking to urinary … Cats are especially prone to repeat obstructions due to their tendency for uncontrolled urethra spasms. If a urinary catheter cannot be passed or the blockage cannot be relieved, or if the cat has recurring bouts of urinary obstruction, surgery may be necessary. If any urine is seen, it may appear dark or blood-tinged. If your cat is straining to urinate and producing little or no urine each time, it may be suffering from a urinary tract obstruction. When this happens it is difficult or impossible for a cat to empty the bladder, making it a life-threatening emergency. Urinary tract infections (FLUTD) can kill your cat. One of the most common signs of your cat experiencing urethral obstruction is when it is straining to urinate. Unfortunately, once a male cat has a urinary blockage, there's a higher risk of it happening again. Blockages may eventually form in the urethra that if left untreated could potentially be fatal for the cat; they can build up and become complicated to handle. Urinary tract obstruction occurs mostly in male cats, but dogs and female cats may also be affected. If you would like to learn more about how this disease affects dogs, please visit this page in the petMD library. There are several known risk factors for a urinary tract obstruction including urinary tract stones, urinary disease (particularly common in female cats), and prostate disease (in male cats). "A cat urinary problem or changes in the way your cat urinates almost always indicates some type of medical problem. The blockages consist of mucous, struvite or calcium oxalate crystals or stones, produced in his bladder. The catheter is then left in place for several days to let the urethra heal and let your cat recover. While your cat might feel the need to pee often, the actual act of urinating won’t … Obstruction in the cat’s urinary tract. Medications to treat the pain may also be necessary. While male and female cats can suffer from feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), obstruction is more common in boys. Infection. The first sign of a urinary obstruction is straining to urinate. Blood testssuch as a complete blood cou… Physical examination and bladder palpation.Your veterinarian will feel your cat’s bladder and attempt to express urine. She enjoys camping with her family, skiing, SCUBA, and participating in triathlons. The veterinarian will carefully feel the cat's abdomen. Depending on the severity of the obstruction, several methods may be used by the veterinarian to remove the obstruction -- urethral massage and using fluid to push the obstruction out of the urethra and into the bladder are two examples. If your cat shows any FLUTD symptoms… It is difficult for most pet owners to feel for the bladder correctly and if there is any question about whether your cat has a blockage, they should be taken to the vet for evaluation as soon as possible. The obstruction may be due to inflammation or compression on the urethra, or simply a blockage. Signs and Diagnosis of Male Cat Urinary Blockage The most common sign of what veterinarians call a "blocked cat" is going to the litter box to urinate, getting into position and having nothing come out. Dietary changes may be necessary to prevent crystals, stones or other potential causes of the obstruction. The veterinarian will diagnose your cat based on their medical history, a physical examination, blood and urine tests and, possibly, an abdominal X-ray or ultrasound. Learn what it means and what you can do to help remedy it. Think about it: do you want to share a plate with someone else? If your cat is exhibiting any of the following symptoms, it is imperative to consult your vet right away, particularly if … If left untreated, a UTI can lead to partial or complete blockage of the urethra. One of the first symptoms of urinary tract blockage involves odd behavior that centers around the litter box. When a cat experiences an obstruction, it can prevent them from being able to urinate. The accumulation of minerals in the urinary tract can also cause the formation of an obstruction (crystals or stones). Once your cat is urinating normally, you'll be able to bring them home. Heart Failure. 2. Once a cat is stable, the urethral obstruction must be relieved. Therefore, carefully monitoring the pet is very important. Symptoms. Relieving the obstruction is done with the placement of a urinary catheter. It is relatively rare for urinary problems in cats … Learn causes & symptoms associated with blood in cat urine, including underlying urinary tract problems or issues like FLUTD, as well as treatment options. Spraying can be the sign of a larger urinary health issue for cat. I have a 13 year old male cat, and when he was around 3-4 years he also had urinary blockage, twice actually. Inappropriate urination, crying in the litter box, frequent urination, and blood in the urine are all symptoms of urinary issues in cats. “Urinary blockage is a life-threatening emergency,” says Dr. Krafchik. Your cat may also seem uncomfortable or yowl when trying to urinate. Outdoor cats typically present in an advanced state because it is harder for the owner to monitor urine output and may miss early symptoms… Urinary tract diseases are common in cats and can cause discomfort and distress. Make sure to keep at least one more litter box in the home than you have cats, so they can have some privacy to do their business. A urinary blockage occurs when there is an obstruction in the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. If the blockage continues, your cat will develop an electrolyte imbalance, which can result in a depressed or altered mental state, vomiting and a slow heart rate. This food is available through your veterinarian and should be fed under the supervision of a vet; ask your vet if a Prescription Diet cat food might be right for your cat.. Another major factor in feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) related conditions is stress, so it is important to consider your cats stress level when evaluating urinary issues. Provide your cat with plenty of toys to engage them. This is a medical emergency for your cat; urination is impossible and the condition must be treated professionally. If the cat does not receive medical treatment, renal failure can develop, which can be life threatening within three days of symptoms. Neutered male cats are especially prone to urinary blockage because they have may narrow urethras — so narrow that involuntary urethral muscle spasms can block the flow of urine. And if the blockage goes on too long, the kidneys may start to swell and become damaged, leaving the bladder to potentially rupture or tear. Straining to Urinate. Urinary Obstruction Symptoms When a cat is blocked, he will frequently squat like he is going to pee, but little to no urine will come out. Total urinary tract obstruction can lead to kidney failure and death in as few as 3-6 days. Most blocked cats are hospitalized for several days. Finally, talk to your vet about certain therapeutic diets that are formulated to manage stress response in cats.