Sweet potatoes are not toxic to cats, and are actually fairly healthy for them. Potatoes are a staple crop that contain wholesome things like protein, potassium, B and C vitamins, carbohydrates, and fiber. While its name makes many people assume it is closely related to the normal or white potato (Solanum tuberosum), this is not the case. Because cooking potato destroys the toxins, boiled potato is safe for your cat to eat. Too many plant-based carbohydrates in their regular diet already leads cats to become overweight, and, in time, to associated health issues. Can Cats Eat Potatoes? Yes, cats can eat potatoes, but potatoes should not be an everyday staple food for them. Raw sweet potatoes are not considered safe for cats to eat, and although classified as non-toxic, they may cause severe damage or stomach upset to your cat’s stomach and/or nervous system. This is because they have a high fiber content, and are easily digested by cats. Likewise, keep any raw, uncooked potatoes you may have inside the home. A treat or two of sweet potatoes or fried chips won't harm your feline pal if it's a one-time thing, but it can be fatal in the long run. In any case, you’ve just carried a 10-pound bag of potatoes or sweet potatoes into the kitchen, when your cat walks in to greet you. Yes, cats can eat potatoes but not every day. However, sweet potatoes can cause health-related problems in cats. Some cat foods even contain potato ingredients.Cats can eat potatoes, and they may find them tasty. While it’s permissible for your cat to eat sweet potatoes, it’s probably not the best treat choice. Also, this tuber has calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium. Immature, the potato plant, including the green skin of the unripened vegetable, contains a chemical called solanine. This means they draw their most essential nutritional needs from meat and the nutrients found therein. Can Cats Have Sweet Potatoes? The ASPCA lists cooked sweet potatoes as non-toxic, and kitty might sniff around if a dog has sweet potato treats. Sweet potatoes are not safe for cats. Like humans, cats should never eat raw sweet potatoes or any kind of raw potato. Eating Like Cats and Dogs. When it comes to feline nutrition, we’re always looking out for healthy snack ideas or wondering which of our favorite organic foods might be safe to share with our cats. Cooked properly, prepared simply, and served in very small portions, potatoes are not toxic to cats. A small bit of a dehydrated sweet potato slice may appeal to your kittens and cats as an unusual or occasional treat, but only in the limited quantities that they can handle. This mainly depends on the cat like we cannot say that every vegetable is good for cat. Sweet potato vine contains the toxic principle LSD that may cause poisoning symptoms in cats such as diarrhea and hallucinations, according to the … If you’re growing potatoes in your garden or on your urban farm patch, be careful that your cats are fed before they join you outside on any given Caturday. French Fries. The ASPCA labeled sweet potato to be poisonous for cats and thus you should never feed those to your cat. Not all cats will eat vegetables, and even less will eat fruit, since cats are not conditioned to taste sweet flavors, but they are high in vitamins and most won’t harm your cat in any way. Some of the good options with chicken and sweet potatoes include. But similar to white potatoes, they’re not as easily digestible or as nutritious for cats as other feline snacks. But the potatoes need to be cooked. One bite or two of mashed sweet potatoes won’t kill your cat but if cats eat sweet potatoes regularly, it can lead to digestive issues, obesity and other problems such as diarrhea and vomiting. It’s not only Potato Lovers Month, but also National Sweet Potato Month. If your cat is suffering from constipation, the fiber content of a potato or sweet potato may actually help move things along. Cooked potato is safe for your cats. We use cookies to help give you the best experience. Also, they may cause intestinal havoc and diarrhea. A lot of carbs have also been associated with feline diabetes. Many of these contain undigestible frying oils, or heavy amounts of salt, along with additives that cats have little use for, from cheese to butter. Can Sweet Potato Make Cats Sick? I learned that Chocolates contain toxic theobromine. No, but neither do our cats benefit from them. Some cat food companies (like California Natural) even have sweet potato in their food . Go for boiled, steamed, baked mashed, ones but ensure they do not have any ingredients including seasonings, toppings, herbs, spices, salt or sugar. EDIT: Good link Cassie, it does have a lot of foods that I'll be sure to make sure my cat never get's near, but Sweet Potato isn't on that list. There are several types of sweet potato, though, whose vines and flowers do contain properties that make ingestion toxic to cats, according to the ASPCA. In the event you wish to boost the vitamin intake of your cat, or your cat needs to gain weight, offering human food approved by your vet is often an easy way in which you can keep your cat healthy. It's an easily digested fiber so it's good for them. Here is a comprehensive list of safe vegetables for cats. We also asked veterinary professionals about what human foods they fed their dogs.The food lists we offered were not identical: Dogs had five extra foods on theirs (zucchini, French fries, peas, oranges and nuts), and cats were the only ones with milk and melon on their list. Can Cats Eat Potatoes? In fact, some types of cat food use potato in them. Copyright © 2021 Pet Care Advisors | All Rights Researved. Purina Beyond Grain-Free, Natural, Adult Wet Cat Food Chicken Sweet Potatoes Pate, Top 7 High-Quality Beds to Keep Your Dog Warm Outside, 11 Essential to Buy Before Bringing a New Puppy, Bearded Dragon Basking and Nighttime Temperature, Best Terrarium, Vivarium, or Tank Heat Sources, Pure Balance Limited Ingredient Wet Food Dinner. There are several types of sweet potato whose vines and flowers do have elements that make consumption poisonous to cats. Perhaps you’re eager to try out another recipe for homemade cat food from items you’ve gathered at the farmers market. Obviously, we have noted the pets can eat this tuber vegetable and they will not harm them. Cats can eat potatoes, but undoubtedly there are a few restrictions for the same. For cats, veggies are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Maybe you’re preparing the garden in anticipation of spring planting season. Can Cats Eat Sweet Potato Cooked? A cat’s digestive system does not produce the enzymes necessary to properly process or digest plant matter. Although the sweet potato itself is not toxic to felines, the vines of the sweet potato plant contain the toxic principle LSD. If you find out your cat ate raw potato or some sweet potatoes. Although Cuteness.com notes that felines should not any eat raw potatoes including Ipomoea batatas, these two do not belong to the same family as already noted. Raw potatoes are toxic to cats and will cause extreme damage to their digestive system. If you would like to give your kitty baby food such as carrot, sweet potato, prune, and so on, ensure it does not have ingredients such as garlic, chives, onions, added sweeteners, vegetable oil, salt, dairy products and so on. Let’s dig in! Otherwise, our kittens and cats can show love in their own unique ways, like this tiny fellow. Spring is on its way! Can Cats Eat Sweet Potatoes Your curious cat will not fail to spot a plateful of baked or roasted sweet potato, that you have just laid on the table for a sumptuous supper. While some vegetables are healthy for your feline, others can cause health issues. Is a sweet potato snack good for cats? Oliver the Cat Was Shot 25 Times — and He Survived, Fat Cat Epidemic: 5 Signs That Your Cat Is Obese. Can Cats Eat Sweet Potatoes? Cooked, baked, and boiled potatoes are safe for cats, … Amateur gardeners, the nation’s potato and sweet potato producers, and their cats have every reason to rejoice. Their sensitive stomach digestive system isn’t adapted to the compounds (most importantly, carbohydrates) found in sweet potatoes. Also, since they are high in carbohydrates, feeding them a lot will not only cause stomach upsets and diarrhea but can also lead to weight gain. Then you consult a vet as soon as possible. The plant-based nutrients they need are to be found, in forms they can easily digest, in the vast majority of commercially available cat foods, both dry and wet. Short answer: Yes, cats can have sweet potatoes. Here's everything you need to know about this potential harmful vegetable. Can cats eat sweet potatoes? Sweet potatoes are starchy and have a lot of complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, beta-carotene along with micronutrients such as the vitamins B5 or B6 and manganese. It has carbs, small amounts of protein and fats as well as vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folate, K, beta-carotene (antioxidant). Can Cats Eat Potatoes? Unlike the Solanum tuberosum or potatoes that have solanine, raw sweet potatoes are not toxic and can be consumed while raw including by even human beings. Ingested in great enough quantities, which needn’t be large since cats are small creatures, solanine toxicity from potato plants — as well as tomatoes and eggplants, among other popular gardening and cooking veggies — can wreak havoc on cats and kittens. How will you celebrate National Sweet Potato month and Potato Lover’s Month this February? Potatoes and sweet potatoes are sometimes used as gluten-free, grain-free carbohydrates in cat food. Since they are not in the nightshade family like the standard potato, they do not contain solanine when they are growing or unripe. Other potato treats that cat owners enjoy, from potato chips to french fries to baked potato skins, only pile on additional digestive hazards for our cats. Can Cats Eat Sweet Potatoes? These ingredients are generally easy for cats to digest, as long as they are properly cooked. Are these veggies safe to share with our cats? Well, you can make your little kitty happy by giving it a little as sweet potatoes are nontoxic to cats ( … A cat’s stomach cannot digest sweet potatoes well. However, kitties will find them difficult to digest and most will not even like them. Melvin Pena No, but neither do our cats benefit from them. It can be baked, boiled, roasted, mashed, grilled, fried, steamed, made into chips, used to make soup, and so on. If your feline friend likes them, go for cat foods with this tuberous root. Where our cat friends are concerned, the best that can be said for potatoes and sweet potatoes is that, prepared simply and offered in small bits and bites, they offer no immediate danger beyond temporary digestive upset. Small portions mixed with your normal food can be good, although not all potatoes are safe. Cats are omnivorous which means they can eat the same vegetables we eat. As we discussed above sweet potatoes and green plants should keep away from cats. Cats can eat regular Idaho or russet potatoes if they are mashed, boiled, or baked. Many cat food brands actually include sweet potatoes in their ingredients. Some good ones to try are cucumber, asparagus, steamed broccoli, or cantaloupe, but avoid things like avocado due to the high fat content. Actually, they belong to different families and the two are not closely related. Can cats eat sweet potatoes?  |  Generally speaking, cats can consume certain types of potatoes in limited quantities, when they are prepared properly. However, the nutrients in potatoes that make them healthy for cat owners are the very same properties that can lead, over time, to obesity, pancreatitis, and arthritic limbs as our cats age. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sweet potato should never be fed to a cat raw or fried, but instead should be offered sweet potato if it is steamed, baked or boiled. Amoxicillin for Cats: Dosages, Side Effects and More, Winter Cat Grooming Tips to Help Kitty Through the Cold, Dry Months. BENEFITS OF FEEDING YOUR CAT SWEET POTATO Yes. Foods with sweet potatoes If your feline friend likes them, go for cat foods with this tuberous root. While it is cooked the amount of vitamin C increases to cover around 24% of our daily needed dose from 100 grams and this plant provides one of the best nutritional values you can get from foods. Most sources say that cats cannot eat chocolates on their own unless they are persuaded by their owners. The short answer is: Yes and no. My cats do ok with the peelings but potatoes, in general make them vomit.Wow, raw potatoes are poisonous to humans did not have any idea about that! Sweet potatoes are only distant relations to standard spuds. Finally, owing to their high level of fibers, you can give a bite-sized piece to your feline pal or kitten to help her deal with constipation. Raw or unripe potatoes can cause severe digestive upset and negatively affect the nervous system. Get tips and exclusive deals. Sweet potatoes are only distant relations to standard spuds. The funny thing is, once you cook potatoes, the toxins within them are destroyed which means that cooked potato is safe for cats to eat. Therefore, if you must serve your cat some sweet potatoes, only give a small bite. Cats generally tolerate it poorly, though this may differ from cat to cat. Solanine is present throughout the growing potato plant as a defense mechanism, a poison that repels those that would seek to eat it. It is important to note, however, that there are other ingredients that offer more nutritional value, so don’t feed your cat too much of either. The owners will take it as a treat not knowing the danger they are exposing their cats to. They are generally not suitable for cats, but they are not harmful when correctly prepared, even in small quantities. Can Cats Eat Vegetables And Fruit Cats could eat vegetables expect certain one like Grapes, raisins, garlic, onion, avocado. However, although they are not poisonous, they will not provide any meaningful nutritional benefits since these animals being strict carnivores or meat-eaters. Feeding your cats sweet potatoes will cause trouble. In honor of this tuber-tastic month, we’ve looked into the nutritional content of potatoes and sweet potatoes and their potential benefits and drawbacks for our beloved cat friends and kitten pals. Cats can eat sweet potatoes as a snack. The occasional bit of mashed potato mixed in with their wonted kibbles, or slice of sweet potato as a special treat, isn’t bad for our furry friends, but it also shouldn’t make up more than a fraction of daily feline food intake. However, it is the root that is of much significance as is a staple food in some tropical regions. Cats are typically intolerant of sweet potatoes in any form, including cooked. As with any vegetable that contains proteins and carbohydrates, it’s important to remember that while sweet potatoes are healthy foods for humans, they are difficult for cats to digest. Sweet potatoes do not contain any toxic chemicals, which makes them quite safe for cats to eat. This can be very dangerous to cats. The sugar content alone is too high for your cats and kittens. Why? They are not bad for cats including their vines as ASPCA notes. One bite or two of mashed sweet potatoes won’t kill your cat but if cats eat sweet potatoes regularly, it can lead to digestive issues, obesity and other problems such as diarrhea and vomiting. What are some of the nutrients does it have? Sweet potatoes contain a lot of fiber. Can Cats Eat Cooked Potato? Vegetables are healthy for cats and dogs to eat. Stay informed! This rules out that delicious and fragrant sweet potato pie you’re baking, especially if it’s slathered in marshmallow topping. Generally, despite this benefit, it is not advisable to give your kitty sweet potatoes. There are much worse things to offer our cats. They belong to the plant family Solanaceae , which is the same plant family as nightshade and tomatoes. Therefore, they can help your cat with constipation. If your cat eats cooked mashed potato or sweet potatoes from your plate, there should be no cause for alarm. Can Cats Eat Sweet Potato? The regular potatoes, when they are properly cooked, can be a source of proteins, potassium, vitamins B and C as well as carbohydrates and fiber. Can cats eat sweet potatoes? Many pet owners give their pet rat cooked sweet potatoes as treats but … These foods are nutritionally balanced, i.e., they will provide all the required nutrients to your feline pal. Raw potatoes contain glycoalkalod solanine, a compound that is poisonous to cats as well as humans. Yams, which are similar to sweet potatoes, can also be consumed in small quantities as long as they’re cooked. However, sweet potatoes aren’t ideal food for them. Generally, cats can consume some types of potatoes in a very moderate quantity. Learn more about feline nutrition with Catster: © 2019 Belvoir Media Group. February is a big month for fans and producers of potatoes and their distant cousins, sweet potatoes! Consuming a small portion of the sweet potato vine can cause a dermatitis-type reaction, causing the cat’s skin, mouth or throat to blister and swell upon contact. As you may know, cats are obligate carnivores. The problem is that cats won’t absorb almost any of those elements because they lack the enzymes required to digest plants the way that … Are They Good or Bad? Cats can have potato as an occasional snack. However, since raw ones will be hard to digest, we recommend feeding your kitty plain (no additives or seasonings) boiled, steamed, mashed, grills, roasted sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are not poisonous or toxic to cats, including the plant. If you're going to feed your cat sweet potato, make sure it is cooked, unseasoned and provided in small amounts. Cats have all they need through the cat food you offer, and do not need human food to survive. Your email address will not be published. Yes! Can Cats Eat Sweet Potato Baby Food. Ipomoea batatas or sweet potato is a member of morning glory or bindweed family with a sweet-tasting, starchy tuberous root used as a vegetable. Will it hurt a cat to eat a single french fry or crunch on an occasional potato chip? Yes, and sweet potatoes in small quantities can make a nice sweet treat for your cat (though pumpkin is even better). Feb 2nd 2015. However, visit a vet immediately if your cat feasts on raw potatoes. Since sweet potatoes do not contain solanine, unlike the ordinary potato, when they are growing or not yet ripe they are generally safe for cats. Sweet potato isn't bad for cats. A potato, also known as a tater or spud, is a round to oblong food that is classified botanically as a root vegetable. White potatoes, boiled or cooked when given in small quantity are safe for your feline friends. Your email address will not be published. All rights reserved. Even in long run, it will be dangerous. Finally, you can go for Merrick Purrfect Bistro Grain-Free Dry Cat Food Salmon Recipe and Purina Beyond Indoor, Grain-Free, Natural Dry Cat Food, Grain Free Salmon dry cat food. Confusion, disorientation, vomiting, and diarrhea are common symptoms of solanine poisoning, which can necessitate a visit to the vet followed by a couple of days of recovery. Since they are not in … Cats find it extremely difficult to digest potatoes. In culinary, the root, vine leaves, and shoots are edible. The same goes for a touch of cooked, boiled, or baked sweet potato, free of additives, spices, or toppings. Required fields are marked *. However, do not forget that they are harder to digest. White potatoes, if they are boiled, baked or cooked in any way, can be safe in limited quantities. Always, avoid feeding sweet potatoes to your cats because it is hard for them to digest. Can cats eat sweet potato? Should you worry if your cat eats potato? Cats often eat human food when we're not looking, which can cause all sorts of problems. We advise you to consult with your vet before feeding anything new to your cat if you are going to give her for the first time. February is a month of spuds, including Potato Lovers Month and National Sweet Potato Month. Cats are obligate carnivores, so basing a kitty’s diet around potatoes is not a nutritionally-appropriate decision.