Expect developers and business users to demand more insight and reasoning into AI and machine learning algorithms and how they are applied. Artificial intelligence (AI) has already transformed our lives — from the autonomous cars on the roads to the robotic vacuums and smart thermostats in our homes. Forrester projects that artificial intelligence will severely impact jobs like cubicle workers, location-based workers, and loan processors. Let’s take a mental field trip to 2030 and check out the possibilities. “With targeted incentives and funding priorities, AI could help address the needs of low-resource communities, and budding efforts are promising.” 4 Artificial Intelligence: Trends and Predictions for 2030 … Prediction : AI-enabled adaptive real-time forecasting and scheduling will replace traditional workforce management solutions. Indeed, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that modern planning practices originated with Lenin’s plan for the electrification of the Soviet Union. Only when the country has been electrified, and industry, agriculture and transport have been placed on the technical basis of modern large-scale industry, only then shall we be fully victorious. With that in mind, my predictions for 2020 attempt to balance both aspects, with an emphasis on real value for companies, and not just ‘cool things’ for data science teams. The report doesn’t offer solutions but rather is intended to start a conversation between scientists, ethicists, policymakers, industry leaders, and the general public. “But this technology will also create profound challenges, affecting jobs and incomes and other issues that we should begin addressing now to ensure that the benefits of AI are broadly shared.”. Artificial intelligence primer: What is needed to maximize AI’s economic, social, and trade opportunities Report on the Work of the Council of People’s Commissars, The future is intelligent: Harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence in Africa, Artificial intelligence primer: What is needed to maximize AI’s economic, social, and trade opportunities, How political uncertainty hurts the US economy: Lessons from Italy, The decline and recovery of consumer spending in the US, Introducing the series: Reimagining Modern-day Markets and Regulation. While a special purpose technology such as landline telephones can be skipped in favor of a new technology that does the same thing such as, say, mobile phones, it is difficult for countries to leapfrog over general purpose technologies. The question is whether this will be enough. In 2021, AI developers will routinely prune all their models’ neural network architectures, hyperparameters, and other features to fit the hardware constraints of edge platforms. All these GPTs inspired complementary innovations and changes in business processes. With technological change speeding up and first-mover advantages as big as they have always been, the need for large and coordinated investments is growing. 5. Hollywood's depictions of the future are usually pretty far-fetched — like the flying cars of "Blade Runner" and the hoverboards in "Back to the Future II." “Now is the time to consider the design, ethical, and policy challenges that AI technologies raise,” said Grosz. Advanced technologies … For now, President Xi’s approach could be summed up much as Lenin’s strategy was in 1920: State capitalism is the People’s Party plus artificial intelligence. He said he’s made 147 predictions in the age of machines, and according to him, “86% were correct to the year.” In 1990, he famously predicted that computers would beat the best human chess players “by the year 2000.”